Amateur Photographer, Published Poet, IS professional for over 30 years, husband, father, work in progress.


And now, novelist! I have completed my novel and shortly shall be publishing it online under the title "Portal of Janus".


The photographs are all my original work with the exceptions of those family heirloom photos that I have in my collection.


Comments are always welcome.


I do not usually have a problem with someone using one of my photographs, but I do insist that you ask my permission. After all, that is only common courtesy.

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Some of my best work

  • JoinedJuly 2005
  • OccupationSystems Analyst/Writer
  • Current cityWorcester, Massachusetts
  • CountryU.S.A.


Write a testimonial

Dear, Fantastic gallery you made, I enjoyed the viewing of your work. Oli

April 11, 2020