NikonD3xuser1 - View my most interesting photos on Flickriver


  • JoinedFebruary 2010
  • OccupationTechnology Consultant
  • HometownDubuque, Iowa
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Photos of NikonD3xuser1(Thanks for 2 million visits)


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I don't usually know how people find me...i assume it is because i am some kind of a nut, and like begets like, but in this case it was a mutual friend! I must say i am delighted that was how it happened because there was a lot less explaining about my weirdness on my part...not really, i did explain, as if my stream … Read more

I don't usually know how people find me...i assume it is because i am some kind of a nut, and like begets like, but in this case it was a mutual friend! I must say i am delighted that was how it happened because there was a lot less explaining about my weirdness on my part...not really, i did explain, as if my stream wasn't enough to scare him away ...i think our mutual friend actually told me about Byrne first. i am delighted that he did, because he was so right with his praise...well worth the perusal of his stream and getting to know him! Awesome photos (even tho he is one of those "dark side Nikon people"...i forgive you Byrne!), fantastic contact, and all around talented and good guy! Enjoy his is fantabulous!! :)

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December 21, 2012