David is a father, photojournalist and photo editor in Toronto, Canada.

I've been shooting professionally since 1997. My work has taken me from the fifty yard line of a Toronto Argonauts football game to beaches of Banda Aceh, Indonesia in the aftermath of the tsunami. I graduated from the photojournalism program at Loyalist College and has worked for multiple news agencies, including The Canadian Press, Getty, Reuters and EPA. His work has appeared in Time, Life Year in Pictures, Macleans, USA Today, the New York Times and The Globe and Mail to name a few. I have received a number of awards from the Eastern Canadian News Photographers Association, including photo of the year in 2002. I am now an assistant Photo Editor at Canada’s national newspaper The Globe and Mail.

Twitter: Photoj1

Twitter: GlobePhotoDesk

Tumblr: photoj.tumblr.com/

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