I'm back!

Passionate about photography since I began with a Zenith E, where b&w 35mm film was on a budget and printing images was reserved for only selected images. I learnt how to develop my own b&w in my attic and moved to an Olympus OM2, then a Oly OM10.

Years later I jumped onto an E-3 and read and watched everything I could on digital photography. Friends started asking me to shoot this and that, then a baptism a wedding. This is where I became an 'Auto Entrepreneur in France and began shooting weddings and baptisms in addition to my full-time job.

During these years I worked with Nikon glass and bodies (D4, 810) and used Elinchrom Quardra strobes and speedlights where necessary. This work, killed the fun of photography and being alone it was hard work. Shooting RAW never jpeg also required post production time to check contrast and reduce saturation. I hated processed photos so steared away from Photoshop as much as possible. LR was not the best for Nikon (colour issues with reds) but the 'all in one' ability to organise albums and print collections helped. A fantastic experience where communication with your client was absolute key something I learnt by following giants like Cliff Mautner- obtaining their trust and confidence. I would always do a free pre-shoot so the couple could feel at ease.

Today that is behind me, I sold all my pro gear and bought several Oly bodies and glass and have again moved from a Fuji X-T4 to the X-T5 and I'm shooting again for me and the enjoyment. Still using Capture 1 only as I feel nothing compares.

I have just returned to Flickr as I no longer have a website - so looking forward to looking at all your work folks.


It's not about the gear it's about your subjects telling a story framed in great light!

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  • JoinedJune 2008
  • HometownSidmouth (Devon, UK)
  • Current cityLa Varenne St Hilaire
  • CountryFrance
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Photos of Charles Murphy


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