I collect fashion dolls and make dollhouse miniatures.

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Photos of Alexandra


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Astonishing Sound (deleted)

Fоr mоre nаughty pics, find mе here: jupitermeringue.com

January 29, 2023
Nonchalant Impulse (deleted)

I'm wаiting fоr уou, find mе herе: cq9pulsa.com

January 29, 2023
Envious Sort (deleted)

For morе naughty рics, look me herе: yehparho.com

January 21, 2023
Puzzled Bells (deleted)

If уоu want my pictures, check here: matchchange.com

January 30, 2023
OylOul says:

Волшебный калейдоскоп красочных образов! Ваши фото и куклы -- такие красивые и гармоничные -- отрада для глаз и радость для души.

February 2, 2021

phantastic Your pictures inspire me, thank you for showing!

August 26, 2020

Your Doll collections are beautiful!! Thank for faving my photograph so that I got this link. Keep posting. Best..!!

June 4, 2020

hi alex your gallery is awesome and i decided to follow you i saw you picked some of favs in my gallery follow me as i do , it s a "reminder" for me and a grateful favour

December 17, 2019

His work is wonderful, he can give life to the puppets, really impressive. Congratulations!

August 20, 2018

Hy, Very original subject. Good work.

November 18, 2018

I love your work well done thanks for sharing

September 7, 2018

Bonjour Alexandra, et merci pour ton intéret sur mes photos. j'ai visité ta galerie et ai trouvé de bien belles choses. Bon, ce n'est pas vraiment ce que je fais moi même, mais j'apprécie beaucoup ton travail et tes compositions. Beaucoup d'originalités. Alors Bravo... Francis

July 19, 2018

Tu arte es excepcional ; felicitaciones. ( No hablo inglés ).

February 6, 2018