I am a photographer living in the Northwest. Not sure I can think of a better place to call home base for nature photography and the general love for the outdoors. I feel very fortunate to live here, an area with endless natural beauty.


Capturing and showing the rugged and delicate sides of nature and the landscape is more of a personal goal for me than anything. Today more than ever we need to have a true appreciation for the wonder and beauty of the natural world. I hope that my images help to remind us all that nature is a necessity, not a nice to have.


Enjoy the images in our photostream. If you are interested in purchasing any of our work or have any questions please contact us. We will be glad to help you out. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!


Also, I appreciate the comments left on my posted photos. I read them all as time allows but I am busy and don't always have the chance to reciprocate with comments but try when possible. Thanks for your understanding and your kindness in commenting regardless.


Photo Tours and Workshops

Adrian Klein Photography - Blog

Photo Cascadia

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Photos of Adrian Klein


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sawdevcin says:

I'm a better photographer today because of Adrian and Kevin, the dynamic duo of Northwest Photo Tours. Both excellent photographers and teachers but with very different, and quite opposite styles that complement each other remarkably well. I'm looking forward to the Oregon Coast.

June 14, 2010
mm767cap says:

I've recently had the privilege of completing my second workshop with Adrian and NWPhototours. The fact that it is my second should really tell you all you need to know about my impressions of Adrian as a photographer, and workshop leader. We've all had instructors throughout our life; some more memorable than others… Read more

I've recently had the privilege of completing my second workshop with Adrian and NWPhototours. The fact that it is my second should really tell you all you need to know about my impressions of Adrian as a photographer, and workshop leader. We've all had instructors throughout our life; some more memorable than others. I can honestly say that I've never learned more from someone than I have from Adrian. My photography has improved from a most humble beginning to a level where I'm proud to show my images almost exclusively due to Adrian's patient and thorough tutoring. In taking a workshop with Adrian, you can expect the following things. Your safety, comfort, and well-being will be looked after above all things. You will be shown incredible locations that offer a unique glimpse of nature that most people will overlook. You will be guided through the process of making a great image from the initial survey of the overall scene to finding and appreciating the smallest of details and patterns. You will be commended for the good elements of your image, but at the same time shown, in detail, where you could work to make improvements that will help your photography. You will be immersed in the learning process from the minute you arrive until the minute you leave, surrounded by an infectious, upbeat, cheerful, and totally FUN attitude which begins with Adrian and works its way through all the workshop participants. You will be guided on some processing fundamentals that will open you to the powerful world of blending exposures to make great landscape images. All in all, I simply couldn't recommend anyone more highly to spend a photo workshop with. I'm looking forward to going out on another one at some point!! My fear that I might not learn as much during the second workshop was COMPLETELY unfounded, and I found myself taking another leap in photography that I hadn't dreamed I could attain in such a short time. I'm totally, completely, 100% satisfied, Adrian. Thank you for everything.

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July 31, 2009
Pink Pipe (deleted)

Adrian's photostream speaks for itself. The scenes are stunning, the colors are naturally beautiful, and there is inspiration to be found in every shot. Adrian also offers great advice when asked and is very friendly to photographers of all experience. It is definitely a pleasure to have him on Flickr!

June 18, 2009