Where does one begin?


I'm predominately a liberal with a touch of conservatism, but don't let that fool you, my mind is open, even when you think it's closed.


I'm a weather enthusiast that expresses my love of the sky through storm chasing and landscape photography. I'm also a HAM radio operator, beach bum and winter sports fan. I have other hobbies too, which include fine wine, fine beer, one very fine woman I call my love, wife and a few happy Beagles.


I've never really found my place but then again, I don't think anyone ever does.


I have a photography blog I try to update, twitter account I enjoy and personal website I've maintained since 1999.


Blog: vaughanweather.com/photography/

twitter: @vaughanweather

website: vaughanweather.com

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  • JoinedJuly 2011
  • OccupationNews
  • HometownWoodbridge
  • Current cityVaughan
  • CountryCanada
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Photos of Tom Stefanac


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