When executed properly, a photograph is a window into the photographer's mind and heart.


  • JoinedJuly 2006
  • OccupationProfessional Photographer


Write a testimonial
G~SHOT says:

Mesmerising … and so awe-inspiring Maria Gemma is simply thee best photographer I have come across. Her images are just stunning and truely convey the beauty of our natural world.

May 12, 2022

Dear Gemma, with your photos you do not only convey beauty but also strong emotions. I really admire her shots and I follow you with pleasure!

June 30, 2021

Beautiful gallery with a wonderful variety of photographs that are pleasing to the eye and at the same time inspiring. Fantastic stream.

August 14, 2021

Amazing work Gemma! You have put a lot of work into your gallery and it shows. Highly impressive!

December 4, 2020

A superb collection of images Gemma, always interesting and a joy to view.

May 31, 2020

Dear Maria Gemma, your gallery is a collection of masterpieces. It reflects the beauty of so many different landscapes and motifs. I am deeply impressed and admire your work with every visit. It is an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your peaceful and loving view of this sometimes strange world with us. Stay healthy … Read more

Dear Maria Gemma, your gallery is a collection of masterpieces. It reflects the beauty of so many different landscapes and motifs. I am deeply impressed and admire your work with every visit. It is an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your peaceful and loving view of this sometimes strange world with us. Stay healthy and all the best from Freiburg. Matthias

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May 15, 2020

Amazing photostream! Each shot is a truly masterpiece! Congrats.

March 9, 2020
Beneficial Arch (deleted)

Today I discovered your incredible photos. Not only do they make me travel because the landscapes are very different from continental Europe, but also the result is always spectacular thanks to the very careful compositions and perfect exposures. Superb! Keep on making us dream!

March 14, 2020

Maria Gemma : I have never seen a photographer who can shoot a wide range of genres at such a high level.

January 4, 2020

Thank you for inviting me to post some of my work to several groups, with beautiful work by all contributors. Speaking of beautiful work your stream is an outstanding example of beautiful photography work. Christmas Blessings

December 24, 2019

Your gallery is really amazing María Gemma, simply wonderful. You are a great photographer and you must be between the greatest in the World. Congratulations 👏👏👏

December 19, 2019
Paula says:

Congratulations! You have a extraordinary gallery with amazing and very beautiful photos, Gemma! A wonderful 2020 with many and fabulous photographic works! :-)

December 17, 2019

Amazing photos of landscape and astronomical wonders

May 27, 2019

Maria Gemma sei strabiliante

May 2, 2019

Ciao Gemma, che dire...hai una galleria di fotografica bellissima, sai esprimere con le immagini l'emozione del momento e la cosa più bella è che l'emozione la trasmetti a chi le guarda! Complimenti davero!!! Ciao Davide

November 13, 2018

Very interesting and diverse photo stream, thorougly enjoyed looking at the variety of photos.

October 21, 2018
Marino says:

Quando entro in flickr non posso fare a meno di andare ad ammirare le stupende opere di Gemma ed ogni volta ne rimango abbagliato: quelle scene mozzafiato, quei tramonti romantici, quei riflessi spettacolari mi regalano sempre nuove emozioni. E poi ci sono quelle magie dei suoi giochi d'acqua che solo lei sa fare e c… Read more

Quando entro in flickr non posso fare a meno di andare ad ammirare le stupende opere di Gemma ed ogni volta ne rimango abbagliato: quelle scene mozzafiato, quei tramonti romantici, quei riflessi spettacolari mi regalano sempre nuove emozioni. E poi ci sono quelle magie dei suoi giochi d'acqua che solo lei sa fare e che io, maldestramente, ho provato ad imitare con terribili risultati, perfino allagando il salotto! Ma più che dell' eccellente artista, la bella Gemma mi è cara per il suo spirito, la sua arguzia, le sue battute che spesso mi fanno sorridere e mi mettono di buon umore. Peccato che, come la Minnie di Giacomo Puccini, questa deliziosa artista viva al di là dell' Oceano, invidio quelli che le stanno vicino

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December 27, 2014

Gemma, this is a tribute to YOU the person,woman, story teller and photographer! This is my first Testimonial and I am so honored to do so!! When I first arrived on Flickr, I noticed the quality of work you choose to share. And as time has progressed I begun to follow your work. And you followed mine as well. You we… Read more

Gemma, this is a tribute to YOU the person,woman, story teller and photographer! This is my first Testimonial and I am so honored to do so!! When I first arrived on Flickr, I noticed the quality of work you choose to share. And as time has progressed I begun to follow your work. And you followed mine as well. You were then and continue to be such an inspiration by living by example exemplifying what it means to pay it forward and perpetuating being a wonderful steward of our collect art form. As time has passed your warmness in personality, narratives, philosophical ideals and kindred nature drew me to aspire to be better and emulate your standard of excellence in all the aforementioned. Gemma, it is with honor that I give you the recognition you so have earned, not by promotion, but by attraction... You work very hard at facilitating the sites you manage and ALL of those group sites set the standard of excellence we all aspire to achieve. I hope you receive this, my first testimonial as it was intended, to honor YOU and what you bring to all of us. Your Flickr friend, Brian Jones alias "(Sharpshooter 2011)

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December 22, 2014

I believe that great images are a gateway to a larger perspective. They not only incorporate the vision and passion of the artist, they tell a story to the world. In this regard, Maria Gemma June is truly a passionate photographer. Her land- and cityscape images represent a personal, sometimes emotional snapshot of … Read more

I believe that great images are a gateway to a larger perspective. They not only incorporate the vision and passion of the artist, they tell a story to the world. In this regard, Maria Gemma June is truly a passionate photographer. Her land- and cityscape images represent a personal, sometimes emotional snapshot of the world. She is an artist to be watched in the future.

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August 13, 2014

Gemma's distinctive work reflects her passion to bring landscapes and nature scenes to a life of their own--a true feast for the eyes. Each image immediately grabs a viewer's attention and joins the eyes to the magnificence of the perspective, a shared revelation of the beauty before us. The peaks, valleys and world … Read more

Gemma's distinctive work reflects her passion to bring landscapes and nature scenes to a life of their own--a true feast for the eyes. Each image immediately grabs a viewer's attention and joins the eyes to the magnificence of the perspective, a shared revelation of the beauty before us. The peaks, valleys and world images Gemma exceptionally captures exudes the grandeur of the reality we sometimes miss in the world. If I can't be there--seeing Gemma's artful presentation of the world is truly the next best thing. Incredible work, my friend!

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August 1, 2014

Gemma You have some of the most beautiful shots I have ever seen. Especially your scenics. They are so colorful and have breath taking clarity. You are truly an artist. You constantly raise the bar with each and every post. I look forward to viewing your latest upload Thank you for sharing this amazing talent with u… Read more

Gemma You have some of the most beautiful shots I have ever seen. Especially your scenics. They are so colorful and have breath taking clarity. You are truly an artist. You constantly raise the bar with each and every post. I look forward to viewing your latest upload Thank you for sharing this amazing talent with us. Keep up the great work. Ralph

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May 22, 2014

I only found Gemma's photostream afew months ago and have been very impressed by the images she takes. Gemma really has an eye for great pictures and has such a fantastic skill which is very Special. Keep up the good Work. :-)

January 3, 2012

Gemma è un'ottima fotografa; i suoi paesaggi parlano di un mondo sobrio ma vivo. Tutto è trattato con delicatezza e discrezione, quasi come se non volesse disturbare la natura che sta raffigurando e fermando con le sue immagini. Persona gentile e altruista, amministra i gruppi con impegno ed altruismo. Un'ottima uten… Read more

Gemma è un'ottima fotografa; i suoi paesaggi parlano di un mondo sobrio ma vivo. Tutto è trattato con delicatezza e discrezione, quasi come se non volesse disturbare la natura che sta raffigurando e fermando con le sue immagini. Persona gentile e altruista, amministra i gruppi con impegno ed altruismo. Un'ottima utente ed una generosa amica.

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November 7, 2011
Great Guide (deleted)

Gemma is a wonderful photographer. Whether it's flowers, waterdrops, sunsets, Hawaii, mountains or anything else, it's always a pleasure to look at her work. Every single photograph is a jewel. And Gemma, you are such a lovely flickrfriend, it's a joy to communicate with you and to paint your beautiful landscapes! I wi… Read more

Gemma is a wonderful photographer. Whether it's flowers, waterdrops, sunsets, Hawaii, mountains or anything else, it's always a pleasure to look at her work. Every single photograph is a jewel. And Gemma, you are such a lovely flickrfriend, it's a joy to communicate with you and to paint your beautiful landscapes! I will never run out of subjects to paint, there are still lots and lots of things which are terribly attractive for painting. It's amazing that none of your photos are less than brilliant! I'm glad to have you as a flickrfriend, Gemma! Un forte abbraccio Doris

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October 10, 2011

Quello che traspare a prima vista nello stream di Gemma è l'assoluta delicatezza nel trattamento delle immagini.... Sono convinto che la fotografia sia il miglior strumento per esprimere la propria personalità...e qui Gemma ne da ampia dimostrazione...... Avvicinatevi alle sue foto con un sorriso... scoprirete un gr… Read more

Quello che traspare a prima vista nello stream di Gemma è l'assoluta delicatezza nel trattamento delle immagini.... Sono convinto che la fotografia sia il miglior strumento per esprimere la propria personalità...e qui Gemma ne da ampia dimostrazione...... Avvicinatevi alle sue foto con un sorriso... scoprirete un grande cuore ed un'anima gentile e solare. garzie cara amica.

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August 16, 2009

Carissima Gemma le tue foto sono di una bellezza indescrivibile! Ho provato a dare uno sguardo alla tua produzione, che spazia dai paesaggi all'astrattismo ed in ogni settore mi sono incantato a guardare i tuoi scatti! L'occhio sensibilissimo riesce a cogliere i momenti significatvi ed una tecnica indubbiamente fuori … Read more

Carissima Gemma le tue foto sono di una bellezza indescrivibile! Ho provato a dare uno sguardo alla tua produzione, che spazia dai paesaggi all'astrattismo ed in ogni settore mi sono incantato a guardare i tuoi scatti! L'occhio sensibilissimo riesce a cogliere i momenti significatvi ed una tecnica indubbiamente fuori dal comune secondo me fanno di te una fotografa veramente importante. Indubbiamente le tue foto forse in questo modesto ambito sono anche troppo, le tue foto andrebbero pubblicate su riviste di qualità del settore.Può darsi che già lo siano perchè scatti come questi non possono passare inosservati! Ti rinnovo i miei complimenti e ti ringrazio perchè a guardare le tue foto i miei occhi gioiscono per la bellezza che riescono ad esprimere. Ciao. berardo

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February 13, 2009

Gemma is deeply reflective about nature; understanding that the artistry and beauty of natural vistas are events to be absorbed and savored as the fleeting moments they are in reality. All one needs to do in order to gain an insight into her keen appreciation of the natural, is to peruse her sunrise and sunset galle… Read more

Gemma is deeply reflective about nature; understanding that the artistry and beauty of natural vistas are events to be absorbed and savored as the fleeting moments they are in reality. All one needs to do in order to gain an insight into her keen appreciation of the natural, is to peruse her sunrise and sunset gallery. It then become instantly clear that her appreciation of nature as an incidental art form is a passion which she presents to her visitors with impeccable photographic technique and quality. May you always possess your zeal of natural beauty Gemma!

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February 12, 2009