I live in Suffolk, UK and have been taking photography seriously only since around 2014. I found that photography gave me what I needed during a difficult phase of life, and when this phase passed, I continued with the hobby as I was hooked :) I think many of us can appreciate the benefits of being able to escape the real world for a while!


I love the interactive side of Flickr and have made some great friends here over the years. The Flickr experience is not about numbers for me, it's about people and lives and a shared passion. I enjoy reading the stories behind people's photos as well as looking at the pictures themselves, and understanding more about what that photo means to them. Often of course, no words are needed, but there is always a story.

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Photos of Lindsey1611


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The very first time I viewed Lindsey's photostream, boxes immediately started to tick. Looking at her photos grabbed my attention like a good book whose pages you cannot stop turning. Her passion for nature and life itself is so evident, not only from her imagery but also from her words. When we meet someone in person … Read more

The very first time I viewed Lindsey's photostream, boxes immediately started to tick. Looking at her photos grabbed my attention like a good book whose pages you cannot stop turning. Her passion for nature and life itself is so evident, not only from her imagery but also from her words. When we meet someone in person we can get an idea of what type of person they are by their body language and tone of voice. In an online sphere, it is, of course, somewhat different. You get to know someone by their photos and the comments they leave. Lindsey's comments are not just thoughtful. She is completely generous with her time, and is soooo very funny and witty. She also has an innate understanding of people. But, this being a photo sharing site, I should also write a few words about her images. From gentle roses to wind-swept moors and tranquil villages (and should not forget the odd ambellifer :-), her photos convey warmth, peace, and beauty. It is impossible to describe Lindsey's photos in just one word, but if I had to, it would be humanity itself. A true perfectionist, it seems to me that Lindsey leaves a wee bit of her own soul in every image she creates. Thank you for being here, and mostly - thank you for your friendship.

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July 14, 2019
Gill says:

Lindsey is one of my newest contacts but I just have to comment on her outstanding photostream. A truly talented photographer with an eye for each and every subject that she captures with her lens. I hope to see so much more of her inspiring work.

September 15, 2017