you can check out my etsy shop here! in addition to what I have listed there, I'm selling prints of almost all of my other photographs in a variety of sizes- message me if you're interested or if you have any questions :)


a stop



sad monk



free people

not content

global yodel

l'oeil ailleurs

canopy glow

atem books

poncz magazine

hi-low magazine

shooting film

seeing is stealing

fine art photography

we are adventurers

recordis photography

télégramme magazine

feaverish photography blog

carpaccio magazine

random got beautiful

not common people

booooooom - 1 & 2

frankie magazine

my modern met

libertarian mag

cashmere club

cze magazine

the d-photo

pistol & fur


sad monk

parti mag


nope fun



My name is Laina Briedis. I've lived on Long Island all my life, and for as long as I can remember I have been captivated with the concept, practice, and art of photography. You could say that I very often try to live vicariously though my pictures-- each still frame is a dream I had once, an attempt to capture or at least encompass some aspect of infinity. I create photographs because I've come to the conclusion that all the best kinds of happiness depend upon it. I want to remember everything the way it was meant to be seen, and catalog not only an experience or an adventure, but the feelings associated with it and the dream-like state our memories record in. I strive to make each one of my photographs not only provoke a memory within myself, but an emotion-- something that can bound across the invisible gaps that separate us from one another, creating a connection with someone else who's able to reach out and grab it. As far as preference and style, I find myself very moved and inspired to create photographs that are deep, thick, and demonstrate a boldness of color in some way-- my attempt to pull the vibrancy back to our foyers from the hazy halls of our minds. I collect vintage cameras and I use just about all of them, as they too represent memories, although I do have my favorites-- particularly the Nikon Nikkormat. My medium of choice is 35mm color film typically at ISO 400-200, sometimes expired. I do experiment with medium format from time to time, but it's far less flexible and portable which doesn't suit my purpose as readily. I tend to focus the majority of my photographs on the relationships people share with nature, how in awe I am of nature, and how I want to live as one within the world harmoniously. That being said, almost all of my photographs are spontaneously-inspired moments shared with friends. These illuminated moments provide a tangible way of cataloging my own relationships, my feelings about the world and how I relate to it, and the complex, deliberate preservation of memory through the burning of light.

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Photos of Laina Briedis


Write a testimonial
zany finger (deleted)

Laina Briedis continues to awaken the mysterious and supernatural with each of her jaw-dropping photos. Her site not only dazzles, but tantalizes you with bold colors, beautiful, faceless figures, and a sublime panorama to our world's landscapes. She reveals to the viewer the spectacular world that she sees and that we… Read more

Laina Briedis continues to awaken the mysterious and supernatural with each of her jaw-dropping photos. Her site not only dazzles, but tantalizes you with bold colors, beautiful, faceless figures, and a sublime panorama to our world's landscapes. She reveals to the viewer the spectacular world that she sees and that we can only be so lucky to dream of.

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January 5, 2011
Baie. says:

She takes the most amazing photogphs I've ever seen. They're full of colours, beautiful people, adventures in the woods and delightful light. I'm always looking forward to seeing something new from her (and she never fails to amaze me). Laina definitely deserves more attention!

January 24, 2010
hannah says:

i want to favorite all of your photos

September 27, 2009

oh my gosh, I don't really know who to explain how I feel...... The most amazing photographs I've ever seen, film or digital.

September 27, 2009

breathtaking photos, you're amazing.

August 30, 2009
Hooray! says:

Laina is such a good photographer that the first time I saw a photograph of hers, I thought: "That's a lovely photograph." She makes colours colourful, too; I can't ask for much more than that.

August 23, 2009

i happened to stumble across your stream and i thought straight away that i had to write you a testimonial because all your work is amazing! every photo, especially the film, has something about it that is just perfect! you are a real inspiration to me and i will be visiting your stream regulary because its just amazin… Read more

i happened to stumble across your stream and i thought straight away that i had to write you a testimonial because all your work is amazing! every photo, especially the film, has something about it that is just perfect! you are a real inspiration to me and i will be visiting your stream regulary because its just amazing!

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August 11, 2009

oh my god. i am seriously in awe. your film is hands down the best film i have seen on flickr. you just do it sooo well. if there was anyone i'd go to for inspiration, shooting film or not, it would definitely be you!vi'm just starting to shoot film and you are one of my biggest inspirations. so thank you :D

July 14, 2009