I'm not a professional, not even an amateur, I just like to walk and take pictures in my spare time...



  • JoinedJuly 2018
  • HometownLiepaja
  • Current cityLiepaja
  • CountryLatvia
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Photos of Maris Gulbis


Write a testimonial

Your photos are a pleasure to behold. No need to worry about technical vocabulary, like 'pro' or 'amateur', just keep taking photos like these, because you're already a 'master' in my book.

January 18, 2023

You've got a gallery full of wonderfully made pictures - I like all of them, but the ones with the golden light you took from the Baltic Sea I love most! Keep on, Maris!

July 18, 2021

Great photos, it is a pleasure to enjoy your gallery, thank you for sharing.

October 31, 2020
Careful Space (deleted)

"Pro", "amateur" are just words. Being free to take the photos you like, that does really matter. Thank you for sharing your great images Maris ;-)

September 14, 2020

A variety of well taken images show your flexibility and skills in photography. Keep up the great initiative!

June 15, 2020

A superb collection of images Maris, always interesting and a joy to view.

May 9, 2020

Hi Maris, great photostream! Beautifull and very crispy, inviting landscape photography, Keep up the good work!

February 7, 2020
Organic Pencil (deleted)

Wonderful photos !!! Greetings from the former GDR ...

November 13, 2019

Una impresionante galería con un revelado exquisito y mucho gusto con los encuadres, un placer visitarla. Gracias por tu trabajo.  

November 2, 2019

Une jolie galerie colorée et variée, les photos sont toutes bien mises en valeur, bravo et merci! Marie

May 4, 2019