To view my photos please click on Photostream above.


I live in British Columbia Canada and have been a photography hobbyist most of my life. Exploring back roads with my camera looking for something unique to photograph is my favourite past time. I have varied photographic interests with landscapes being my preference.

In June of 2019 I was honoured that Canada Post contacted me and bought the following photograph for it's Covered Bridges series postage stamps.

Feel free to check out my showcase and most viewed pages below. Please click on Photostream above to view more of my stream.


Photographs are always best viewed at full size.

Your many comments, invites and favorites are greatly appreciated, thank you so much.

My photographs are © Copyrighted and All Rights Reserved. None of these photos may be reproduced and or used in any form, including print, personal or internet without my written permission. Please contact me if you would like to use or buy any of my images.


DSLR Grandmaster of Photography

Proud Members Badge G M Photog


A Proud Member of Flickr's Professional Showcase

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Write a testimonial

Joe's photostream is a beautiful and varied collection of work. I feel fortunate to have been introduced to it!

December 6, 2022

Great images you have here. Congratulations.

February 5, 2022

Sir I very much enjoy your body of work,please to know that you like my photo[Raven-Haven].I spent most of my Photography time at. Haida Gwaii since[2008] By the way I;m your next door,I neighbor ,I LIVE IN KELOWNA Small world . thanks again for enjoying my humble photo,.Now that I seem your great photo's.I;m truly h… Read more

Sir I very much enjoy your body of work,please to know that you like my photo[Raven-Haven].I spent most of my Photography time at. Haida Gwaii since[2008] By the way I;m your next door,I neighbor ,I LIVE IN KELOWNA Small world . thanks again for enjoying my humble photo,.Now that I seem your great photo's.I;m truly honored to have the pleasure of seeing your body of work YOURS TRULY CASEYACE/JASON DOUGLAS

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August 27, 2021
reflective substance (deleted)

Every photo I see that Joe has published is spot on perfect, well thought out and composed. Joe checks in on my uploads to Flickr and often marks my pictures as fave. I take this as great praise and support in my developing hobby. Thank you Joe, I always look forward to seeing the additions to your collection.

November 26, 2021
Stan F says:

Here's an amazing collection of photos.

November 22, 2020

You are a skilled photographer. here are many great pictures. Thank you for sharing them with us :)

April 8, 2021

I'm Very Fortunate To Come Across A Very Lucky And Professional Photographer. Your Photostream Is A Trove Of Wholesome And Awesome Masterpieces, Worthy Of Anybody's Praise And Deserving Honors In Its Field. You Are Beyond Good, Joe.

July 10, 2020

Fantastic photostream! I look forward to seeing his images show up in my stream.

September 17, 2020

Prazer grande em ter um patrício no meu grupo de fotógrafos que sigo. Grande abraço.

October 12, 2017


July 10, 2017
simon says:

Known Joe, On Flickr For A Number Of Years Now! Check Out His Photos, You Like Me Will Enjoy! Well Done Joe!

July 24, 2013