October 2022

Life is like a camera:

focus on what's important,

capture the good times,

develop from the negatives

and if things don't work out,

just take another shot!


April 2022

Almost none of my pictures are straight from the camera! It is my belief that the camera leaves a photo slightly flat so that I can create art... You might not agree that a) that is the right way to approach photography, or b) that my photos are art. I know I don't always get a good balance, but I am still learning, and am always happy to hear constructive criticism...


February 2022

I just found this again, and felt it prudent to post again! :

I love to look at your images, but I don't always have the time to comment individually, but if I look and like and want you to know that I have looked and liked, I may just fave - and come back another day! If I just fave, and run on one particular day, then you will know, I hope, that I do still care, and that either we are busy, or I have one of my headaches - it’s not that I am lazy or ignorant!!I find an awful lot of inspiration in your work - keeps me out there with my camera!


I am going to plagiarise a contact here, and say that I am not just retired, that makes me sound old, while in fact I have just been young for quite a long time, but am now happily self-amused...


January 2022


Covid has had quite an impact on my photography - I have learnt a lot during the lockdowns! It has also impacted quite considerably on our life here in the Cotswolds. We are not even certain that we want to go places far from home ever again - but then we are getting old (well he is, but I am still 18!!)

I have been mostly using my 35mm 1.8lens, along with my Macro and Lensbabies, but now I am the proud owner of a lovely new FE 24-240mm F3.5-6.3 OSS - it is a heavy lens, but I am going to the gym regularly, and my shoulders are now the strongest they have been for many years! Perhaps when the weather is better, and the flowers are blooming once again, I will venture forth and explore the world again! This all sounds a tad pathetic, doesn't it? But this is what Covid lockdowns have done...


We have acquired a lovely Cavapoo puppy and are enjoying the delights of being puppy parents once again.


June 2020


I seem to be very adept at posting stuff that people find offensive - for this I apologise in advance. If people post a criticism of my work, I feel it is right and proper to answer this in a spirit of debate so that both parties can learn;- a) the intention of the author, and b) the reasons behind the critique because it must have some validity, and it's really nice to understand such things - and helpful!! Critique is important, and I welcome it, but please don't expect me to ignore it!!


August 2019


Though I build on past experience, I attempt to eradicate previous habits of seeing and thinking,” she said in a statement in 2002. “I keep searching for what is visually new to me, while always hoping that a fusion of form and content will take place.”


Barbara Crane 1828 - 2019 RIP



October 2018


"The more there was the less there is -

the less there is the more there was"


I seem to have moved into a more experimental, impressionistic, and dreamlike phase of my photography. I have been adding to my range and knowledge of Lensbaby lenses, and have been employing the camera in my phone, learning to use certain aspects of Photoshop, and trying to open my mind to more creative possibilities.

Still having grandchildren invading our quietude - they are all growing up apace, and I wouldn't miss these times for the world, but it can be restricting, and we are not getting any younger....




November 2017

I have been using the wonderful 35mm f1.8 lens on my camera, almost exclusively, for over a year. I love it! It allows me to create images I like very well without recourse to technique and worrying about equipment. I can crop and process in LR without loss of quality ( pretty much, anyway). I know the purists among you will be appalled - Shock, Horror!! - but it suits me - gives me a great outlet for my creative side, without let or hindrance. I prefer to use my creative brain - much better than my technical one! I hope you enjoy my images.


I am still trying to get out there on the streets, but living in the back of beyond, however lovely it is, makes street photography a little dull...Watch this space though - I WILL improve...


We are looking after a four and a half year old at the moment, before and after school - totally disrupts the days, and it means that I am less able to keep up with commenting on your work as I would like - a visit and a fave is all I can manage some days - but at least you will know that I am looking, and caring...



January 2016

I have just discovered the term "Experiential photography". This describes, to me, the work that I do! I love the sound of it!! I am an "Experiential" photographer!


There seem to be 3 themes to my collected work - Flowers, Street, and a record of my life!



August 31st 2015


I feel that I have turned a corner this summer, with my photography! I changed from my trusty and loved Canon DSLRs to a smaller, more usable mirrorless Sony - and I am hooked. I can now carry my camera anywhere, and don't need a massage afterwards!


I am continuing to enjoy photographing flowers, and other natural things, as well as my growing family - and goodness, don't they grow? I have always photographed the different places we have visited, but now, I feel my work has upgraded from 'snapping' to something a little better. I seem to be developing my own photographic voice - she says hopefully!! And, I have a newly developed interest in street photography - again due to the less intrusive nature of the smaller camera!


I like to see your comments - and think I am big enough to take criticism - so please make the comments - tell me if you think my work is rubbish, but do me a favour, please, and explain your reasons! I will try and respond!


I am finding groups a bit of a pain - takes away from the important business of finding beautiful images, and trying to create them!! If I add my photo to a group, it is because I am looking to increase the number of potential critics - positive criticism welcomed!!





I have always loved images - my whole life has been formed by them. I left school and did a C&G photography course at Wednesbury Tech. Now I am retired I am finding time to create my own. Was doing an OCA course to help improve the art.... Well, that didn't work - too many distractions!! And the course was not really what I wanted! So right now I am just playing - with intent!


I love to look at your images, but I don't always have the time to comment individually, but if I look and like and want you to know that I have looked and liked, I may just fave - and come back another day! I find an awful lot of inspiration in your work - keeps me out there with my camera!


I am going to plagiarise a contact here, and say that I am not just retired, that makes me sound old, while in fact I have just been young for quite a long time, but am now

happily self-amused...


Check out my website at



judy dean. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr


View my DNA at bighugelabs.com


Anything and everything is possible.

Please pick up your copy here for display on your profile.

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Photos of judy dean


Write a testimonial

Une superbe galerie, pleine de trésors que je viens de découvrir avec un immense plaisir et beaucoup d'admiration. Merci, Judy, pour ces magnifiques images. A magnificent gallery, full of treasures that I discover with immense pleasure and great admiration. Thank you Judy for all these wonderful images.

May 30, 2020
Dependent Air (deleted)

judy, has a love for taking pictures and she finds the most amazing captures! She is talented and has a wonderful photostream;-) Her passion for photography shows! Jeanie

October 19, 2007