Welcome to my Flickr collection! And an especially big 'hiya' to all those on my Contacts list! I'm addicted to Flickr and I enjoy checking out your latest pictures several times a week!

I love taking photos and I'm constantly keeping the family waiting while I decide what to take and how to take it! I've always had an interest in photography - not to be a professional or anything, just to take reasonably decent family pictures. In the 80s I was excited when I'd saved enough to buy myself a Pentax ProgramA SLR - cost a few weeks' wages! Was in my element at the discovery of digital cameras! Couldn't live without 'em!

My collection on Flickr contains photos taken on several different cameras, but my main cameras are the Nikon D5300, Canon G7Xii and iPhone 11 Pro (which is almost as good as the 'proper' cameras!)


By the way, if you add me as a contact but don't leave any comments on my photos it is unlikely I will add you - I concentrate on people who show a genuine interest in me and my photos.


I live with my husband, Tim and we have two sons, Matt and JJ.


Sadly we had to put our lovely collie-cross Sam to sleep in July 2014.

Plain Jane! My Three Wise Men! Sam the Dog (29)


We missed Sam so much, so in 2016 we adopted Lina, a Romanian rescue dog!


Puffins Reach

You can find me on Twitter twitter.com/Jainbow

I'm attempting to create my own website (lol!!) www.jainbowdiary.webs.com/


I am Admin for "Things You Couldn't Live Without' group - please take a look and add your favourite items! Animal, vegetable or minerals welcome! :~)


View my photos at bighugelabs.com





View my photos at bighugelabs.com

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Photos of Jainbow


Write a testimonial

I love all your photos Jainbow but especially the Pompey ones

September 9, 2019

Having Jane as a contact makes every day an adventure on her stream. Her love of family and photography shines out from every photo. Lina, the latest arrival is always a joy to see and what a beautiful dog. Long may your clicking finger keep clicking and showing us all your wonderful world. God bless :)

January 16, 2017

Dear Ms. Jane All your photos are so beautiful and inspiring. Your photos are so amazing, it’s hard to describe. I am always amazed when looking at your photos because so many of them are beautiful without any kind of editing. She is a fantastic photographer and always ready with a warm word or smile.If you ha… Read more

Dear Ms. Jane All your photos are so beautiful and inspiring. Your photos are so amazing, it’s hard to describe. I am always amazed when looking at your photos because so many of them are beautiful without any kind of editing. She is a fantastic photographer and always ready with a warm word or smile.If you haven't already, add her as a contact to keep up with her work, you'll be glad you did! I salute her sharing & caring attitude. I always look forward to her next post and she never disappoints. Her pictures are beautiful. You will be inspired when you look through her stream. Regards Tushar

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November 25, 2013

Jane is one of those few persons you have to admire, she has been through so many journeys with several ups and downs along the way. She has a certain way with her photos not like any other ! If I had to summarise her photostream it would be "Jane's World"', Jane is honest ,open and very creative. I do hope everything … Read more

Jane is one of those few persons you have to admire, she has been through so many journeys with several ups and downs along the way. She has a certain way with her photos not like any other ! If I had to summarise her photostream it would be "Jane's World"', Jane is honest ,open and very creative. I do hope everything in her life turns out fine and happy ..... I am sure it will , if anyone deserves it Jane does , I cannot believe her dedication and diligence. Here's to more of Janes World xx. May God Bless.

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March 7, 2013

It is always nice to meet someone who can make you feel a bit of Sunshine on the rainiest of days and Jane does just that.She has a way,a Style i guess you could call it of taking you into her World and showing all the Wonders within. Funny,Quirky,Talented,Caring and Kind Jane is all of these things and more,im glad to… Read more

It is always nice to meet someone who can make you feel a bit of Sunshine on the rainiest of days and Jane does just that.She has a way,a Style i guess you could call it of taking you into her World and showing all the Wonders within. Funny,Quirky,Talented,Caring and Kind Jane is all of these things and more,im glad to call her friend and i think if Flickr was a big Pirate Map id know where the Treasure was hid..in Janes Stream,come and visit her she will fill your eyes with Pleasure

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May 30, 2010

Jainbow is such a sweet soul in life caring thoughtful full of rainbows with fun and art coursing through her We love her dearly and always look forward to her new images with smiles /:) such a kind friend dear to us all heres to more rainbows with J riding them lol...... B xx

March 11, 2010

Jane is my little (Flickr) sister! She has been such a wonderful friend from the very first! We "met" through another photostream, and seemed to click immediately. She is so kind and thoughtful - and has the sweetest (and cutest) husband and 2 boys! Oh, and of course, sweet rescued Sam, their dear dog. love loo… Read more

Jane is my little (Flickr) sister! She has been such a wonderful friend from the very first! We "met" through another photostream, and seemed to click immediately. She is so kind and thoughtful - and has the sweetest (and cutest) husband and 2 boys! Oh, and of course, sweet rescued Sam, their dear dog. love looking at her wonderful shots of them and of her surroundings in their part of the world. She writes such interesting descriptions, too. Sometimes educational and sometimes just downright funny!! Someday I will travel from Texas to the UK, and we will have the most wonderful get-together! I have no doubt about that at all! Jane, sweetie, thank you for being the wonderful friend that you are - I couldn't wish for a better little sister! Much luv! Sandy

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September 12, 2009

jainbow has so much passion for her visual art and photography. it's really refreshing for someone to be so into her vision with no compromise. you go jane. i really enjoy viewing jainbow's view on the world. :-)

January 17, 2009
Stezzer says:

Everything is the only way I can some up Jainbow in one word, for there are too many words like thoughtful, careful, kind, appreciative, artistic, creative, experimental... the list goes on and on...too many words, for such a happy, kind and inspiring person, who is always true to her word, learning and evolving throug… Read more

Everything is the only way I can some up Jainbow in one word, for there are too many words like thoughtful, careful, kind, appreciative, artistic, creative, experimental... the list goes on and on...too many words, for such a happy, kind and inspiring person, who is always true to her word, learning and evolving through her photography each day, bringing art and new ideas, testing concepts and always ready to accept criticisms. A person where I feel totally comfortable to say what ever I please.... Go Jainbow :) Best wishes to you and all to those who have the pleasure of your photographs and friendship.

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August 13, 2008