Hello I’m Matt but you may also know me as MrLeicaCom. I am a photography blogger, YouTuber and Patreon creator based in the UK. My work is mostly model and wedding photography and I specialise in B&W female portraiture. My passion is analogue cameras but I also use digital Leicas.



A bit about me, where it started -


I was always nominated as photographer at family events and nights out. I thought i'd miss something if I didn't have a camera with me!


I bought Pentax Optio S4 to take to India travelling in 2003 which replaced my APS camera.


Updated that in Dec 08 with a Lumix TZ5. Then I really got the photo bug! I have always been quite arty and found photography allows me to channel that energy into something both rewarding and very satisfying.


Jul 09 - i've already outgrown the lack of manual functions on the TZ5 so have just replaced it with a Canon G10. So excited! Started to enter a few minor competitions and am read up on techniques.


..later in July... the G10 had a fault so it was returned. I invested in a Lumix G1 instead with both lens kits plus a Raynox 250 after reading reviews (I love my macros!)


Aug09 - G1 is amazing!! I'm loving the G1 / R-250 combo and the G1's zoom. Plenty of pics to come!! :)


Jan 2010 - 1 year on Flickr!

Update - I now have my late Grandad's 1975 Yashica MG-1 Rangefinder and I love it! It is making me appreciate photography so much more. I've now readup on Ilford B&W film and the like and am ready to shoot my first 35mm B&W film shots.


G1 is still performing well. The addition of the 20mm pancake lens, filters, full size tripod and remote all conclude that i'm now fully hooked and I openly admit to spending too much time on here! :) Always learning!


May 2010 - I thought I better update as I notice I haven't mentioned my best purchase to date - the Voigtlnader Nokton 40mm, fitted to the G1 with a Leics M adapter. I bought in back in Feb/Mar and haven't looked back. I rarely use the kit lens now, not even the pancake. I have set up 2 sets showing the Nokton 40mm and the Raynox 250 + Nokton combo (macro shots)..


My latest purchase was a Lumic FL360 flash and now a DSLRKIT remote trigger. My latest craze is flash photography and portraits. Both very new to me so it is proving a steep yet rewarding learning curve!


June10 - The Voigtlander lens has lead me to a new craze - legacy lens! I bought an OM adapter and then two Zuiko lens on ebay in May which I thought were a bargain. (Lens detail below). I was then loaned a M42 fit Chinnon lens so bought an M42 adapter. Days later I saw some unbelievable M42 bargain lens that I couldn't ignore. Again on ebay so ended up with two more lens! (Details below).

I'm loving the f2.8 135mm. Need to get testing them all now. :)


Aug10 - Nikon D90 Ordered. Waiting eagerly in anticipation :D


Nov10 - D90 performing well. Samyang 85mm/1.4 arrives and suits my needs perfectly. Like the Nokton but even better! Lens collection continues to grow, G1 sold.


Feb10 - Now 2 years on Flickr. Current fav lens is 80-200/2.8 Nikkor which is amazing for my shallow DOF taste @200mm & 2.8. The smaller 85/1.8 Nikkor next best and fits in bag when travelling.


Still an amateur but hopefully you see a steady improvement in my photography!?



For me 2011 is all about perfecting light and portraits...


May11 - Update: Bought a D700 as wanted a second body eady for weddings and the D7000 didn't seem much of a step up from the D90. What can I say.. the D90 is gathering dust! Full frame is awesome, the tonal range in B&W shots is great, it gives each of my exisitng lens a new feel as now no crop factor. The highlight initially was the increased bohek for model shots and low light ability until... i realised legacy lenses auto meter and the green blob shows when in focus! OMG that's amazing news!!!! This means the Samyang 85/1.4 can be used without using liveview to focus and the Auto Promura 135/2.8 M42 lens gives amazing old look photos from a new camera. Very pleased.


Also bought an FX Tamron 28-75/2.8 lens (to replace the 17-50/2.8) for the D700. Amazing lens, very versitile and can get in close giving very impressive narrow DOF for a 2.8. Recommend!


July11 - Bought Samyang 35/1.4 (MF), Samyang 14/2.8(MF) - both amazing.

Also bougt Nikkor 50/1.4D for weddings and low light work


I suppose I am now classed as a 'semi-pro' as everything is coming together nicely yet i've not given up the day job yet! :) All comments and criticism very welcome as always!


Jan 2012 - Overdue Update!!

Since July i have now sold the Samyang 35 & 85 1.4s and replaced with an investment of a Nikkor 85/1.4D and a Nikkor 35/1.4G for weddings as need te AF. I have a home studio in Coventry and do weekly model shoots and have now started doing more event work too. Target for 2012 is Weddings.


February 2012 - 3 years on Flickr and a new hobby devlops - Cinematography. After being persuaded to try video on the D90 i did some short videos out in India and I was hooked. Realising the huge video limitations of the D90 vs. Nikon and wanting to only go FF I looked at moving over to a 5D MkII for video and a Nikon adapter. Then..saved..***D800 announced!


..My D800 was pre-ordered the same morning it was announced and the days are counting down. Coming soon!


Mar 2012 - Starting to get very busy.. word seems to have got out that I know how to point a camera. Miss the old days of >6hrs sleep a night! ..but worth it! :)


May 2012 - Nikon D800 finally arrived 3mths after pre-ordering. Within my first week the D700 has started to gather dust and my work has gone to the next level. The crop ability with the high resolution is fantastic.


October 2012 - Already looking for big and better despite the D800 and some fantastic Nikon primes including the mighty 200/f2 and 50/1.2. I still have a need for more. So what next.. Let me introduce you to my latest purchase the Contax 645 medium format camera. Within 2 weeks I went from knowing zero about this 'medium format' term to learning some of the tricks with the various film types, the various film back options, polaroid, different view finder options.. a steep but satisfying learning ..hill! :) No sooner as I received the Contax my reading lead me to the 6x6 format.. this then lead me to buying a bargainous Pentacon Six. I then wanted more as usual so bought a Sonnar 180/2.8 to accompany the Biotar 80/2.8 it came with, but mainly for the more shallow DOF.


So.. what now.. I await 7 rolls of film to be developed...


December 2012 - Home developing kit starts to arrive from ebay. Purchase of a now third medium format film camera and more lenses. Loving film!


2012 coming to a close.. Thoughts.. 2012 saw the most paid weddings so far in my photography career, first royalties from Getty Images, first magazine lens review, first collaboration with a lens manufacturer, first 1-2-1 photography teaching to others, first European 4-day model shoot trip, studio gets busier with models, converted to shooting almost entirely manual focus and developed an almost dislike to AF and entering the new and exciting world of medium format film photography. My photography knowledge continues to build but plenty more to learn.


Target for 2013.. master home developing of film negatives to get the look I desire, work closely with lens manufacturer to build a strong relationship, push the film photography hard on models and wedding couples, increase awareness of my photography teaching availability, obtain more wedding bookings than 2012 and continue to build my brand and style.




Thanks for stopping by!


(Social network site links (buttons) now below)



Added 17/01/10 -




Kit list -


---Film - Medium Format (New)

Contax 645

Pentacon Six TL



CZ Planar 80/2 T

CZ Biotar 80/2.8

CZ Sonnar 180/2.8

ARAX 80/2.8

MIR-26b (45/3.5)

Vega 28 (120/2.8)



Nikon D800

Nikon D700 (now backup for weddings)


Nikkor 35/1.4G

Nikkor 85/1.4D

Nikkor 50mm/ 1.4D

Nikkor 80-200mm/2.8 D ED

Nikkor 50/1.2 AIS

Nikkor 200.2 AIS

Nikkor 24/2 AIS

Samyang 14/2.8

Samyang 24/1.4

Samyang 85/1.4

CZ Pancolar 80/1.8

Rollei 50/1.8

Auto Promura 135mm/ 2.8

Pentacon 50mm/1.8

Vivitar 70-300mm macro


1975 Yashica MG-1

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  • JoinedNovember 2008
  • OccupationAccountant
  • HometownLeicestershire
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Photos of Matt Osborne


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Offbeat Story (deleted)

Preciosa galería de fotografías. Mi más sincera enhorabuena.

August 16, 2020

Amazing photos.. one can spend hours looking at these photos and it will feel like just seconds..

February 8, 2019

Très belle galerie ! une qualité de portraits remarquable

April 7, 2019

Some stirring and stunning shots here. Lovely work.

May 26, 2019

"I've been a photographer for over 25 years and, I have to say, in the hand-full of years that Matt has been a photographer, from digital to film to photoshop, he has become a true photographer with a true vision."

October 18, 2013

Matt's photography has grown from experimental everything, to professional model photography! He creates really stunning pictures using some very interesting locations, and seems to have a knack of creating the image that suits his model. Great work Matt, keep it up.

February 12, 2013

I have been following Matt since his early days on flickr, when he was looking for his niche in photography, now he's a well established portrait photographer. I am glad to call him a contact and a friend. He has always been open to constructive comments and has always given them in return which makes him an invaluab… Read more

I have been following Matt since his early days on flickr, when he was looking for his niche in photography, now he's a well established portrait photographer. I am glad to call him a contact and a friend. He has always been open to constructive comments and has always given them in return which makes him an invaluable member of flickr. like myself he has said he prefers comments that help you learn and not necessarily the nicely nicely ones thanks Matt for all you comments and advice i have learned a lot from you and your images and hope you may have picked up a little in return. cheers buddy

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June 19, 2012