Celia W. Zhen is a landscape photographer and educator based in Great Toronto Area. Her passion for natural environments and sensibility for photography came to her life suddenly since she devoted to the photography on 2016. Her portfolio is a testament to her incredible range and her ability to translate scenes with even the most unconventional features and challenging conditions into compelling works of art.

Celia was a Medical Doctor. She loves travel, spent a lot of time traveling around the world, mostly solo trips, such as Annapurna Base Camp trek in Nepal; Inca Trail to Machu Picchu; hiking West Maroon Pass from Aspen to Crested Butte; New Zealand; the Dolomites of Italian and solo over night kayaking trips to inner lakes of Ontario in Canada etc.

Her artwork has gained critical acclaim: Top 25 Photos in the world on Flickr in 2019; One of five “ 2019 Your Best Shot Winners in the World on Flickr” ; The “Wild Weather” winner of Canadian Geographic 34th Annual Photo Competition, ; In past 2 years, Celia were widely interviewed by Chinese top professional magazines and website such as Chinese National Geographic Magazine etc. and held a special column of her work in those top magazines and websites.

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  • JoinedOctober 2013
  • OccupationPhotography artist and educator
  • Current cityToronto
  • CountryCanada


Write a testimonial

Celia's landscape work is just stunning. Her images just let your fantasy to travel to those beautiful locations and live the beauty of the scenes depicted. It is a pleasure to look at her photography,

January 22, 2023

Stunning work!

January 13, 2021

Vous avez une galerie fantastique, bravo je me suis régaler a l'admiré !!!!!!

November 26, 2019

Lovey images from various parts of the world from a skilled photographer

December 5, 2019

A Célia tem um dom muito interessante, que é este gosto pela fotografia. As suas fotos são muito inspiradoras. Continu-e a presentear-nos com toda a sua beleza.

September 17, 2017

What to say? Beautiful images,great technique,really compliments for your beautiful album. :-)

March 3, 2018

This is a totally amazing gallery, indeed! You can see the passion of the photographer. Lots of great pictures, lots of interesting perspectives showing the world we live in. Keep it up, Celia!

January 3, 2019

Vous avez beaucoup de talent !!! BRAVO, vous êtes une très grande photographe. 📷📷📷 GROUPE JUSTE DU TALENT 📷📷📷 Vous pouvez tous rejoindre mon groupe "Juste du talent" pour publier vos plus belles photos !!! Merci et à bientôt.

December 5, 2019

you're very talented, wow !!!

December 5, 2019

Cara Celia, complimenti per le tue foto, sono a dir poco strepitose, piene di fascino, avvolgenti, ti fanno entrare direttamente nel paesaggio e ti sembra di viverlo. Io, ormai, da anni, fotografo solo ritratti, ma ti assicuro che vedendo le tue foto sei riuscita a mettermi addosso una carica incredibile e voglio comin… Read more

Cara Celia, complimenti per le tue foto, sono a dir poco strepitose, piene di fascino, avvolgenti, ti fanno entrare direttamente nel paesaggio e ti sembra di viverlo. Io, ormai, da anni, fotografo solo ritratti, ma ti assicuro che vedendo le tue foto sei riuscita a mettermi addosso una carica incredibile e voglio cominciare a fotografare paesaggi; paesaggi della mia bella Italia. Complimenti ancora. Ciao.

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December 31, 2019

Woow what an amazing photos of nature. It is a pleasure to watch this art. Keep up the good work and keep exciting us with these thrilled frames of astonishing beauty. Best regards Suvad Hamzić

December 25, 2019

J'aime beaucoup votre travail.Certaine photos sont un peu trop retouchées à mon gout mais ça fait de beaux tableaux La galerie est très plaisante à parcourir et j'ai retrouvé des paysages que je connais bien Bravo à vous et à bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures

February 15, 2020

Celia´s portfolio is outstanding, her photographs are exceptional. She has got a real good eye for anything special in mother nature. Please carry on!!

January 5, 2020

A great gallery of images.

April 25, 2020

Celia is one of the best photographers I have seen on flickr. Her high class and high quality shots are breathtaking and out of this world. She has a wonderful feeling for light and mood and show us landscapes we dream of. Thanks for sharing your masterworks.

August 4, 2020
Poised Lake (deleted)

Stunning beautifully composed images of the natural world. This collection combines admirable technical expertise with an obvious love for the subject matter. It is an extremely well done and coherently curated.

July 14, 2020

Hi Celia, fellow Torontonian. Love seeing your beautiful photos.

June 29, 2020