About me


Inspired by The Lord of the Rings, Cszech fairytale movies, A. Lindgren, Catweazle, Monty Python, Robin Hood, Celtic & Norse mythology and others.., my pictures are often slightly on the fantastic side with an artistic touch I believe. I enjoy diving into my dream world where I can do whatever I want, and not what others want me to do.


With my photography I can pay tribute to those wild, magical places that inspired our myths, legends, and most especially, our souls...


Other appearances: Vimeo

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  • JoinedApril 2008
  • OccupationVisual Artist in Astronomy, Photographer
  • HometownMinas Munich


Write a testimonial

Dear hipydeus, this is a chance for me to say what I - and I'm sure many others - feel about your work. You are an inspiration to us all, in your photography and in your many other creations. I aspire to these heights but, in the end, am content to just bend my neck and look upwards. You are, truly, an imaging genius!

April 13, 2009