I love to shoot. Anything, Everything, any way I can. If you're into adventures, experiments, and pushing your camera to its limits shoot me a line.

  • JoinedJune 2011
  • OccupationRN
  • Current cityToronto
  • CountryCanada
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Photos of Amanda Catching


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Amanda you have a unique and interesting long exposure style. There is such a vast amount of ways you captures Toronto in your photos that I myself have tried to mimic in DC (like taking a picture for 30 to 60 mins and pivoting the camera on the tripod and combining buildings from the ghosting effects). It is always g… Read more

Amanda you have a unique and interesting long exposure style. There is such a vast amount of ways you captures Toronto in your photos that I myself have tried to mimic in DC (like taking a picture for 30 to 60 mins and pivoting the camera on the tripod and combining buildings from the ghosting effects). It is always great to see whatever your latest posts are. Keep taking those awesome creative LE pictures!

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November 17, 2020