Just a regular guy with an eye and a camera. Not all who wonder are lost.

Portfolio Hilghlights

  • JoinedFebruary 2013
  • OccupationIt's 5 o'clock somewhere!
  • HometownHellam, Pennsylvania
  • Current cityHellam, Pennsylvania
  • CountryUSA
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Photos of George Kurzik


Write a testimonial

your photos make me travel and are of an extrodinary quality.

January 21, 2018

Beautiful gallery, great work!!

July 17, 2018

Each time I visit George's photostream, I am amazed at the quality and beauty of the images he captures. He indeed has a good eye and captures so many incredible images that it is a pleasure to spend time visiting his work. He is a true master of light and it shows. Thanks for sharing your talent with the world!

January 20, 2019

Great subjects, great composition, great color

March 10, 2019

Una impresionante galería con un revelado exquisito y mucho gusto con los encuadres, un placer visitarla. Gracias por tu trabajo.

July 14, 2019

Hi George, super photostream! Great colors, super monochromes, fantastic compositions, and beautiful scenes. Every picture is an awesome artwork. Keep up the good work!

January 15, 2020

What a fabulous gallery you've produced, George. Far more than "a regular guy with an eye and a camera", you are a great artist! So thank you so much for sharing you Art.

March 13, 2021

Very Focused in his work! A Joy to view his world! You have a superb collection of great photos. I find a lot of diversity, creativity and a unique sense of beauty on your work. I really enjoy watching your shots George!

March 22, 2021