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Photos of Syahrel Hashim


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beautiful photos wuaooooooo inpresionate your work

May 7, 2018

i love the way you capture the mood of the person in the photo. one photo really dose say a million words. love it.

April 13, 2018

You can tell a man not by who he is but by what he does! Syahrel Azha Hashim, does wonderful things, he meets people always on their terms and on their level whether a child or a village elder the warmth and respect are the same. Syharel, travels and were he goes he brings us with him to share his views. Thank you… Read more

You can tell a man not by who he is but by what he does! Syahrel Azha Hashim, does wonderful things, he meets people always on their terms and on their level whether a child or a village elder the warmth and respect are the same. Syharel, travels and were he goes he brings us with him to share his views. Thank you Syaharel,for such wonderful work and sharing it with us. Hugh

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April 25, 2015
tanglemay says:

Thoughtful and mind-blowing images in your Flickr photostream, Sir; I admire your wonderful photography!

January 27, 2015

You have a great eye and heart! Amazing gallery of live photos! Love it!

September 10, 2014

Syahrel Azha Hashim shoots amazing photographs. I could favorite every one of them. Syahrel captures so well the expressions and emotions of his people subjects; so well you want to cry with them, laugh with them, or just talk to them. Syahrel's landscapes are stunning. You can tell that Syahrel puts a great deal o… Read more

Syahrel Azha Hashim shoots amazing photographs. I could favorite every one of them. Syahrel captures so well the expressions and emotions of his people subjects; so well you want to cry with them, laugh with them, or just talk to them. Syahrel's landscapes are stunning. You can tell that Syahrel puts a great deal of time and effort into composing and processing his photos. I look forward to each and every one of Syahrel's uploads.

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August 17, 2014

galerie très belle très sensible très colorée et très dépaysante pour moi...... comme j'aime merci

July 11, 2014
BMZYGrace says:

Syahrel Azha Hashim has an eye for detail that enables him to turn a simple object into a thing of beauty, and a beautiful object into something sublime. Whether photographing a commonplace household item or flower, or a spectacular landscape, or a human being, he captures the essence of beauty contained within what he… Read more

Syahrel Azha Hashim has an eye for detail that enables him to turn a simple object into a thing of beauty, and a beautiful object into something sublime. Whether photographing a commonplace household item or flower, or a spectacular landscape, or a human being, he captures the essence of beauty contained within what he sees. His timeless photographs transcend time, place, and culture to stand as icons of what it means to be a part of the human experience in the world at large.

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October 15, 2013

Syahrel shoots with hearth eye. His photos are like a dream

October 11, 2013
Fretful Thrill (deleted)

Spent some time, paint with light, you'll get to Syahrel! This is great, it's serious and naturally... great performance, close to the heart, I always keep you in mind! That's what I can't express, by just comment on your stream or pics. Keep on pushing, to share your intention!

October 8, 2013

i have seen your work and it has inspired me you have allot of breath taking photo's thank you for sharing them..

July 13, 2010