I am a Brazilian commercial photographer. I travel around trying to capture my own perspective of our planet and its many characters.


My personal adventures are those I enjoy the most. Some of my work, like “Freckles” and “Memories from Normandy” have been exhibited in public galleries. Others, like the “Wrinkles of Time” were even published in international photography magazines.


Having started as a professional in 2004, I am just getting started, with a long road ahead and a lot to learn. So far, I am loving the ride.


On this site, I will write about the things I like. As you will notice, it’s not just photography. I am also crazy about design, travel, science, movies, books, music, apps, gadgets and a lot more. I hope you enjoy.


My commercial studio is Pandalux - [ www.pandalux.me ], based in Sao Paulo, Brazil. There you can find the works I and my partner Agê Barros do for high-end clients such as Nike, Renault, Google, Bodytech, Visa, Tam and many others.

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Photos of Rodrigo Bressane


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