To me, in many ways, photography is a journey of uncertain destination, images a starting point for the mind. An image must speak, it's all about the story, whether documenting and sharing an experience or opening doors beyond the confined boundaries of reality. Color, monochrome, shape and form, are irrelevant to me, rather what matters is meaning and emotion, it is then that photography transcends science to become art.


It is not for me to say whether any of my images achieve this nor where they take you. What I can say is that I wish to invite the viewer's mind to travel, within, to explore his or her "Imaginarium" using these photographs as a base. In that sense I am happy to be labelled a travel photographer.


Since as long as I can remember, travel has been a part of my life nourished by the the spirit of adventure and discovery. I will never be the first man on the moon, but I would like to dream that I could.


As a remedy, I decided to seek out places remote and untouched, far from civilization as we know it, be they of cultural or natural wonder. Loosing my own bearings, I feel free and, at times, privileged to be the witness of the extra-ordinary, filling me with that sense of wonder I had as a child: from the last salt caravan in the unearthly Danakil depression, to auroral lights dancing above a glacier lagoon, from sharing a morning pipe with a Himba tribeswoman, to viewing infinity on the Uyuni Salar.


Transcribing these and other vivid scenes in an image that affects you is my challenge. In many ways, I am still at the beginning of my journey and finding my way. In a sense, I hope I never do.


Whilst seeking subject and light, at times I have encountered magic, but the true gift and joy of photography is that of sight. The pursuit of photography teaches you you how to see, and as I learn, with or without a camera, there is hardly a day I do not feel rewarded.




September 2011: Group Show JAS Gallery, Paris


November-December 2011: Solo Exhibit "Ice Dreams" JAS Gallery, Paris


January 2012: Group Show JAS Gallery, Paris




Please respect my work and my copyright on all images. Avoid getting in trouble and contact me for any use, I have no tolerance for image theft and will protect my legal rights.




Most of my photography is done with Nikon 35mm Full Frame material.


For aesthetic and/or technical reasons, I use photographic filters: circular polarizing filters, graduated neutral density filters and neutral density filters. All of my photographs are the result of one single exposure and developed with Capture NX2.


Fine Art Print & Licensing


If you wish to acquire a Fine Art print please contact me using FlickrMail or at cedric.guilleminot@me.com.


If you wish to use an image or license it please contact me using FlickrMail or at cedric.guilleminot@me.com.


ABW Gallery - Amazingly Beautiful World


I have joined the Staff of ABW, which I am sure you know, in quality of Padawan.


If you do not, do yourself a favor, have a look at Flickr's best kept secret. You will find a collection of the finest images available regardless of popularity or background, curated with extreme care by a group of gentlemen extraordinaire, who yield the verb as only a Jedi Master the sword.


The quality of the commentary is only rivaled by the breadth of talent and diversity this true Gallery collection represents.


So join this slow paced Gallery, take a pause, ask for a coffee and indulge yourself. If you like what you see leave a comment, don't be shy. Stop by once a week and become a regular, you'll get a discount on the coffee.


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Photos of Cedric Guilleminot


Write a testimonial

Cédric tes images sont splendides ,elles me font rêver tu as beaucoup de talent ,continue comme ça c'est superbe

February 27, 2011
Premium Downtown (deleted)

Cedric, il en faut des mots pour le décrire à mes yeux : c'est un artiste avant tout, des images à couper le souffle, des histoires et des paysages hostiles qu'il apprivoise à coup de génie et d'une extrême sensibilité (couplé à un talent fou et à l'amour du voyage). C'est aussi quelqu'un qui aide à avancer, une généro… Read more

Cedric, il en faut des mots pour le décrire à mes yeux : c'est un artiste avant tout, des images à couper le souffle, des histoires et des paysages hostiles qu'il apprivoise à coup de génie et d'une extrême sensibilité (couplé à un talent fou et à l'amour du voyage). C'est aussi quelqu'un qui aide à avancer, une générosité et une gentillesse qu'on ne rencontre pas souvent. Je m'arrête là, less is more.

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January 18, 2011
maxxsmart says:

Cedric's images have given me a view of the world through his eyes... His vision. Not only has he visited some amazing places across the globe, He has documented these places with beautiful works of art as well. His photography is an inspiration to me, as well as his travels. Keep up the fine work, and thank you for sh… Read more

Cedric's images have given me a view of the world through his eyes... His vision. Not only has he visited some amazing places across the globe, He has documented these places with beautiful works of art as well. His photography is an inspiration to me, as well as his travels. Keep up the fine work, and thank you for showing us such amazing places and pieces.

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December 11, 2010

Cedric, you are my inspiration! Your images are perfect in every aspect! And besides, I envy you, because you go to the places I dream about, like Iceland; Atacama; Patagonia, etc. Maybe next summer, we can go together to Iceland, bike around the island, shooting! How about that?

September 1, 2010