akbar1947. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr


I bought my first P&S camera 12 years ago (2005). Before that I wasn't involved in photography at all.

Since 9 years my main subject and passion is street photography.


When you comment on my work please don't ridicule or insult the people on my photo's.


My contact list is growing rapidly and it's impossible for me to have a look at all your shots. If you make me a contact. please don't be offended if I am not adding you as my contact too.


Copyright Notice

My photos are All Rights Reserved.



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Bij niet-nakoming van deze voorwaarde komt de fotograaf een vergoeding toe van €175 -250 licentievergoeding voor eenmalig gebruik

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Foto's mogen slechts eenmalig gebruikt worden tenzij anders is overeengekomen

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Door een foto te gebruiken gaat u akkoord met de voorwaarden .


And there's more here: Akbar Sim


View my photos at bighugelabs.com


Akbar Simonse - View my most interesting photos on Flickriver


Akbar Simonse - View my 'SHOTS THAT REACHED EXPLORE I' set on Flickriver


Akbar Simonse - View my 'street' photos on Flickriver


Akbar Simonse - View my 'CAFÉ 2005 (CANDID)' set on Flickriver


Akbar Simonse - View my '(CANDID) PORTRAITS' set on Flickriver


akbar1947 - View my 'DRAG QUEEN OLYMPICS 2008' set on Flickriver


Akbar Simonse - View my 'CREATION II' set on Flickriver

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  • JoinedMay 2006
  • Current cityDen Haag / The Hague
  • CountryThe Netherlands
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Photos of Akbar Simonse


Write a testimonial

Akbar your compositions and imagination always amazes me !

April 6, 2015

Akbar is the one who pointed out the way to streetphotography for me, his view on life in the Dutch streets made me laugh, made me wonder, and was an "eyeopener". He let me see that there is a photographic challenge in daily life and that your subjects are nearby and around you, if you only open up your eyes., and be k… Read more

Akbar is the one who pointed out the way to streetphotography for me, his view on life in the Dutch streets made me laugh, made me wonder, and was an "eyeopener". He let me see that there is a photographic challenge in daily life and that your subjects are nearby and around you, if you only open up your eyes., and be kindhearted at the same time. So without any intent to influence you still managed to do that :-) Thank you for that, my photographic friend!

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February 4, 2015

Akbar was one of my first Flickr friends. I have watched him go from a great landscape photographer who had a touch of the old Dutch Masters in him to a Street Photographer supreme. His views of street life in the Netherlands today are a joy to behold! And he is such a generous spirit. His comments on my pho… Read more

Akbar was one of my first Flickr friends. I have watched him go from a great landscape photographer who had a touch of the old Dutch Masters in him to a Street Photographer supreme. His views of street life in the Netherlands today are a joy to behold! And he is such a generous spirit. His comments on my photos and the photos of hundreds of other photographers are to the point but always kind and to the point always seeing the best in their photos. I hope someday to meet Akbar whom i consider a kindred spirit! Viva Akbar!

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December 11, 2012

Somehow there is something about Akbar..... I met Akbar on Flickr in 2006 when I lived in Moscow. His buddy icon that time (I think it was some sort of a hippie self portrait with fancy sunglasses) appealed to me. His comments were always nice. He was a lot into photographing the architecture of the Hague and surrou… Read more

Somehow there is something about Akbar..... I met Akbar on Flickr in 2006 when I lived in Moscow. His buddy icon that time (I think it was some sort of a hippie self portrait with fancy sunglasses) appealed to me. His comments were always nice. He was a lot into photographing the architecture of the Hague and surroundings and into graffiti. The first time I met him and some other the Hague flickr photographers personally was on a flickr meet in december 2007, when we were in Holland because of our move from Russia to Vietnam. There he sat, a bearded man with a sweet face. An interesting man with a story. And many of his stories were still about to come! In 2007 more and more people came into his photos. He started shooting daily life. First in color and later in black and white. 1000 words in one click. Only Akbar sees these moments of life. And only Akbar gets the permission to shoot them. No one will get angry with him. Akbar became more and more popular as well. You saw him in many streams of Dutch photographers, in the city, on festivals, you name it. Nowadays, Akbar is an icon. Artists make portraits of him in graffiti, people glue stickers with his face on it everywhere, it is really amazing. Like I said, there is something about Akbar... And I got to know him! Thank God for that. Akbar, I hope to see you again in November this year, when I will be in Holland shortly. You'll get a bit hug! :-)

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October 4, 2011

Is it alright if I say that I love Akbar? I do. How could I not? I think he is made of love! And that means everything tremendous. His images, and his very self, celebrate life on the greatest level that a wise man could celebrate it. I always find honesty, acceptance, joy, and strength, in beautiful forms in his work.… Read more

Is it alright if I say that I love Akbar? I do. How could I not? I think he is made of love! And that means everything tremendous. His images, and his very self, celebrate life on the greatest level that a wise man could celebrate it. I always find honesty, acceptance, joy, and strength, in beautiful forms in his work. His stream is like a party, with invitations sent out to the beautiful. I am grateful for you, Akbar. You have helped me define innocence as something that belongs to the wise. You own beautiful innocence, and I have been graced by all that you share of you. Thank you!

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December 31, 2010

Akbar spreads oodles of joy through his photos and comments on Flickr. His photos are infused with his sense of humor, amusement, irony, and respect for what he sees around him. I love to see the people he has framed and his wonderful captions. The streets in his hometown have become an extended part of my own daily l… Read more

Akbar spreads oodles of joy through his photos and comments on Flickr. His photos are infused with his sense of humor, amusement, irony, and respect for what he sees around him. I love to see the people he has framed and his wonderful captions. The streets in his hometown have become an extended part of my own daily life. As a contact, he is unparalleled in his generosity. I don't know where he finds the time and energy to give out so many optimistic, pithy comments. Thanks Akbar!

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December 21, 2010
Marcel says:

A beautiful human being with a warm heart. The fact that he asks in his profile not to ridicule his subjects says it all. His photo's are a warm and kind library of street life. Always a joy to wander and wonder through his stream.

November 14, 2010

Finally I write a testimonial for the man who's stream I watch most regularly; Akbar! Akbar has the most sharp look for special 'normal' things you could see everywhere.. but he sees it... splendid candid shots! I hope you will continue making them, cos i enjoy your photography most of all Akbar! Thankyou so much… Read more

Finally I write a testimonial for the man who's stream I watch most regularly; Akbar! Akbar has the most sharp look for special 'normal' things you could see everywhere.. but he sees it... splendid candid shots! I hope you will continue making them, cos i enjoy your photography most of all Akbar! Thankyou so much for sharing with us!

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July 8, 2010

Onlangs nog eens een keer door je photostream gegaan via de slideshow. Ik kan hierdoor alleen maar beamen dat je toch een soort van koning van de straatfotografie bent! Geweldig werk, Akbar!

June 20, 2010

Akbar is one of my favorite Flickr photographers.Every morning before 7 o'clock I visit his photostream and than I love how Den Haag and other places in the Netherlands come to life in his photos. Oftentimes his candids and informal portraits bring a smile to my lips and put joy in my heart ! All I can say is "Bravo!… Read more

Akbar is one of my favorite Flickr photographers.Every morning before 7 o'clock I visit his photostream and than I love how Den Haag and other places in the Netherlands come to life in his photos. Oftentimes his candids and informal portraits bring a smile to my lips and put joy in my heart ! All I can say is "Bravo!" and "Give me more!" Thank you for your nice comments and best wishes to you Akbar !"

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December 28, 2009

every comment on your picture has something to say but one common thread you are a great photographer by the way shooting reality with your feet made of clay holding street eternity in a sway best wishes from this Shia Mystic of Bombay

June 12, 2009
AZU250 says:

I really like the shots of life -as it is- Akbar makes. He is great at that. Most of them are filled with great details. I guess he is almost 24/7 at Flickr because whenever I have uploaded a photo there is often, already one of his nice comments before I even got the time to add some tags...

May 17, 2009
knowledgeable grain (deleted)

Akbar Simonse is a sociologist who changed books against a small digital camera. His work is a serious empirical study of our decade: He is the most reliable contact in my list - day by day he surprises his virtual community with his wonderful, strange, sad and humorous shots. And his comments are always more than the … Read more

Akbar Simonse is a sociologist who changed books against a small digital camera. His work is a serious empirical study of our decade: He is the most reliable contact in my list - day by day he surprises his virtual community with his wonderful, strange, sad and humorous shots. And his comments are always more than the usual vacuous lines. In my eyes he is a real artist, because he does his work obsessive and without the pursuit of profit. Just knowing, that he has to do what has to be done.

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April 20, 2009

Akbar, you have an uncanny ability to capture the essence of Amsterdam with gentle humour, joy and understanding of human foibles through your obvious photography skills, especially in the medium of b&w photography (street, candid or planned). I have learned a lot about all aspects of the life, art, culture, history, a… Read more

Akbar, you have an uncanny ability to capture the essence of Amsterdam with gentle humour, joy and understanding of human foibles through your obvious photography skills, especially in the medium of b&w photography (street, candid or planned). I have learned a lot about all aspects of the life, art, culture, history, architecture and fascinating blend of people of Amsterdam through your amazing photostream. Bravo!

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March 25, 2009

I don't know exactly how he does it, but Akbar is almost always the first to comment on my Flickr photo's and is a very well-known and respected member of the (Dutch) Flickr community. He is an excellent photographer himself, and has a very sharp eye for fascinating people and awkward situations. The best street-phot… Read more

I don't know exactly how he does it, but Akbar is almost always the first to comment on my Flickr photo's and is a very well-known and respected member of the (Dutch) Flickr community. He is an excellent photographer himself, and has a very sharp eye for fascinating people and awkward situations. The best street-photographer I know. Visiting his photostream is always a pleasure!

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December 2, 2008

Fotografie van het leven, dat is wat Akbar ons dagelijks voorschotelt. Elke dag even bij Akbar zijn photostream langsgaan doet je weer lachen. Alleen vind ik het wel jammer dat ik niet op alle foto's kan reageren..... Wat een productie heeft die man.;)

December 2, 2008

Akbar is a remarkable person. Very gentle and a great candid street photographer. I met him recently and he is an inspiration right from the start. Watching his endless stream of pictures coming through gives a wonderful image of this modern hectic world. Thank you Akbar for giving me a unique view on the world through… Read more

Akbar is a remarkable person. Very gentle and a great candid street photographer. I met him recently and he is an inspiration right from the start. Watching his endless stream of pictures coming through gives a wonderful image of this modern hectic world. Thank you Akbar for giving me a unique view on the world through your eyes!

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December 3, 2008

Akbar is in staat om het dagelijks leven op straat heel treffend vast te leggen. Zoals Carmiggelt de gewone man zo mooi kon typeren in zijn verhalen , zo doet Akbar dat met zijn camera. Bovendien is hij vaak de eerste die een comment levert op één van mijn eigen foto's. Dat wordt zeer gewaardeerd.

November 4, 2008

Bijzonder fijnzinnige fotografie... Registratie van het leven...; verrassend gewoon en toch buitengewoon! Plaatje voor plaatje ontvouwt zich de wereld van alledag zich in héél beklijvende taferelen. Origineel, menselijk... zo voel ik deze fotografische pareltjes aan. Proficiat!

September 4, 2008

Akbar has the gift to 'see' with his camera what we see through our eyes. His pictures are real life stories, sometimes funny, sometimes sad ,but always honest. If I look at his pictures i always get the same feeling: it looks like I'm really there and see what he sees. If I get a comment from Akbar, it feels li… Read more

Akbar has the gift to 'see' with his camera what we see through our eyes. His pictures are real life stories, sometimes funny, sometimes sad ,but always honest. If I look at his pictures i always get the same feeling: it looks like I'm really there and see what he sees. If I get a comment from Akbar, it feels like a comment from the 'master', I'm always honored! He's one of the few people I trust blindly, just as I did with Blunder, also a friend of Akbar. Go trough his stream, it's a worthwhile experience!

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May 8, 2008
Dennis says:

Akbar has a great photostream. I like the way, he somehow turns an "everyday" street situation into a great photo. Keep it up! Also thank you for all the wonderful comments, they are much appreciated.

May 5, 2008

I'm sure Akbar can be found on Flickr. But also around the Netherlands always with his camera. Taking photo's of beautiful castles, beautiful people, ugly people, street shots, nature and whatever is interesting to shoot. He always process his photo's with that little secret Akbar flavour! A joy to watch his stream and… Read more

I'm sure Akbar can be found on Flickr. But also around the Netherlands always with his camera. Taking photo's of beautiful castles, beautiful people, ugly people, street shots, nature and whatever is interesting to shoot. He always process his photo's with that little secret Akbar flavour! A joy to watch his stream and a joy to have him in my contact list. Always there to leave good and positive comments. When he's not around on Flickr I miss him ;-) But I know he's out there making great photo's. A real pleasure to know him. Please have a look at his stream and enjoy that Akbar flavour! But don't forget to leave a few comments. It's a pleasure to have his comments in return. Thanks Akbar!

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April 11, 2008

akbar is always one of the first to comment on my pictures, he's always kind, interested, and it looks like he has been to every place. He is a kind flickr friend who's comments brighten the day. His pictures are his memories visualised, and give us a great and personal look in his life. Show the man your respect, an… Read more

akbar is always one of the first to comment on my pictures, he's always kind, interested, and it looks like he has been to every place. He is a kind flickr friend who's comments brighten the day. His pictures are his memories visualised, and give us a great and personal look in his life. Show the man your respect, and you'll get it back. thanx for your kind comments, they are much appreciated!!;-)))

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February 4, 2008
Aback Harbor (deleted)

Akbar shows us the world as it is. He doesn't make it more beautiful, he doesn't make it look worse, he just shoots what is worth shooting and shares it with us. Akbar's stream offers something interesting every day. Besides, you can always count on Akbar to leave a comment at your picture, even if nobody else does so.… Read more

Akbar shows us the world as it is. He doesn't make it more beautiful, he doesn't make it look worse, he just shoots what is worth shooting and shares it with us. Akbar's stream offers something interesting every day. Besides, you can always count on Akbar to leave a comment at your picture, even if nobody else does so. Akbar, you are a great Flickr friend!

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November 21, 2007
Doc~ says:

"Akbar is truly the Father of Digital Photography, Ancient records show; he purchased his first digital camera in 1902, while traveling from Malta, herding wild camels. The Russians were trying to deport him for Multi-tasking, he was chewing gum and smoking at the same time. He is known to have some magical powers, tur… Read more

"Akbar is truly the Father of Digital Photography, Ancient records show; he purchased his first digital camera in 1902, while traveling from Malta, herding wild camels. The Russians were trying to deport him for Multi-tasking, he was chewing gum and smoking at the same time. He is known to have some magical powers, turning water into wine etc. Akbar is an honored member of Holland’s Quantum Physics Photography Guild, Grand Hooka member for 93 years. He has many large shinny trophy’s and gold pocket watches as gifts for noble deeds throughout the kingdom. He was Knighted by the Queen, & sometimes wears little more than his suit of shining armor. Great at parties, yet even the royalty feel quite at home in his presents." He’s as humble as he can be, considering his royalty.

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October 28, 2007
easy bucket (deleted)

Akbar es un fotógrafo formidable. Sus fotos recogen en su mayoría, escenas de la vida diaria de las calles. Tienen la frescura del "directo", pero además les da una impronta deliciosa. Ello es debido a la visión de las escenas que él tiene. Sabe ver donde nosotros no vemos. Por eso es un artista. Y además en un buen co… Read more

Akbar es un fotógrafo formidable. Sus fotos recogen en su mayoría, escenas de la vida diaria de las calles. Tienen la frescura del "directo", pero además les da una impronta deliciosa. Ello es debido a la visión de las escenas que él tiene. Sabe ver donde nosotros no vemos. Por eso es un artista. Y además en un buen compañero y un buen amigo. Gracias Akbar

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October 3, 2007
calm coil (deleted)

Allways nice comments, thankx

September 30, 2007

elke keer dat we de wereld door akbar's ogen mogen bekijken is een kadootje! zijn commentaren op onze eigen foto's zijn erg geestig en toveren een glimlach op ons gezicht. dankjewel!!!!

August 1, 2007

Akbar’s stream is a place of great interest. He captures candid shots of daily life in The Netherlands with dedication and a sense of fun, proving that the most amazing things are all around us. Currently, he is also faithfully depicting the progress of Mark Rietmeijer, sculptor and friend, as he creates another work… Read more

Akbar’s stream is a place of great interest. He captures candid shots of daily life in The Netherlands with dedication and a sense of fun, proving that the most amazing things are all around us. Currently, he is also faithfully depicting the progress of Mark Rietmeijer, sculptor and friend, as he creates another work. Indeed there is an artistic streak to many of Akbar’s works which feature people, buildings, sculptures and the weird and wonderful things he sees. With an endearing spirit, Akbar brings to our attention details which some of us would otherwise miss, inspiring us to see more and to realise that ordinary life is fascinating, humorous and well worth capturing.

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June 29, 2007
de Raaf says:

Here is the most constant member of flickr... There is always a coment of Akbar in my photos, even pictures that are not in a pool...His coments are honests and funny. I really dig it a lot. Akbar Bedankt voor al je commentaren.erg leuk

June 25, 2007

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