I'm a big photo making enthusiast! I mostly take family snaps to record our children growing up but every now and then I find time to indulge in more creative photography. I hope you find my photostream varied, interesting and fun. That said, expect to see a lot of cloud or flower photos... ;-)


If I had to choose a favourite lens, it would be my Tamron 90mm macro. It's a close call though! The Mighty Sony STF lens is a close contender....


Every now and then, I'll indulge in a month long 'one prime' challenge where I stick to one prime lens for the entire month. This is an idea from dyxum.com, the home of the minolta/sony Alpha-mount camera. These challenges usually run in April, July and October....


Comments and especially contructive criticism are most welcome. I try as hard as I can to reciprocate! I'll be honest and tell you why I like a pic and maybe even offer a suggestion on how I would work to improve a particular shot (to my tastes of course). I try not to leave cut'n'paste "great shot" type comments when I have time :-)

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Photos of Michael


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