* Journalist.

* Poet.

* Travel writer.

* Illustrater for book-covers and short stories.

* Piano player sometimes... and since early times.


4 years old me... first lesson

7 years old me... playing in an public audition

18 years old me, public audition in Music Academy of Luanda


* Sometimes dancing Indian Classic Odissi Dance


Me, playing Nataraja...


Alda Cravo Al-Saude - View my most interesting photos on Flickriver


Speaking of Alda Cravo Al-Saude...



/Criticas publicadas sobre a sua obra:


“…como travel writer, Alda Cravo Al-Saüde viveu nómada na cintura da latitude zero tendo sido marcada pela vivência de muitos passos no chão de desertos do mundo e culturas orientais de costumes e cismas que aprendeu e lhe deram o sonho e a maravilha, enriquecendo-lhe o imaginário arquetípico da criatividade e a largueza de horizontes intelectuais e de peculiar sensibilidade, seu atributo…”

Ulisses Duarte (Escritor, poeta, crítico da APE)


“De uma extrema pureza de timbre, a voz poética de Alda Cravo Al-Saüde detém o raro condão de incessantemente acarear múltiplos matizes do seu mundo íntimo – sentimentos, sensações – e imprevistos aspectos do mundo exterior. Através do constante contraponto entre uns e outros, ei-la superiormente capaz de sugerir e de seduzir, de surpreender e de enfeitiçar, muito mais, sem dúvida, do que se apenas a um de tais mundos desse ouvidos. O difícil porém, é detectar com precisão, não os instantes em que os dois se defrontam, mas os pontos mágicos em que o segundo sobre o primeiro destinge ou em que o primeiro sobre o segundo irrompe; e nesta inconsútil tessitura do vivido e do visto, do sentido e do observado, reside justamente uma das mais envolventes originalidades da sua depurada expressão, do seu dictum pessoal e inconfundível. Por vezes, ao lê-la, é como se nos sentíssemos transportados a um mítico e primordial in illo tempore em que ainda não se tivesse verificado a ruptura entre o eu e o tu, o eu e o mundo, o sujeito e o objecto do próprio canto. Ora, o certo é que nada disto é comum, nada disto se encontra por aí aos tropeções. Razão de sobra, por conseguinte, para encantados nos determos diante do puríssimo timbre desta poesia…”

David Mourão-Ferreira (Escritor, poeta, Professor, crítico)


“…Alda Cravo Al-Saüde, surge como uma muito interessante revelação de uma personalidade estética, ou seja de uma autora, julgo que ainda jovem, que reúne cultura, extrema sensibilidade à beleza e ao requinte. Em ‘Diário das Águas’ revela-se uma capacidade real para falar de amor, dos sentidos, da viagem, de um certo modo de viver em arte, de fazer da vida uma criação original, uma festa suave e brilhante. Por isso merece a nossa atenção”.

Urbano Tavares Rodrigues, (Escritor, crítico)


Curriculum Vitae



Born in Lisbon. He lived in Angola, Senegal, Italy, Belgium, USA, in the Indian Union.

. BA in History also has Degree in Composition at the National Conservatory of Music.


. She studied Social Policies in Universitá Internazionale Politiche Sociale da Roma (one-year course) and completed Masters in Educational Psychopedagogy from the Institute of Psychology of Charleroi in Belgium (one semester course).

. Creative Drawing Course at the National Society of Fine Arts (Lisbon).

. Theatre Studies at the University of Montreal, Canada

. Internship in Drama in III Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris.


. Former teacher and trainer in the area of ​​Curricula Studies at the Directorate General of Secondary Schools of the Ministry of Education of Portugal.

. As equivalent to a scholarship she studied Psychology of Expression in Donnaueschingen CCDC under the European Community.


. She has taught music education in stages II and later History of Art and History of Communication in RAP (Lusophone University).


. Fellow studied by ME Vidiapati Music and Poetry (XII century) in the Indian Union and even classical dance (Odissi) in Orissa, India.


. Stage in 'Drama and Mask and Support' Comedia dell'Arte in the Accademia, Venice, Italy.


Training in Journalism:


. Journalism Course in CENJOR (Protocol Centre of Vocational Training of Journalists) - 1994 / 1995

. Specialty course in Magazine Journalism at Columbia University, NY. - 2000 / 2001


*************Experience as a Journalist:


Magazine 'Flama' ; 'The Journal' ; 'New Wind' Journal 'Diário de Lisboa,' Journal 'The Crime', Journal 'Day,' Radio 'Capital,' Journal 'The Evening', monthly magazine 'Voice Portugal's 'monthly magazine' Review ', Journal' D'Women Today 'magazine' Superfoot 'Magazine' Our Dogs 'Pages' Horse Magazine '(remains), Journal of Bullfighting' Ole! '(Remains). Editor in Chief of the Journal 'riding' Journal 'El País' (Collaborations), Editor in Chief of the magazine 'Trade & Industry', Journal Editor in Chief of Monthly "Arts & Arts" section of the equestrian publisher of the monthly journal "Bulls and Horses "

Executive Director II Series' Chronicle Ladies' Executive Director of the magazine "International Tourism", Editorial Director of the journal Municipalis' (Monograph of Cities), Director of the magazine 'Goals and Myths' (Travel, Anthropology and Heritage), Director magazine 'Link' (The adventure of the great passions), Executive Director of the magazine 'Aesthetics', Director of the journal Nature in',

collaboration on regional radio programs

Editor in Chief of Journal of Cascais

Executive Director of the Luso-Brazilian magazine 'Body & Health'

Reporter's travel trade magazines such as' Rutas del Mundo "... 'Goals and Myths', 'International Tourism', 'Desinations'

Collaborator of the Journal of Seixal (chronics)


******************************Literary works:


- 'Just News',

- The Language of the Mudra

- Traditional Games and Other Choices in Portuguese School" '(testing).

- 'Nt-Bako-Ngola' (historical monograph).

- 'Statues of Rio' (short stories)

- 'House of Tides' (short story)

- 'Diary of the Waters' (short stories).

- 'Expression / Communication',

- 'Interculturalism in School'

- 'Sex Education in School "co-authored with anthropologist Ricardo Ferreira de Almeida;,

- 'The Sea, which has sound? '(Musical didactic).


*....Poetry i


- 'Passing Clouds'

- Flowers were White '

- 'Body like Shell',

- 'Belly of the Ears' (dedication to daughter Silvia Del Quema)

- 'Ground of the Eyes' (poetry),

- 'The Lotus and the Spice'

- The Exotic Shadow of the Feet

- 7th Sense



'The Manipulation of the Time'.




Author of Roadmap Municipal Golegã;

author of numerous songs and lyrics of fado (recorded by professionals such as Julia Babo, Leonel Sena, Florinda Maria.


To come out soon:



And also a compilation of travel stories:



She was honored in 2005 with the 'Prize Literature Machado de Assis', Brazil, and in 1997 with the 'Emerging Talent Award Poetry' organized by the University of Cuzco, Ecuador, with the participation of Professor Julio Mendivil.


**************************Illustration and Painting:


Participated in group exhibitions in numerous art galleries has been awarded the Printmaking at the Twelfth Biennial Drawing Juan Mirò, Barcelona and I prize XI Illustration Annual Competition sponsored by the 'Atelier des Enfants' Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris. Honorable Mentions in the participation of II and III Art Biennial of Vila Nova de Cerveira. Author of numerous book covers the MATRIX EDITOR, EDITOR and EDITORIAL UNIVERSITY EMPIRE.



He has also published illustrations in books of poetry and short stories, several authors Portuguese, Spanish and Italian. It also has many illustrations of texts published in Portuguese journals.

Even within the arts is the author of several posters for congresses, meetings, conferences and fairs.


She is mentioned in the book "Gente Ilustre 2000" by Luis Gonzaga Tavares and represented with five poems in the collection "Millennium - Voices of 77 Portuguese Poets " by Cristino Cortes. She Is represented in the books "Painting in Portugal 2001" and "Painting in Portugal 2004". She is also mentioned in the book "The Press and Higher Education - Analytical Repertory of Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries ", by Prof. Doctor Anthony Nóvoa.





capa de revista




Alda Cravo Al-Saude - View my 'Choices' set on Flickriver






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  • JoinedFebruary 2008
  • OccupationJournalist
  • HometownCascais
  • Current cityCascais
  • CountryPortugal
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Photos of Alda Cravo Al-Saude


Write a testimonial

Alda is a Great Flicarian and a Photographer , who has a strong personality and a Nice friendly character ever I meet here in this Flickr world, I was Introduced by her brother [Bhai] Bashir from BANGGLADESH ]and Now she is MY Bon [Sister] Am Encouraged in manifolds and had been upon her dedication and support w… Read more

Alda is a Great Flicarian and a Photographer , who has a strong personality and a Nice friendly character ever I meet here in this Flickr world, I was Introduced by her brother [Bhai] Bashir from BANGGLADESH ]and Now she is MY Bon [Sister] Am Encouraged in manifolds and had been upon her dedication and support when ever i came across a Problem, her photograph always made me emotional and I always found good frame and composition from Alda. If you are not her contact you might miss a Lot form your sight, I shall be very very hAPPLY IF YOU JOIN MY fLICKER GROUP frame BANGLADESH from this below lINK : www.flickr.com/gr... Wish you best of luck Regs Hamim CHOWDHURY

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February 16, 2016

Flickr è un paese meraviglioso fatto di immagini, di colori e di forme. Un paese abitato da persone entusiaste, desiderose di comunicare, di condividere e di scambiare con gli altri. In questo paese, variopinto ed in continua evoluzione, ho conosciuto Alda e i suoi lavori. Alda è un'artista, vivace, briosa, piena d… Read more

Flickr è un paese meraviglioso fatto di immagini, di colori e di forme. Un paese abitato da persone entusiaste, desiderose di comunicare, di condividere e di scambiare con gli altri. In questo paese, variopinto ed in continua evoluzione, ho conosciuto Alda e i suoi lavori. Alda è un'artista, vivace, briosa, piena di entusiasmo. Le sue immagini evidenziano la passione che la contraddistingue e l'amore per la fotografia e per l'arte. Osservare i suoi lavori è come varcare la porta del sogno. Nelle sue immagini niente è scontato, banale e con maestria, lei, riesce a plasmare ciò che si forma nella sua fotocamera con garbo ed eleganza, per dare luogo a opere preziose e inconfondibili. Alda non è semplicemente un artista di classe e di grande talento, ma è anche, e soprattutto, una bellissima persona. Grazie Maestra!

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September 4, 2012

Alda é uma Artista que brinda com seu Precioso trabalho os nossos corações com a sensibilidade e experiência vinda através de seus trabalhos. O seu olhar é colorido entre o amanhecer entre flores perfumadas e o anoitecer onde o céu borda o infinito de estrelas. A poesia corre nas emoções de cada captura. Versos que ve… Read more

Alda é uma Artista que brinda com seu Precioso trabalho os nossos corações com a sensibilidade e experiência vinda através de seus trabalhos. O seu olhar é colorido entre o amanhecer entre flores perfumadas e o anoitecer onde o céu borda o infinito de estrelas. A poesia corre nas emoções de cada captura. Versos que vem do coração! Parabéns Alda, pela sua trajetória de sucesso. Você merece! Beijos amiga.Elisa Cesar

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June 3, 2012

Alda's stream continues to be one of my favourite sources of inspiration. Not only she is a gifted photographer with an impeccable eye, her processing skills are untouchable. Each image is full of emotion, style and are true works of art. I especially love her images that she has applied textures to. She is a caring,… Read more

Alda's stream continues to be one of my favourite sources of inspiration. Not only she is a gifted photographer with an impeccable eye, her processing skills are untouchable. Each image is full of emotion, style and are true works of art. I especially love her images that she has applied textures to. She is a caring, giving person, she has shared some of her private textures with me that I am so very grateful for. Thank you for sharing your gift of vision Alda, I am thankful to have found you and your amazingly beautiful photos." Hugs and kisses, Irene

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December 5, 2011

Alda, con le sue opere, sprigiona arte e poesia. ho sempre più difficoltà a commentarle perchè non trovo più parole per esprimere tutta la mia ammirazione. Grazie amica mia per le emozioni e la gioia che ci fornisci !

October 12, 2011

My dear friend Alda Nice to watch the pictures speak for his emotions and feelings Greetings Essam

October 10, 2011

Alda is a friend and teacher. Her work is inspirational and she has a talent unequaled by any other. Some artists have the ability to tap into a larger source of creative energy and beauty. This is the ability that Alda possesses. An artist artist indeed. Thank you Alda for the uplifting visual magnificence you create… Read more

Alda is a friend and teacher. Her work is inspirational and she has a talent unequaled by any other. Some artists have the ability to tap into a larger source of creative energy and beauty. This is the ability that Alda possesses. An artist artist indeed. Thank you Alda for the uplifting visual magnificence you create daily! The world is a better place because of you and what you do!

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June 4, 2011

Io sono un inesperto di fotografia e quindi non posso lasciare dei commenti tecnici, ma quelli non mi interessano. Io so solo che quando guardo le foto di Alda, rimango in ...estasi... e non riesco più a uscire dal suo album....devo farmi violenza..... Amo le tue foto Alda, i tuoi scatti raccontano la vita, raccontan… Read more

Io sono un inesperto di fotografia e quindi non posso lasciare dei commenti tecnici, ma quelli non mi interessano. Io so solo che quando guardo le foto di Alda, rimango in ...estasi... e non riesco più a uscire dal suo album....devo farmi violenza..... Amo le tue foto Alda, i tuoi scatti raccontano la vita, raccontano la natura, raccontano....tutto quello che .................. Ti dico solo una parola....BRAVISSIMA........

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July 6, 2011
Gaudy Letter (deleted)

Até este momento eu conhecia, apenas, a arte pictórica de Alda Cravo. Que é - nada digo de novo... - simplesmente arrebatadora. Desde a primeira obra que me foi dado apreciar, senti um "não sei quê" de profundo, eterno e ao mesmo tempo jovem e pleno de frescor. Depois de ler o "curriculum" de Alda, sinto-me extremame… Read more

Até este momento eu conhecia, apenas, a arte pictórica de Alda Cravo. Que é - nada digo de novo... - simplesmente arrebatadora. Desde a primeira obra que me foi dado apreciar, senti um "não sei quê" de profundo, eterno e ao mesmo tempo jovem e pleno de frescor. Depois de ler o "curriculum" de Alda, sinto-me extremamente honrada por ter, artista de tamanha envergadura, se dignado de apreciar meus humildes tentames de aprendiz. Deveria eu já saber - a estas alturas da vida - que os verdadeiramente grandes podem dar-se o sublime "luxo" da simplicidade no trato pessoal. Alda, por tudo admirável Alda, para ti eu - simbolicamente - tiro o meu chapéu.

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August 26, 2011

Alda Cravo es una mujer que no solo toma fotografías con una cámara, sino con su pasión y sensibilidad. Ella quizá no lo sepa, pero está formando un estilo en fotografía que tendrá en el futuro seguidores que intenten imitar esa sensibilidad que es tan suya ahora. Las fotografías -como en toda obra creada por alguien… Read more

Alda Cravo es una mujer que no solo toma fotografías con una cámara, sino con su pasión y sensibilidad. Ella quizá no lo sepa, pero está formando un estilo en fotografía que tendrá en el futuro seguidores que intenten imitar esa sensibilidad que es tan suya ahora. Las fotografías -como en toda obra creada por alguien- hablan de su autora, y en todas se percibe la delicadeza y la audacia combinadas por hacer algo diferente, matizado de belleza y originalidad, sin reglas sino con arte, sin marcos pero con creatividad. Las fotos de hoy de Alda son ejemplo de arte fotográfico para el futuro, no se acaban en el presente. Gracias queridísima Alda por dejarnos ver el mundo por tus ojos y tus composiciones, que permiten el regocijo de una arte innovador, pleno y lleno de luz, quizá la que tengan tus bellos ojos antes de disparar la cámara. Francisco Mundo, con toda mi admiración.

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May 12, 2011
Cumbersome Shape (deleted)

vc de uma mulher que eu gostaria muito de conhecer comentar de vc não precisa....1 não mas muitos bjossssssss,,,,,

December 21, 2010

The collection of photos have great artistic imagination that comes straight from the heart, and make me return again and again to the photostream of Alda , i am happy to find you here on flickr. Keep up the good work.

November 7, 2010

Acabo de tomar contacto con tu galería, y aunque que tendré que dedicarle más tiempo, puedo afirmar sin temor a equivocarme que tienes unas extraordinarias cualidades para la fotografía y tu técnica es de primera categoría. En consecuencia tus fotos son de una belleza poco usual. Todas llaman la atención poderosament… Read more

Acabo de tomar contacto con tu galería, y aunque que tendré que dedicarle más tiempo, puedo afirmar sin temor a equivocarme que tienes unas extraordinarias cualidades para la fotografía y tu técnica es de primera categoría. En consecuencia tus fotos son de una belleza poco usual. Todas llaman la atención poderosamente desde el principio. Llevan un sello que las hace tuyas sin necesidad de que las "firmes". Iré profundizando poco a poco en tu galería y procuraré reflejar mis impresiones de simple aficionado a medida que el tiempo me lo permita. Un sdaludo desde Granada ( España)

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July 27, 2010

Le foto di Alda sono bellissime! Attraverso le sue immagini ho conosciuto varie parti del mondo, ma Alda sa anche cogliere l'anima delle cose e molte sue foto sono come dei bei sogni all'alba, con colori tenui e soffusi! Stupende!

April 24, 2010
Modern Sock (deleted)


March 9, 2010

Amazing work this lady produces! You only have to take a look into her photostream to see this. AMAZING WORK!!!!

February 14, 2010

excellent espace belle Alda toujours a l'avant bonne continuité.... je viens te souhaité un bel après midi gros bisous a bientot

October 14, 2009
Available Ink (deleted)


September 2, 2009

Not a day goes by, without having to visit her picture stream and admiring the beautuful creations. Her pictures are carefully composed and the work is excellent. So many beautiful photos, so many interesting object. Creative photography. I encourage everyone to visit her stream and just have alook for yourself.… Read more

Not a day goes by, without having to visit her picture stream and admiring the beautuful creations. Her pictures are carefully composed and the work is excellent. So many beautiful photos, so many interesting object. Creative photography. I encourage everyone to visit her stream and just have alook for yourself. Thank you my friend and keep it coming !!!"

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September 2, 2009

"Alda fait des trés belles photos. Photos d'âme. De seduction. De lumiére magique. De quelques petites choses qu'elle voit et quelques autres non plus... Ses images rapportend à un Univers unique. Trés particulier comme une poésie visuelle qui parle de son certainement charmant couer.

August 19, 2009
Gita Rau says:

When Alda invited me to be a part of "Well, Once Upon A Time" I was very taken with her work and with the work of others she has collected to populate her group. She has a fantastic eye for color, form and subject and I am thrilled to know her and her work on Flickr. Thank you so much Alda! ^__^

July 6, 2009

Alda You exude the excelence in all of your photographs. But when you travel and photograph the world you give more than just a photo but a thousand words of imagerie. Your keen eye allow us all the oppotunity to see the beauty of the world you have been gifted to see. I can say that you are one of the few photogra… Read more

Alda You exude the excelence in all of your photographs. But when you travel and photograph the world you give more than just a photo but a thousand words of imagerie. Your keen eye allow us all the oppotunity to see the beauty of the world you have been gifted to see. I can say that you are one of the few photographers that captures the natural beauty in all of your photos and in them, you bring the history of each one of them. By looking at them I see a person with inner and outer beauty as well. You are a wounderful person. Keep up the fantastic work that you do. Love and Admiration always , Margarita

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July 5, 2009
Perec says:

Puedo presumir de habernos conocido en esa luminosa y enigmática ciudad como Lisboa, sede ideal para la introspección, creatividad y erudición. Patria de gatos burgueses, empinados paseos y telúricas e históricas manifestaciones. Denominarla así no es inventar nada; con toda lucidez ya lo hicieron Pessoa, Bocage o Card… Read more

Puedo presumir de habernos conocido en esa luminosa y enigmática ciudad como Lisboa, sede ideal para la introspección, creatividad y erudición. Patria de gatos burgueses, empinados paseos y telúricas e históricas manifestaciones. Denominarla así no es inventar nada; con toda lucidez ya lo hicieron Pessoa, Bocage o Cardoso, sin ir más lejos. Y quien soy yo para contradecirles... Alda es, al unísono, determinación, misterio y romanticismo en sus trabajos, como esa metrópoli que la acoge y fama que la caracteriza. Te impulsa a conocer el clima y la esencia de los objetos y espacios, y los sentimientos que rodean éstos. Te introduce en unos lenguajes agradables, unas visiones claras de sus modos de ver la vida, que, al fin y al cabo, son poemas musicados. Su experiencia, su trayectoria personal, hace la tonalidad de aquellos, simples y efímeros, pero contundentes y claros. Toda técnica aplicada es un mero adorno que, sin embargo, refuerza todo un mensaje lleno de filosofías profundas. Me pregunto si Alda no querrá expresarnos un “fado” con lo expuesto en su galería... Un beso.

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July 2, 2009
dw ork says:

The love we shared made everything so beautiful in life..." थे लोवे wए शरेड् मडे एवेर्य्तिन्ग् सो बेऔटिफ़ुल् इन् लिफ़े..." अपके काम को देखने में एक खुशी है अपको एक संपर्क के रूप में पाया, अपके देश और उसके लोगों के बारे में सीखा है. आपके समर्थन और वफादारी के लिए बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद! तुम एक प्यारी फ़्लिकर दोस्त हो!… Read more

The love we shared made everything so beautiful in life..." थे लोवे wए शरेड् मडे एवेर्य्तिन्ग् सो बेऔटिफ़ुल् इन् लिफ़े..." अपके काम को देखने में एक खुशी है अपको एक संपर्क के रूप में पाया, अपके देश और उसके लोगों के बारे में सीखा है. आपके समर्थन और वफादारी के लिए बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद! तुम एक प्यारी फ़्लिकर दोस्त हो! " सच , जीवन में इतनी सुंदरता है क्योंकि The love we shared Apake para ver um prazer trabalhar Apako encontra-se sob a forma de um contacto, Apake país e seu povo têm aprendido sobre. O seu apoio e agradeço muito a fidelidade! Você é um querido amigo Flickr! " Apake para ver un buen trabajo Apako se encuentra en la forma de un contacto, Apake país y su pueblo han aprendido acerca. Su apoyo y muchas gracias por la fidelidad! Usted es un querido amigo de Flickr! " O amor que compartilhamos fez tudo tão bonito na vida ... " El amor que hemos compartido todo lo que hizo tan bella en la vida

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June 6, 2009

Esta otografa tiene los suficientes testimonios para que te hacerques a ella a su galeria ...pues de verdad te merecera la pena ...no perderas el tiempo ...pues la frescura ...el buen hacer...la sensibilidad femenina la encontraras sin duda ....ANIMATE a visitarla...no te arrepentiras ...mas bien te sorprendera todo s… Read more

Esta otografa tiene los suficientes testimonios para que te hacerques a ella a su galeria ...pues de verdad te merecera la pena ...no perderas el tiempo ...pues la frescura ...el buen hacer...la sensibilidad femenina la encontraras sin duda ....ANIMATE a visitarla...no te arrepentiras ...mas bien te sorprendera todo su trabajo.....la actividad ...esta garantizada y seguro que saldras sabiendo un poco mas...de fotografia y de la vida.....

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June 4, 2009
vat_i_can says:

Alda is active in many flickr groups over and above having a hyperactive working and travelling life. Nevertheless, she finds the time and has the talent to show us pictures of a consistent very high quality. Her images of windows, boats and doors are amongst the best on flickr Apart for the admiration I have for … Read more

Alda is active in many flickr groups over and above having a hyperactive working and travelling life. Nevertheless, she finds the time and has the talent to show us pictures of a consistent very high quality. Her images of windows, boats and doors are amongst the best on flickr Apart for the admiration I have for her work, I most of all appreciate her enthusiastic kindness to encourage a newbie like me. ;o))

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May 23, 2009

"Very active in the art of photography she has great artistic sense within Replies and high morals and discussions Evidence that a person aspires to improve in the art of photography I wish you success"

March 30, 2009

I don't know what to add other than state that I return over and over to her photos. They are always striking, wonderfully impressionistic, and have wonderful tones. I appreciate her sharing her work in this forum.

March 30, 2009

Mrs. Alda Cravo Al-Saude; is great personality as well a great Photographer artist; I really admiralty enjoy her prospective of the beauties’ that she always reflected by her camera lens of the humanities’ nature and architectures of art around the world. An excellent works is an aspiration and motivation for me. Tha… Read more

Mrs. Alda Cravo Al-Saude; is great personality as well a great Photographer artist; I really admiralty enjoy her prospective of the beauties’ that she always reflected by her camera lens of the humanities’ nature and architectures of art around the world. An excellent works is an aspiration and motivation for me. Thanks a lot With my best regards Majeed Almahozi

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March 25, 2009

Si vous admirez ses albums et percevez la sensualité de la personne , le bien-faire de l'artiste et la valeur instructive , vous ne pourrez que l'adorer.....Alda c'est un symbol, elle est ma préferée dans Flickr....!

March 26, 2009

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