Fotografieren ist für mich nicht nur ein geliebtes Hobby sondern auch meine Art von Therapie, mit der Kamera bei jedem Wetter draußen unterwegs zu sein hilft mir immer gegen so ziemlich alles, gegen schlechte Laune und trübe Gedanken, gegen Ärger und Frust, macht meinen Kopf frei und meine Seele zufrieden.

Ich liebe die Natur, ich liebe Tiere und so sind auch meine Motive fast ausschließlich in diesem Bereich zu finden. Rücksicht und Respekt sollten dabei selbstverständlich sein. Katzen faszinieren mich, Wölfe sind meine Obsession also logisch, dass ihr viele Bilder von ihnen in meiner Sammlung findet. Trotzdem bin ich auch immer offen für alles Andere, es gibt so viel Schönes überall.


Mehr Fotos von mir gibt es auf meiner Homepage:


Photography is not only a beloved hobby for me but also my type of therapy, being outside with the camera in any weather always helps me against pretty much everything, against bad mood and cloudy thoughts, against anger and frustration, clears my head and satisfies my soul.


I love nature, I love animals and so my motives can be found almost exclusively in this area. Consideration and respect should go without saying. Cats fascinate me, wolves are my obsession so it's logical that you will find many pictures of them in my collection. Nevertheless, I am always open to everything else, there are so many beautiful things everywhere.


There are more photos of me on my homepage:

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  • JoinedJune 2016
  • Current citySehnde b. Hannover
  • CountryNiedersachsen


Write a testimonial
Slavka K says:

Oh Babs, your gallery is full of furriers, teeth and nice eyes. It's very adorable!!!

December 10, 2019

It is without fail, when I believe I have seen the best images Babs has to offer, she tops it again and again. Her nature images are taken with incredible focus and timing bringing out the very best in the subjects character. Images so clear, lighting so perfect the viewer feels to be in the same space as the subject. … Read more

It is without fail, when I believe I have seen the best images Babs has to offer, she tops it again and again. Her nature images are taken with incredible focus and timing bringing out the very best in the subjects character. Images so clear, lighting so perfect the viewer feels to be in the same space as the subject. Babs is a soul linked by a kinship to nature.

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January 23, 2018