I'm still trying to figure out where this whole photo thing leads. I just point my camera at things and hope not to screw it up. The more I shoot, the more I realize I have control over very little in the grand sense of creating a photo.


I'm open for pretty much any assignment as long as the story is worth it.


Email for all inquiries



If you are interested in using my work, or purchasing any of my work please contact me at the above email, or my website brianrueb.smugmug.com

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Photos of Brian Rueb


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None of the images you see in chaybert (Brian Rueb)'s stream are real. All of chaybert (Brian Rueb)'s images are computer-generated. There - I said it.

April 28, 2010

Brian's work is an inspiration to me! His outstanding photography and story telling always keeps me wanting more.

February 17, 2009
chivalrous guitar (deleted)

Brian is not only a great photographer and writer, he is an inspiration to people like myself who love the photography world and understand the drive to get up at the ass crack of dawn to freeze or to hike, or to wade hip deep in some stream to get the best possible shot. He is dedicated to the field of photography,… Read more

Brian is not only a great photographer and writer, he is an inspiration to people like myself who love the photography world and understand the drive to get up at the ass crack of dawn to freeze or to hike, or to wade hip deep in some stream to get the best possible shot. He is dedicated to the field of photography, his family, and connecting with the world in both words and photography - two passions I share. I truly enjoy following your stream Brian, and my best wishes to you and your family in 2009!!

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December 26, 2008

I knew Brian was trouble as soon as he came into my cafe in Winnemucca, Nv, brandishing a tripod with 2 legs, a pack of scruffy dogs and a milk mustache. Not to mention the Butterfinger wrapper stuck to the bottom of his boots, which were obviously from Target. He stood in the doorway like a Clint Eastwood silhouette… Read more

I knew Brian was trouble as soon as he came into my cafe in Winnemucca, Nv, brandishing a tripod with 2 legs, a pack of scruffy dogs and a milk mustache. Not to mention the Butterfinger wrapper stuck to the bottom of his boots, which were obviously from Target. He stood in the doorway like a Clint Eastwood silhouette, surveying the room full of cut throats, muggers, buggers, nit wits, half-wits, and Irish before deciding where to sit down. In truth, there were no street-toughs in my cafe, just a small birthday party of 5yo's in the corner and their soccer moms running around with paper cups serving the last of a soccerball cake. But Brian stood there nonetheless, for upwards of 20 minutes, mostly because his legs and knees shown signs of use, wear, struggle, dislocation, submersion and pain. Also party because he had a lot of gas from downing a quart of strawberry milk from the last gas station an hour ago. He came up to me at the bar staring me down with round, uncompromising eyes and began to talk... with a surprising high pitched voice... like Jay Leno after a hit from a helium balloon. "I'm looking for the secret waterfall they call 'Goomateefchomper'" he said with a meter like Indiana Jones but the voice of someone in the middle of a hernia check. "Well, if it's a secret, I can't tell you". He leaned over and grabbed me by my bolo tie I stole from working at Sizzler in the early 90s and said with more gusto and the breath of someone living on cold cuts and Doritos, "Listen bub, they say you know this land better than anyone else, so I'm sure you know the whereabouts of this enchanted waterfall...." Convinced that his intentions were purely photographic and not involving dressing up like little bo peep, I scratched down on a napkin the route to get to the waterfall. It was dangerous, perilous, and required a rope climb, a class V rapid ride and the interaction with mountain lions. As soon as I mentioned the mountain lions, his face turned white. I didn't have time to listen to his diatribe as to why these harmless cougars scare him, so I made him a turkey sandwich and a pickle and gave him a cold glass of Natural Lite, and then turned my attention to that d!#$%*$ kids birthday party, which started to get rowdy and throw piece of cake on my decorative John Wayne plates. I mean, there's only so much I can stand. Brian left without paying, but did leave an IOU written on a napkin and another burst of the aftermath of strawberry milk. I won't miss him.

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December 10, 2008
Adam A says:

Brian is a photo God!! Nuff said.

October 31, 2008

I had the pleasure of shooting with Brian a few months back. Honestly, I was nervous. I hate planning things. He wanted to plan what to do every second of every day. I thought he was going to be a total pain in the ass! When we finally met up, he was the complete opposite of that. I had so much fun hanging out with Bri… Read more

I had the pleasure of shooting with Brian a few months back. Honestly, I was nervous. I hate planning things. He wanted to plan what to do every second of every day. I thought he was going to be a total pain in the ass! When we finally met up, he was the complete opposite of that. I had so much fun hanging out with Brian. He ended up being one of the most easygoing, fun, enthusiastic people I have ever met. After reading his ridiculous stories for a year... It cracked me up, that he really is exactly like his stories!!! He even saved us from certain peril with his spear when we encountered a dangerous Chipmunk! Our photography excursion started with a bang, at Havasu Falls. It was one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen in my entire life. BUT... There are no amenities at all. You bring EVERYTHING you will need. It was great to be with someone who had some experience backpacking. The next day, he accompanied me on the hike from HELL, to Plateau Point, then we met up again in Antelope Canyon. But... It's our two days down in Havasu that really stand out as one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Thanks for coming Brian.

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August 9, 2008
Bernd G. says:

A few selective glimpses were already enough to convince me that Brian has this unique kind of feeling for nature, lighting and subtle beauty. I have been present on this site for a considerable amount of time now, but I have rarely encountered such beautiful natural art so far. Excellent job, keep on working so nicely… Read more

A few selective glimpses were already enough to convince me that Brian has this unique kind of feeling for nature, lighting and subtle beauty. I have been present on this site for a considerable amount of time now, but I have rarely encountered such beautiful natural art so far. Excellent job, keep on working so nicely!

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March 9, 2008
Ar'alani says:

I love this guy's photography. Excellent pictures, great stories, and he's also a blast to go out and shoot with. I love what he's willing to do to get the shot he wants, and the tales of standing in icy rivers in crocs just make me laugh. He has a brilliant eye for nature, and captures those important little detail… Read more

I love this guy's photography. Excellent pictures, great stories, and he's also a blast to go out and shoot with. I love what he's willing to do to get the shot he wants, and the tales of standing in icy rivers in crocs just make me laugh. He has a brilliant eye for nature, and captures those important little details so many of us miss. I can't wait to see more as time goes on!

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February 4, 2008

Brian's photography skills and his passion for the craft is inspiring to say the least. I can always count on being entertained by a good story when visiting his stream also which is a real bonus. I think you should combine the two skills Brian and publish a book of your photographic adventures. Great photos with gr… Read more

Brian's photography skills and his passion for the craft is inspiring to say the least. I can always count on being entertained by a good story when visiting his stream also which is a real bonus. I think you should combine the two skills Brian and publish a book of your photographic adventures. Great photos with great stories! If it was REAL cheap, I'd buy it :-). Looking forward to meeting you and shooting with you at the Grand Canyon Brian. Maybe I can help you get over your fear of everything with fur by introducing you to a few critters.

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January 20, 2008

Brian offers up consistently excellent and beautiful images. His Pacific Northwest landscapes never fail to disappoint me... and equally as great are the stories that go with his images! He seems to photograph in a thoughtful manner, paying attention to details and atmosphere... wait, did I mention his stories are grea… Read more

Brian offers up consistently excellent and beautiful images. His Pacific Northwest landscapes never fail to disappoint me... and equally as great are the stories that go with his images! He seems to photograph in a thoughtful manner, paying attention to details and atmosphere... wait, did I mention his stories are great? ;) I look forward to seeing more work from him in the months and years to come.

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January 12, 2008

Brian is a very talented photographer and a great story telller!! His pictures really portray his love of nature and I am glad to have him has a contact!

January 13, 2008

Brian is a friend I have known for probably over a year now. We have gone out hiking and photographing together a few times, and will do so in the future whenever I get up to his neck of the woods. He is dedicated, I will say that much. He will stop at nothing to get the photograph he wants, even wading into a icy cold… Read more

Brian is a friend I have known for probably over a year now. We have gone out hiking and photographing together a few times, and will do so in the future whenever I get up to his neck of the woods. He is dedicated, I will say that much. He will stop at nothing to get the photograph he wants, even wading into a icy cold stream or lake without proper footwear. His photography has vastly improved since I first met him. Whatever his technique, his shots are always pleasing to view. And of course, he is hilarious in person as well as on his photostream. He really should write a book or something.

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December 7, 2007

He is one of those - go out while you can guys, waking up when everybody else is fast asleep, driving in a condition others would only dream of and freezing your toes in a weather nobody would want to wake up to, just to capture one of the most beautiful imagery up in northern California and bring it out for our pleasu… Read more

He is one of those - go out while you can guys, waking up when everybody else is fast asleep, driving in a condition others would only dream of and freezing your toes in a weather nobody would want to wake up to, just to capture one of the most beautiful imagery up in northern California and bring it out for our pleasure. That is the true spirit of an outdoor photographer.

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October 7, 2007

admittedly, this guy's one hell of a photographer. but as a mountain lion, i have to say he's really pissing me off. grr...

October 3, 2007
Virginia says:

Brian is a fairly new contact, but already I can't wait to see what he will post next. A quick trip through his profile shows his love of life and nature. And, his enthusiasm to improve his skills with each shot. His waterfall collection is stunning and spills over...ha...into his artistic eye for composition and color… Read more

Brian is a fairly new contact, but already I can't wait to see what he will post next. A quick trip through his profile shows his love of life and nature. And, his enthusiasm to improve his skills with each shot. His waterfall collection is stunning and spills over...ha...into his artistic eye for composition and color. It is a pleasure to read his comments and commentary. I look forward to a long flickr friendship!

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August 31, 2007