
- canon digital rebel xsi with 18-55 is kit lens and 50mm 1.8 II

- lomo fisheye 1

- ensign selfix 16 20 model iv, rosstar f4.5 lens, epsilon 1/300 shutter

- unknown german 6x9 folding camera, spezial aplanat lens 10.5cm f8, vario shutter 25 50 100 B T, markings DRP and DRGM on the inside (which I'm pretty sure means it was made before WWII)


i think almost all photos look best on a black background with a white border. i hate people who do this on flickr though.


Oh and I take headshots for money sometimes. Young/student actors in toronto, gimme a shout.


Photo publication credits:

steel bananas

ryerson free press

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