I'm a retired clerical-bookkeeper now living in the country (North Western Washington State USA). My loves are nature, photography, art, gardening and the simple things in life. I live with hubby and Tana the Malamute. Due to a disability that affect my hands, I turned to Paint Shop Pro X to edit my photography into better pictures and transform some into original artwork. I especially enjoy digital design. I am a plug-in junky and love using Flaming Pear, Filter Forge and Topaz among several.

I am pleased to be part of this wonderful Flickr community so I may share some of my better and fun images. But most of all, I love being wow-ed by all the fantastic work I see from all of you. I see so many incredible art and nature captures and wish I had time to leave a comment for all. Sadly it is hard to keep up. I do my best with a selected 3 dozen or so. The rest I hope to find as I often comment through the groups where I post my own. Please note: I may love your work, but no longer can keep up my comments with you if you do not visit me. Flickr is too time consuming, I hope folks, you will understand.


One of my loved fractal art work using a fractal from abstractartangel77:

Balloon Place


Our art community activities are growing. You can pick up links to all current contests here:



I have made TMI "The Modern Impressionist" group my second home. I share top admin. duties with Beth Rosengard .


Together we include all types of nature photography and nature art (just keep it family friendly and make it your best).

TMI Badge


I am lead admin for the Kreative People group.


Kreative People is a theme group that takes all art made from an original photograph.


I am lead admin for Cafe Renee


Where I am gathering all my ultra impressive finds on flickr.


I am lead admin for Black in the Back


Where any good quality image with a black background can be found


I am lead admin forDog Art Photography (DAP)

A gallery for exceptiona and fun dog captures



I am Lead admin Unexpected Faces


A place for mirror found faces and eyes


I am lead admin for Close up Computer Creations


Where we gather art that is mainly close up and or macro


I am lead admin for Photoshop Art With Silhouettes [PAWS]



I am lead admin for Love & Humor: Pifou Memorial group


A group of loving, pretty, humorous, and quirky captures to celebrate Pifou's life


I am lead admin for :::MIRROR MADE:::



I am lead admin for IF YOU LIKE PAINTINGS (a memorial group for my departed friend Linda)


A place to show off your skills in digital painting techniques


I am lead admin for Glowing Art



I am lead admin for Leaf Study



I am lead admin for Wombo Art Blend


A challenge manip group using this AI program as part of the artwork.


I am lead admin for Photoshop Art With Silhouettes [PAWS]


A place for enhanced or manipulated artwork with silhouettes



I actively work helping out in these groups:


~ Gallery of Distinguished Artists ~ (Invite Only)


Curated by Howard Brodsky for the finest works on Flickr


Down Under Challenge 2022


Twice monthly challenges and occasional voting contests




Where globes and round things are the focus


Chromophile Crew


Here it is all about intense colors




where pure fractals live side by side with fractal art


Olhares Criativos / Creative Eyes



Natural Life And Landscapes



Art Week Gallery Group



***ButterGarden*** Your best flower photos



The Crazy Geniuses Public




PLEASE NOTE: I do not appreciate collectors. If you favorite many of my works without any comments or make me a contact and I go to your stream to find you have nothing to share- you WILL be blocked!




I enjoy sharing and hope my work brings you a smile :-)

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A mix of some I really like.

  • JoinedOctober 2007
  • Occupationdog mom, gardner, artist
  • HometownParis, France (up to age 6)
View all

Photos of skagitrenee


Write a testimonial

What a wonderful surprise testimonial I have received from you dear Renee. I have got to know Renee quite well now as a contact, but even more so as a friend, and soul sister, and in that time I have come to know her style of photography as well. She always has a good word and comments to say about other people's wor… Read more

What a wonderful surprise testimonial I have received from you dear Renee. I have got to know Renee quite well now as a contact, but even more so as a friend, and soul sister, and in that time I have come to know her style of photography as well. She always has a good word and comments to say about other people's work. She is always ready to help me out with the group codes when I get stuck :)) The talent that lives here in your photo stream my dear souls sister; I am often without words to describe the beauty of your creations. I have seen many photo streams, but yours is the best of the best, and it is an honor and privilege for me to view all those amazing creations. You are an inspiration to us that strive to make the kind of manipulated creations that you WOW us with constantly. Dear Renee, It has been a supreme honor and a privilege to have you as a friend, and I eagerly look forward to seeing more of the wonderful creations you so expertly do. Hugs~Irene

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January 7, 2023

A great artist , a partner ....and a wonderful best friend whom I trust for well over a decade.......I guess that says it all ......................Howard

January 7, 2023
Jazzy Bushes (deleted)


January 19, 2022

Vous avez une galerie extraordinaire...Tellement de couleurs, de formes, de poésie... J aime beaucoup : ) : )

May 31, 2021

I have enjoyed Renee's artwork for several years. She creates absolutely beautiful images from her photographs and contributes so much of her time to admin a number of groups. What a very generous soul to have in our Flickr community.

November 1, 2020

If you love art, then you should take a look at Renee's works. These are not just photos, they are works of art full of color and life. I think she puts a little of herself in each of her works. And she is a good friend and helper. Thanks for being there and sharing your wonderful works of art!

June 5, 2020

Great photos, it is a pleasure to enjoy your gallery, thank you for sharing.

February 9, 2020
better direction (deleted)

Renee is a brilliant artist and an incredibly talented photographer who produces images with emotional impact and high technical expertise. Renee's images inspire and captivate, she never fails to impress me with her talent. She has an eye for outstanding composition and timeless beauty. On top of it she is a fantastic… Read more

Renee is a brilliant artist and an incredibly talented photographer who produces images with emotional impact and high technical expertise. Renee's images inspire and captivate, she never fails to impress me with her talent. She has an eye for outstanding composition and timeless beauty. On top of it she is a fantastic person, kind and generous, and treats everyone with respect. I am greatly honored to be one of her Flickr contacts and friend. Thank you for being you Renee! Warm hugs from your friend~Irene

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November 14, 2018
Quiet Wish (deleted)

Well I don't usually do this anymore…..( writing testimonials).. ……...as it is time consuming, and I don't do them frivolously…... and well lolololo…..as we are all get older and busier with flickr ……..there just isn't the time especially if you run a gallery. Well in Renees case ……....she always seems to make th… Read more

Well I don't usually do this anymore…..( writing testimonials).. ……...as it is time consuming, and I don't do them frivolously…... and well lolololo…..as we are all get older and busier with flickr ……..there just isn't the time especially if you run a gallery. Well in Renees case ……....she always seems to make the time to contribute, to be there as a friend for other people on flickr……...This testimonial is more than about artistic talent..its about kindness, its about integrity…its about respect…….. ….as one just has to look at Renee's stream and it is obvious that theres talent of a person that takes and tries things out on a different course of perception and makes you think of the possibilities that can be done and achieved …a whirlwind of thought process…….. an interpretative artist that stands out. I have known Renee for many years here on flickr Island :-)) ….I have known her in galleries I have started where she was a moderator…I know her as a staunch friend who is supportive of my present gallery where there are no moderators…...we have talked on the phone …she's cool... I have always known her as a friend who is always there for me ….and considering I am a tough cookie ( the worst at times lolololo :-)))…….she has always looked past my exterior and has looked deeper at me as an artist and as a friend... that is what makes you a true real friend……she has my allegiance……... permanently . She runs a very impressive gallery "Cafe Renee" ………….. www.flickr.com/gr... which is a testimonial to her intelligent eye ……..and her eclectic abilities of choosing wisely ….a great friend and a real solid supporter ………. if you are lucky enough to be a friend of hers…….. it personifies what the word "lucky' means ……Thanks for so much Renee………..Howard Brodsky

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April 8, 2015

Renee you have been a truly great flickr friend. The body of work in your photostream is one of the more diverse ones on flickr. You continue to display imagination and creativity that seems to know no bounds. But even more impressive is the amount of tme you take commenting on others' works and keeping up with seve… Read more

Renee you have been a truly great flickr friend. The body of work in your photostream is one of the more diverse ones on flickr. You continue to display imagination and creativity that seems to know no bounds. But even more impressive is the amount of tme you take commenting on others' works and keeping up with several terrific groups. You have been a great supporter of my work and it has been my pleasure to have met you here.

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September 24, 2012
marked dogs (deleted)

A finer friend, mentor, and artist cannot be found. Renee is a selfless group administrator and a great group member. Renee is unique as a COMMENTER. She sees all and states poetically what the artist hoped to portray, perhaps inchoately. Organizer without equal is another title she merits. WE LOVE YOU, RENEE!

March 12, 2012

What can I say about Renee? I love her work. She is always coming up with something new and beautiful. I appreciate the fact that she is a faithful commenter (I could learn from her), and in her comments she is always "smiling" :) Renee has also been a great help to me in my first admin position with the Flaming P… Read more

What can I say about Renee? I love her work. She is always coming up with something new and beautiful. I appreciate the fact that she is a faithful commenter (I could learn from her), and in her comments she is always "smiling" :) Renee has also been a great help to me in my first admin position with the Flaming Pear group ( www.flickr.com/gr... ). Thanks, Renee, for all you do! Simply Shar♥n

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April 11, 2011

Oh Renee, Your a teacher, friend, sister, and artist that I look up to and admire. I could go on and on about your qualities but so many people have seen them and commented I can just say ditto to all of them. Thank you for your kind guidance and help in all things. I so enjoy your work and humor and loyalty. You are… Read more

Oh Renee, Your a teacher, friend, sister, and artist that I look up to and admire. I could go on and on about your qualities but so many people have seen them and commented I can just say ditto to all of them. Thank you for your kind guidance and help in all things. I so enjoy your work and humor and loyalty. You are a Flickr Force for all of us! Thank you! Gail

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May 1, 2010

Renee....Renee...What a creative mind you have. You can see the ordinary and process it into the extraordinary If we could all see the world through your eyes what a beautiful place this would be. The world we would see would be colorful, fanciful, imaginative and vivid. You have been more than a friend to me...… Read more

Renee....Renee...What a creative mind you have. You can see the ordinary and process it into the extraordinary If we could all see the world through your eyes what a beautiful place this would be. The world we would see would be colorful, fanciful, imaginative and vivid. You have been more than a friend to me......you have been a teacher in many ways. I know I can always come to you and you are there with encouragement, suggestions and always the right answer. Whenever I get stuck on something your are there to assist me. Your photo stream is a delight to behold. I can learn something new every day by looking at your images and think, "I can do that." Of course, for me, it's always trial and error, but you are always there to be called upon for assistance. And for all the above, I thank you.

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October 18, 2009
Wendilove says:

Creative inspiration :) What else can I stay...take a minute and prepare to be awestruck! Love this photostream Hugs--Wendilove

April 23, 2009
jiM says:

When i first came across Irene's art i was blown away with her unique style and use of nature and colours and it is still the same to-day.In each image she imparts some "skagitrenee" magic.Her work is joyous and uplifting and quite often humorous and always helps me see the world in a better way. Besides being a talen… Read more

When i first came across Irene's art i was blown away with her unique style and use of nature and colours and it is still the same to-day.In each image she imparts some "skagitrenee" magic.Her work is joyous and uplifting and quite often humorous and always helps me see the world in a better way. Besides being a talented and gifted artist she is also one of the kindest people i have come across here on flickr. thank-you Irene...............

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January 29, 2009
merciful pollution (deleted)

Sweet Renee! So nice to find another kindred spirit here! You love art, design and color! I love your originality and compositions!! Your nature shots are excellent! You shine, girl! A Flickr treasure! Thanks for being a great Flickr friend. You do a great job for TMI group too, which is one of my favs! Thank… Read more

Sweet Renee! So nice to find another kindred spirit here! You love art, design and color! I love your originality and compositions!! Your nature shots are excellent! You shine, girl! A Flickr treasure! Thanks for being a great Flickr friend. You do a great job for TMI group too, which is one of my favs! Thank you! Looking forward to seeing more of your work! Hugs, Sharon

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August 2, 2008
Red Smash (deleted)

What can I say about Irene....she's a great Flickr friend, so willing and eager to learn new things. Her talent grows all the time, and she's not afraid to use color and shape to make her images pop right out of the screen at you! Her work is varied, and always interesting. She will tease you with fantasy and bl… Read more

What can I say about Irene....she's a great Flickr friend, so willing and eager to learn new things. Her talent grows all the time, and she's not afraid to use color and shape to make her images pop right out of the screen at you! Her work is varied, and always interesting. She will tease you with fantasy and blow you away with reality. You're a delight, my friend, and I value your friendship here on Flickr.

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July 24, 2008

!W(*)(*)W! Irene's stream flows through my heart and eyes... Her balance of nature and digital art is astounding! The kindest and most thoughtful contact ... a keeper. Her quest to render beautiful images is a passion, I share, and feel very lucky to have her visit my stream... ...a compliment cherished! David -… Read more

!W(*)(*)W! Irene's stream flows through my heart and eyes... Her balance of nature and digital art is astounding! The kindest and most thoughtful contact ... a keeper. Her quest to render beautiful images is a passion, I share, and feel very lucky to have her visit my stream... ...a compliment cherished! David - rootzz4her ;~)

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July 10, 2008

Renee's photographic art is refreshingly original. She has a big talent for composition, and this is quite evident in her terrific creative visions. With a deep love of nature plus a love of digital manipulations, she often creates exquisite captures of nature, as well as very creative and often sci-fi like fantasy art… Read more

Renee's photographic art is refreshingly original. She has a big talent for composition, and this is quite evident in her terrific creative visions. With a deep love of nature plus a love of digital manipulations, she often creates exquisite captures of nature, as well as very creative and often sci-fi like fantasy art. I am so very proud of her wonderful art, and feel very blessed that she is also my darling sister!

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May 1, 2008

This woman is a TRUE gift to us all here on Flickr! Her talent goes way beyond her photography and spills over into digital art world! Very inspiring indeed! Terri

April 9, 2008

Well, here is one. I've just recently connected with her work and I am thunderstruck by every piece she creates...I am inspired by singularly excellent and unique work like hers. I am so looking forward to seeing more, though it's hard to see how she could possibly push the envelope any further..but I am sure she will.… Read more

Well, here is one. I've just recently connected with her work and I am thunderstruck by every piece she creates...I am inspired by singularly excellent and unique work like hers. I am so looking forward to seeing more, though it's hard to see how she could possibly push the envelope any further..but I am sure she will. Creativity like hers is a major testimonial to me that God is real and in the business of creating minds like hers just for the sheer enjoyment of beauty!!!!

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February 2, 2008