Team Development Expert & International Conference Speaker in my job, when not working, I love nothing better than a good walk with my camera, capturing whatever takes my eye and I find interesting.


I don't have a specific genre, so have an eclectic photo stream which I hope you enjoy.


I don't have a photography website however the website I have included gives you a little more information about what I do in work.


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Photos of Nick Fewings 5 Million views


Write a testimonial
Hypnotic Coal (deleted)

Un travail photographique remarquable et tout à fait hors du commun !

October 15, 2013

I can't believe Few peeps has no testimonials yet !! Then I'll be the first ;-) As I saw one of his photo last december, I became hooked. In my opinion, "Few Peeps" is a genius of street photography. He freezes situations, captures mood and expressions, changes color and texture of his pictures with a magic recip… Read more

I can't believe Few peeps has no testimonials yet !! Then I'll be the first ;-) As I saw one of his photo last december, I became hooked. In my opinion, "Few Peeps" is a genius of street photography. He freezes situations, captures mood and expressions, changes color and texture of his pictures with a magic recipe and they become unique. His pictures speak themselves but they wouldn't be as funny (and often moving) without a title perfectly chosen and a caption that reveals a great sense of humor. His pictures make smile, his titles make laugh and his captions make laugh out loud ! Always respecting people, we laugh of the situation, we never make fun of them. Here are a few (peeps ;-)) comments I noted from other people : -"Awesome expression captured ! I look forward to your captions as much as your photos, both make me smile !" - "Another remarkable masterpiece" - "You've summed it up perfectly Nick - both in your image and your comment" - "You always take such excellent photos" - "It is always impressive the humanity you manage to catch in your works. it seems I can hear sounds and smell the air around your characters. your art is unique" - "Another unique story told in a matter of milliseconds". And many others... Thank you Nick ;-)

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February 21, 2014