My primary camera is a Canon 550D, but I also use a Nikon FM, Holga, Lubitel, and Lomo. I also have an array of other cameras, including a Zorki 4, Fed 5, Kiev, and several others.


Please note that all images are copyright. If you want to use an image, please ask and we can work out an arrangement.

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Photos of brian cameron


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Rumbo181 says:

One of the best things in Flickr is that it's like travelling from your our home. In this way, Brian's Gallery is a must. I've never been in Toronto, but Brian's pictures brings me the scent of the city. Intelligently taken, and well thought, his gallery allways deservers a visit when I'm flickering. Greetings from Ma… Read more

One of the best things in Flickr is that it's like travelling from your our home. In this way, Brian's Gallery is a must. I've never been in Toronto, but Brian's pictures brings me the scent of the city. Intelligently taken, and well thought, his gallery allways deservers a visit when I'm flickering. Greetings from Madrid, Spain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Una de las mejores cosas de Flickr es que es como viajar desde tu propia casa. En este sentido, la Galeria de Brian es obligatoria. Nunca he estado en Toronto, pero las fotografías de Brian me traen el aroma de la ciudad. Tomadas inteligentemente y bien pensadas, su galeria siempre merece una visita cuando estoy en Flickr. Saludos desde Madrid, España

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December 17, 2011