I was born in Trinidad and Tobago, but have lived in Canada for over five decades, I am now a proud Canadian, with strong Trini roots....... :)


I was bitten by the photography bug in August, 2008 when I watched Peggy, my big sister taking sunrise photos in Florida. I have had no training and am an intuitive photographer. I love taking photos of flowers, random things that catch my eye, landscapes, skies and the play of light on objects. Eventually I would like to learn to do portraits as well.


Thanks to my three children (Tricia, Arisa and Marcus) - now adults, who have supported me fully in this creative venture. It is one of my greatest joys, I thank those who have taken the time to comment on my pictures, especially those who have provided guidance, I also thank those who have taken the time to write a testimonial as well.


Special thanks to my sister Peggy (Her screen name is peggyhr) who inspired and encouraged me to take up photography as a hobby and to join Flickr, where I have met many wonderful, kind, funny and talented contacts, worldwide. It is enlightening to see that people globally share many of the same joys and trials - tending to their garden, weather, child-rearing, grand-children, world events.


Thanks to so many caring Flickr friends, especially Kevin and Bashir to whom I direct any questions that plague my understanding of the medium. Ottavia, my dear personal friend, who has taken my introduction of her to Flickr, as an important medium of creativity.


Thanks to my group of close, caring contacts, who daily visit and offer advice, solace, and fun!! Hugs to each of you:)


This hobby makes me very happy! In 2013 I was thrilled that Getty Images invited me to submit some of my photos for their collection of images for sale:)


You Are A Lily



You are a nurturer and all around natural therapist.

People see you as their rock. And they are able to depend on you.

You are a soothing influence. You can make people feel better with a few words.

Your caring has more of an impact than even you realize.


What Flower Are You?


This photo of the church was published by The Parish of St. Margaret, New Toronto in their Christmas Newsletter.




My first published photograph, which was used in an advertisement:)


My first published photo!!


Published in a Schmap on-line map guide of Toronto:

Cityscape in Toronto - now published:)

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Write a testimonial

Une bonne galerie avec des photos intéressantes à voir,amicalement Eric

January 31, 2020

Judy, I recommend his flow, he makes us travel, dream, and we discover his generosity of us share her beautiful moments Judy, I recommend his flow, he makes us travel, dream, and we discover his generosity of us share his beautiful moments. Faithful friend

September 12, 2018
over_here says:

I admire Judy for the obvious joy she brings to the creative process. Out of sorts, are you? Cranky? Let Judy's vibrant photostream revive you!

November 24, 2012
Tom says:

Judy has been one of my special friends here on Flickr for almost 2 years now and I have had the pleasure to see all the amazing images she has posted over the last 20 months but I am most thankful for her friendship, thoughtfulness, taking the time out to always comment on my stream, sending me encouragement and makin… Read more

Judy has been one of my special friends here on Flickr for almost 2 years now and I have had the pleasure to see all the amazing images she has posted over the last 20 months but I am most thankful for her friendship, thoughtfulness, taking the time out to always comment on my stream, sending me encouragement and making Flickr a place that we all enjoy coming to.....................♥ I hope all of you enjoy her images as much as I do.........!

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January 2, 2011

'Lady of Sharp intellect'

September 1, 2009

Trinimusic... her Flckr name alone is enough to grab me and put a humming melody into my ears. But that's not it.... wait till you see her photostream and take a trip to a variety of creative executions authored and directed only by noone else but JUDY.Even a box of toothpicks put a visual entertainment to me ..accen… Read more

Trinimusic... her Flckr name alone is enough to grab me and put a humming melody into my ears. But that's not it.... wait till you see her photostream and take a trip to a variety of creative executions authored and directed only by noone else but JUDY.Even a box of toothpicks put a visual entertainment to me ..accentuated by a message re: social issues. Imagine that!!!! Judy's photostream presents a gallery of beauty and creative channels designed for anyone who loves photography in its distinctive style. She has a palette of georgeous colors that create blinking flowers that perk up our days.. greeting us with smiles. She takes interest in anything that comes her way-daily encounters on the way to work, people, architecture, the weather, transport , shopping malls.. giving me the feeling of the loveliness she keeps and her heart. This loveliness finds its way out through the warm and lovely thoughts she expresses in her photos. What a lovely lady and that is Judy. I am glad that I met her @ Flckr, she's a gem friend that shines in and out.. making her an Explore photographer. Thanks for sharing your masterpieces and kepp on shooting. WE ARE WHAT OUR THOUGHTS ARE! Cheers, Daisy

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April 22, 2009

"""the talent lives here! i saw many photos,,, but here is most awesome shots.. high quality is what I see in everything we publish, master the art of photography, inspires me to see so much beauty in your images. I am often without words to describe the beauty of your photos. continue with their works w… Read more

"""the talent lives here! i saw many photos,,, but here is most awesome shots.. high quality is what I see in everything we publish, master the art of photography, inspires me to see so much beauty in your images. I am often without words to describe the beauty of your photos. continue with their works wonderful. for many years I hope I pass through here and when you open your delight flickr""

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March 18, 2009

Wow. That's the word that creeps up over and over when I look at Judy's amazingly original photographic take on her world. I am so proud to come from such an artistic family as ours... my mother was always the one to support and appreciate our artistic endeavours, and I think it's so great that photography allows u… Read more

Wow. That's the word that creeps up over and over when I look at Judy's amazingly original photographic take on her world. I am so proud to come from such an artistic family as ours... my mother was always the one to support and appreciate our artistic endeavours, and I think it's so great that photography allows us kids the pleasure of supporting and appreciating our mother's unique POV. Keep up the good work. There is no telling how far you will take this newly discovered talent. We're rooting for you! Arisa Cox

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December 24, 2008

I greatly admire Judy's work and strive to create images that reflect what I have learned from viewing her work. She has always been so generous with her comments and feedback that she has given me about my own.” “Thank you very much.”" Judy’s photostream is a perfect example of what makes Flickr one of the most addi… Read more

I greatly admire Judy's work and strive to create images that reflect what I have learned from viewing her work. She has always been so generous with her comments and feedback that she has given me about my own.” “Thank you very much.”" Judy’s photostream is a perfect example of what makes Flickr one of the most addictive sites on the World Wide Web: a wonderful combination of beautiful subject matter, wildlife, floral, macros, interesting insights and fantastic creativity all held together by unquestionable photographic skill. If you like looking at great images, then this is the place to begin..." Judy is also one of the most generous contacts of mine with her plentiful supply of comments and awards on my work.

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November 14, 2008

Jude, I am so proud of you, my younger sister; you have done a marvelous job in expressing your artistic capabilities and the love you have in you for life. Thank you for sharing yourself with those of us who are not so inclined, I see the world differently through your eyes. Peggy is an artist, I expect it from her;… Read more

Jude, I am so proud of you, my younger sister; you have done a marvelous job in expressing your artistic capabilities and the love you have in you for life. Thank you for sharing yourself with those of us who are not so inclined, I see the world differently through your eyes. Peggy is an artist, I expect it from her; but you, this is just awesome, I really love your work. I may not check it every day, but I check it often enough to be able to comment on those pictures that touch my heart and my spirit. Love you much, keep up the good work. Ann.

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October 27, 2008
triciajoy says:

Trinimusic2008 is a natural artist, a great friend and a wonderful mother. Those of us who know her personally can see that the vibrancy and beauty visible in her photography is a true reflection of her as a person. I am impressed with her work on a daily basis (especially when considering she started two months ago!) … Read more

Trinimusic2008 is a natural artist, a great friend and a wonderful mother. Those of us who know her personally can see that the vibrancy and beauty visible in her photography is a true reflection of her as a person. I am impressed with her work on a daily basis (especially when considering she started two months ago!) Her creative juices, long dormant, are now definitely flowing. She has an amazing eye for composition and the ability to see beauty in the ordinary. Her work brings so much pleasure not only to her, but to all of us who view it. Every waking moment has now become a potential opportunity for photography. I’m so happy that she has found this new passion and is sharing it with us.

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October 7, 2008

It is such a pleasure to watch Judy's rapid growth in her enthusiastic approach to digital photography. She is rapidly discovering how to view her everday world through her camera's lens. Much more than that, as her photostream is demonstrating, she is discovering her own artistic talents that have been suppressed due … Read more

It is such a pleasure to watch Judy's rapid growth in her enthusiastic approach to digital photography. She is rapidly discovering how to view her everday world through her camera's lens. Much more than that, as her photostream is demonstrating, she is discovering her own artistic talents that have been suppressed due to her amazingly busy family and work orientated lifestyle. Bravo, Judes! I can't wait to see where this new venue of discovery will next lead you. I have used the word "discovery" several times in this testimonial because I think this is the essence of her photographic journey.

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October 5, 2008