Me being me,

Mudcracks sound yummy!

Lightning, chasing it.

Purple sand, black sand, just sand, I am game!

Freezing bubbles trapped in a lake in the middle of nowhere? 20 below zero, sounds glorious!

If no clouds are in the sky, the day is not great.

I am not full of myself but I am full of the places I explore.

If I could shoot all day every day, fine by me.

I am simply a person sharing my shots with you (good and bad), I am no pro.

Some of my favorites

  • JoinedJune 2013
  • OccupationDreamer
  • HometownChicago
  • Current cityNashville
  • CountryUSA
View all

Photos of Steve Bond


Write a testimonial

Love Steve's images, they are quite inspirational and a goal to shoot for, but the bar is high!!

October 31, 2022

I'm a big fan of Steve's vision and adventurous spirit, his love of nature and his amazing skill set. Masterful at capturing light within striking and dramatic scenes thanks to his diligence and perseverance and enthusiasm. A humble, generous and gifted photographer.

September 25, 2022

Brilliant and inspiring photostream!

August 12, 2018

Saludos, me gustan muchas fotos suyas. El tiempo en que uno se dedica a mirar el mundo no tiene precio y es fantástico. Vería una y otras vez sus fotografía. Siga así. Adelante!

May 14, 2014
Lyse says:

superbes images - !

February 22, 2015

Thats' a thoughtfully interesting profile write-up. Love seeing your photographs on Flickr! Liked the profile read here, especially liked the getting paid and paying it forward part of it. :) !

March 6, 2015

tus fotos son increíbles, muchas felicidades, y gracias por compartir tu talento

March 18, 2015
Metti says:

Steve, very nice landscape view. A good 007.....

September 24, 2015

Fantastic images here. A great talent.

October 29, 2013