For me shooting pictures is an escape, like getting lost in a book. A writer writes to convey feeling, a photographer can do the same with a picture and the result can be just as powerful. I'm always learning, always trying something new, and constantly humbled by others photos. But, that is where the real fun is.







In my camera bag-


Nikon D90 currently

Previously owned a Nikon D40 and D60, i broke the shutter on both.

Nikon 18-55mm VR lens-Great all purpose lens


Nikon 55-200mm lens

Nikon 55-300 mm lens

Nikon 35mm f1.8 lens

Nikon 50mm f1.4 afs-I LOVE IT!

Nikon 60mm f2.8 macro-amazing lens

sigma 30mm f 1.4- stellar bokeh

SB 400 speed light-great and cheap flash

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  • JoinedOctober 2007
  • OccupationA truly disgruntled baker. 20 years and counting.
  • HometownSt. Louis


Write a testimonial

My fantastic friend, Your photos never fail to amaze me! Every one of them is a piece of art that I could stare at all day! Your architecture shots are breathtaking and I always love visiting your photostream! Keep up the incredible photos!

April 23, 2015

I remember exactly this one day when I saw the first time the photostream of Kevin! I was looking at some photos and reading comments when I noticed one special and funny comment of Kevin. Then I was there, at the pictures of his stream … and what I saw was unbelievable! I was overwhelmed by this special type of pho… Read more

I remember exactly this one day when I saw the first time the photostream of Kevin! I was looking at some photos and reading comments when I noticed one special and funny comment of Kevin. Then I was there, at the pictures of his stream … and what I saw was unbelievable! I was overwhelmed by this special type of photography. I never saw such photos before. And even today I must confess that I’m like a child waiting for a new work of him. My favourite picture of Kevin? An older one with the name “The i Generation”. With this picture, I saw magic. On the photo you can see his daughter illuminated by an iPad and on the left of her the letters “Think different”. I thought he was working for Apple he he he :-) Rarely I saw such a perfect shot in every sense! His pictures are so funny showing a great humour but at the same time associated with great effort when he involves his family or the family hamster he he he :-) He is so talented and so creative in trying to make a new spectacle for us. And the best of all is that without exception all photos are on an incredible high technical level! I’m very happy to have him as a great friend here on Flickr.

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March 20, 2015

For me Kevin is a truly talented and inspirational photographer, he has an amzing imagination and his beautiful creations are always original and unique. Each and every picture Kevin shows is an absolute masterpiece. It really is a pleasure to follow his work. Not only is Kevin a brillant photographer but he is also a … Read more

For me Kevin is a truly talented and inspirational photographer, he has an amzing imagination and his beautiful creations are always original and unique. Each and every picture Kevin shows is an absolute masterpiece. It really is a pleasure to follow his work. Not only is Kevin a brillant photographer but he is also a good friend who always takes the time to support and encourage my photostream. Talking a walk through Kevins photostream is always such a great tonic!

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January 28, 2014
Philipp says:

If you want to see something extraordinary then please check out disgruntledbaker's stream. You can find a huge variety of qualitative fotos. I really like his silhouettes-series. this album is well worth seeing and i'm everytime happy if he uploaded a new one! I really hope that you enrich us with lots of fotos in … Read more

If you want to see something extraordinary then please check out disgruntledbaker's stream. You can find a huge variety of qualitative fotos. I really like his silhouettes-series. this album is well worth seeing and i'm everytime happy if he uploaded a new one! I really hope that you enrich us with lots of fotos in future! Please don't stop uploading on flickr ;)

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March 9, 2009
p.folrev says:

Maybe Kevin is a disgruntled baker, but Kevin is mainly a very talented photographer who like to explore his subjects (his wonderful family) and techniques (panning, silhouettes, reflector, bokkeh) until he gets to the perfection. I'm fascinated to see the work he puts (with his family) to capture even the most "candid… Read more

Maybe Kevin is a disgruntled baker, but Kevin is mainly a very talented photographer who like to explore his subjects (his wonderful family) and techniques (panning, silhouettes, reflector, bokkeh) until he gets to the perfection. I'm fascinated to see the work he puts (with his family) to capture even the most "candid" moment. I really enjoy all his work and I looking forward to seeing more of his work in the future...

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December 11, 2008