T Glow - View my most interesting photos on Flickriver


T Glow - View my 'Front Page ' set on Flickriver

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  • JoinedJuly 2005
  • OccupationEngº Civil
  • Current cityCuritiba
  • CountryBrasil
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Photos of T Glow


Write a testimonial
Madonna says:

Tadeu photos are amazing and full of colour and detail. Always looking forward to what is coming next. Most of his photos make you wish you where there. He also is one of my best contacts in the Flickr world

March 12, 2015

gosto muito do teu "T"... que me faz pensar em "TUDO" que é maravilhoso em termos de imagem, cada vez que passo por aqui!!!! PARABÉNS pelo (excelente) trabalho e inspiração constante!!! imenso abraço da amiga de SAMPA... Ruby

September 8, 2014

About his pictures,,,,,,,,,,,all i can say is WOW :)) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tadeu is a wonderful contact to have Thank you for being my friend

May 2, 2012

when I look it at the first glance, I can see his works is magnificently awesome!! what i can say is WOW!!!

December 27, 2011

Tadeusz is a great source of inspiration, every time I look at his photographs I am blown away by the beauty he creates.His portfolio is truly amazing,I love the "square" landscapes and technique He uses for maintaining detail in every part of the frame.I'm speechless when I look at all the overwhelming beauty which He… Read more

Tadeusz is a great source of inspiration, every time I look at his photographs I am blown away by the beauty he creates.His portfolio is truly amazing,I love the "square" landscapes and technique He uses for maintaining detail in every part of the frame.I'm speechless when I look at all the overwhelming beauty which He has captured.Dear Tadeusz, You are a master in the art of photography and I wish that you will keep share your great work with us. best wishes, Ania✿

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November 8, 2011
Solart says:

Entrar en esta página, es como entrar en ese mundo que casi todos queremos llegar a ver, la belleza que nos muestra entra por los sentidos y aquieta la mente. Gracias por compartir ese ARTE con todos. Mi sincera admiración y respeto.

July 7, 2011
Light Time (deleted)

T Glow is not just another great photographer, but a Gentleman as well. T Glow is the kind of person who takes the time to look at your own Photostream and write a comment. If there was one person from Flickr I could do a photograph adventure with and learn from, it would be T Glow. Thanks for all the kind words. … Read more

T Glow is not just another great photographer, but a Gentleman as well. T Glow is the kind of person who takes the time to look at your own Photostream and write a comment. If there was one person from Flickr I could do a photograph adventure with and learn from, it would be T Glow. Thanks for all the kind words.

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February 22, 2011

Tadeu.. um grande fotógrafo que conheci através do flickr, suas fotos são para mim um ícone da beleza e perfeição, impossível não se apaixonar por elas... Te sigo desde que te conheci, e espero ter sempre sua amizade e poder apreciar suas obras de arte. É tambem, um grande amigo, uma pessoa simpatica , e de gran… Read more

Tadeu.. um grande fotógrafo que conheci através do flickr, suas fotos são para mim um ícone da beleza e perfeição, impossível não se apaixonar por elas... Te sigo desde que te conheci, e espero ter sempre sua amizade e poder apreciar suas obras de arte. É tambem, um grande amigo, uma pessoa simpatica , e de grande sensibilidade...seu olhar fotografico vai além dos limites. Abraços e obrigada pela partilha !!! .

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April 29, 2010

Passing by Tadeu’s photostream is like listening to PLATOON’S “Adiago for Strings” – the melody and enchantment soothes the soul, while the drama envelopes you into a warm, assuring embrace of beauty. T Glow is Flickr’s high priest, a force so strong and colossal that he has become an unwavering institution to the peop… Read more

Passing by Tadeu’s photostream is like listening to PLATOON’S “Adiago for Strings” – the melody and enchantment soothes the soul, while the drama envelopes you into a warm, assuring embrace of beauty. T Glow is Flickr’s high priest, a force so strong and colossal that he has become an unwavering institution to the people of Flickr and photography itself. His photographs embody everybody’s dream to someday become a great artist, photographer, and even a lover of the arts. His work exudes power, light, freedom and a deep, beautiful soul that says “life is indeed beautiful”. I am one of his thousands of disciples, and I am in a position to call myself a lucky, lucky man to have crossed his path. Thank you, Master T for the miracle that is you ☺

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April 17, 2010
Dennis_F says:

T Glow is one of the flickr artists, who stuns me with fantastic colors and awesome skies VERY often. You really have to love his square format images. Keep up the good work =)

April 13, 2010

Certamente, TGlow, eh um artista. Suas composiçoes de rara beleza e cores vibrantes falam por si soh. Trata-se, portanto, de um fotografo diferenciado. Temos sorte de te-lo por aqui. Meus sinceros cumprimentos pelo seu lindo trabalho.

March 22, 2010

Simply put I am yet to se a photo of his that wasn’t brilliant.... I look forward to more of your fantastic images

October 30, 2009

Um dos melhores do mundo!

October 5, 2009

T Glow always provides a great image every time he uploads!!! Every image of his is truly remarkable, I can't say anything bad about them. He's nice too, he views other peoples images (I have seen good photographers who don't, and it's just sad), favorites, comments, add's contacts, etc. He's not some stuck up, good p… Read more

T Glow always provides a great image every time he uploads!!! Every image of his is truly remarkable, I can't say anything bad about them. He's nice too, he views other peoples images (I have seen good photographers who don't, and it's just sad), favorites, comments, add's contacts, etc. He's not some stuck up, good photographer. He's a nice, amazing photographer. So, to T Glow.. keep up the good work. I definitely suggest adding him as a contact so that you know every time he uploads!

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September 16, 2009

Stunning collection! You are one of the very best landscape and nature photographers in flickr! Your sense of colors and composition is simply unique; your images are sources of joy and inspiration to me (and surely, to many many other flickr members). Keep on Glowing!

September 13, 2009
overt cap (deleted)

the beauty of a minds eye, comes deep inside from the beautiful heart the person is and dear Tadeu reflects it throughout the masterful work and I am grateful to witness the passion a salute!

June 14, 2009

everything about your photography is inspiring i hope one day ill be as good as you !! im learning so much from you :) im your BIGGEST FAN

June 10, 2009
biebe08 says:

what can i write about him? he is too great to be commented, i mean not only his work, but his heart also great. in flickr i found a lot of people with big heart. T Glow as an example. No matter how busy is he, he still has time to visit and give comments on others photostream, in this case, mine. no wonder he has so m… Read more

what can i write about him? he is too great to be commented, i mean not only his work, but his heart also great. in flickr i found a lot of people with big heart. T Glow as an example. No matter how busy is he, he still has time to visit and give comments on others photostream, in this case, mine. no wonder he has so many admirers, because he is so kind. thank you T Glow, you are so kind to me, to us, by give us chance to see and spoil our eyes with your beautiful pictures. hope the future bring great light and vision to you. peace and blessing, biebe08.

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June 5, 2009

TGLOW existe porque TADEU vem primeiro, é a sua própria essência. É um amigo muito querido. Sua simplicidade o faz grande!!!!!.

April 20, 2009

what can i say.. beautiful is not enough here to describe that feeling that get when you go through this stream! the excellent composition of the landscapes, the amazing details of the macros and all the colors make Tadeu so great! keep up the good work my friend!

February 28, 2009

Pasear por su obra y gozar de su libertad creativa es un espléndido viaje al arte : es sacar billete para disfrutar de ese ensoñamiento que provoca la magia de Brasil. Tadeu, es pura imaginación creativa: pinta con luz, vive con luz y escribe sus imágenes con luz especial, utilizando una madeja de técnicas que nos … Read more

Pasear por su obra y gozar de su libertad creativa es un espléndido viaje al arte : es sacar billete para disfrutar de ese ensoñamiento que provoca la magia de Brasil. Tadeu, es pura imaginación creativa: pinta con luz, vive con luz y escribe sus imágenes con luz especial, utilizando una madeja de técnicas que nos transportan al paraíso de los sueños. Recorre los encantamientos de " momento " al segundo, para darle caza al " instante " , apresando esa belleza irrepetible que es historia visual con vida propia. Su sensibilidad es un gran barco que navega por su inteligencia para conducimos a los mares de una vida más bella y mejor. Enhorabuena Tadeu, por mostrarmos e inventar otra primavera de esperanzas en un mundo escaso de estética. ! Es un placer cierto ¡ ... ANTONIO

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January 7, 2009

I want to take photos just like these. . . all of the photography here is amazingly beautiful and creative!!!

November 20, 2008
delightful actor (deleted)

Simply put: The BEST landscape and nature photographer on flickr. Him images leap off the monitor and into your room. Every image Tadeau shoots is with constant attation to both detail and light. If I were to want to buy any image off of flickr or the internet, it would surely be an image shot by the man that has co… Read more

Simply put: The BEST landscape and nature photographer on flickr. Him images leap off the monitor and into your room. Every image Tadeau shoots is with constant attation to both detail and light. If I were to want to buy any image off of flickr or the internet, it would surely be an image shot by the man that has come to be known as; "T Glow". His images are worth a thousand words and then some.

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October 8, 2008
~ Seba ~ says:

Tadeu: Soy un joven chileno que admira profundamente tu obra. Desde mis inicios en Flickr he ido viendo con asombro y alegría como tus fotografías son verdaderas obras de arte, en las cuales cuidas cada detalle de la composición. Lugares bellísimos, una luz perfecta para cada ocasión, gran nitidez, texturas exquis… Read more

Tadeu: Soy un joven chileno que admira profundamente tu obra. Desde mis inicios en Flickr he ido viendo con asombro y alegría como tus fotografías son verdaderas obras de arte, en las cuales cuidas cada detalle de la composición. Lugares bellísimos, una luz perfecta para cada ocasión, gran nitidez, texturas exquisitas y una inspiración "a flor de piel", son los elementos que unidos nos entregan maravillosas fotografías. Desde hace bastante tiempo deseaba escribirte un testimonial, y finalmente me motivé al ver una exposición de arquitectura de Oscar Niemeyer, la cual me dejó extasiado, y en la cual descubrí que los elementos de la cultura brasileña que él nos entrega, pueden verse reflejados también en tu obra. Te felicito por mostrar un Brasil hermoso!!! Exuberante, iluminado, seductor y ansioso de ser observado por todo el mundo. Realmente me alegro de tenerte como contacto =) Mucha suerte, y que suerte en todo! Sebastián

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August 23, 2008

Tadeau's posting are an inspiration for us all. I constantly enjoy his shots interestingby.isa... This llnk shows some of the best. Thanks so much for sharing. Harry

August 18, 2008

Tadeu exudes professional talent in every picture. In his photo-stream you will always find inspiration and ideas. He'll perk up the down hearted and lift frustrations of those time when you just can't lift the camera to shoot. Whether seeking the ultimate portrait or trying to find a quirky angle or view on life you'l… Read more

Tadeu exudes professional talent in every picture. In his photo-stream you will always find inspiration and ideas. He'll perk up the down hearted and lift frustrations of those time when you just can't lift the camera to shoot. Whether seeking the ultimate portrait or trying to find a quirky angle or view on life you'll find it with T-Glow. Thanks for sharing Tadeu.. good on you.

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July 4, 2008

Falar desse cara ai, é complicado.. Porque ele tira sempre minha criatividade na hora de comentar, porque são fotos digamos.. uma melhor que a outra, sabe? Composições, longas exposições, macros.. um melhor que o outro.. Já te disse isso, e vou repetir.. Quando crescer, quero ser igual a você!

April 25, 2008
Attractive Curve (deleted)

Falar sobre as fotos do Tadeu é difícil...por muitas vezes, um "Espetacular!" ou "Maravilhoso!" já dão a idéia da beleza mas a dimensão, talvez não! Suas fotos vão além de onde a vista alcança e chegam onde começa a poesia. Se Deus escreve certo por linhas tortas, o Tadeu desenha com a luz por linhas mágicas!

April 11, 2008

Inspiring/unbelievably pleasant work! Awwwwwesome!

March 2, 2008

What can I say about his photography? Stunning, Breathtaking! How you capture the world that we live in such detail and realism is astonishingly. The places you have seen and been are what dreams are made off. Keep on sharing!

February 14, 2008

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