* from Alberta, Canada

* mostly landscape, wildlife, still-life

* had by now about 20 different cameras, settled on Canon (the best IS lens)

* 50 years experience (in photography)



* We are not a group, we are a community *


ArtLibre member



badgelogo 2 flatBronze lightTheOracleOfPhotographicExcellence_MemberBadge

rick silver member2TheOracleOfSuperbMuses_MemberBadgerick top certified member badgeUntitled by hilmar_S, on Flickr

flora fauna certified member 02 Richard's BW Member

An Official member of Genie's LightRED


***** Certified Winner of 5+ Awards *****

The Cube Excellency Gallery

Official member -The Cube Excellency Gallery


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Photos of Josef...


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ludicrous key (deleted)

splendidi lavori, che raccontano un mondo quasi surreale!

December 27, 2012

Unique, extraordinary view of World. He is person I know trough his art. He has his own recognizable style, strong, expressive, taking your thoughts trough his image. Josef is one of my favorite photographer on Flickr!

January 15, 2013

Josef is a fabulous Photographer. His Images show that Josef seems to have a Friendship with the Light ; he uses the Light and Contrasts with a pure Perfection. His Nature and animals series are astounding & pedagogical. Many of his shots are instructive. He shows animals in a different way, sometimes so cl… Read more

Josef is a fabulous Photographer. His Images show that Josef seems to have a Friendship with the Light ; he uses the Light and Contrasts with a pure Perfection. His Nature and animals series are astounding & pedagogical. Many of his shots are instructive. He shows animals in a different way, sometimes so close, so touching. Josef shows the World through a dramatic touch, for exemple with the Welkin and mountains, so grandiose, so magnificient. Josef is a Magician of Photography.

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February 23, 2013
alice 240 says:

This is a very creative and beautiful gallery. You are a great artist! Bravo!!!

October 28, 2017
Jolly Powder (deleted)

Just a question: why don't you dare shoulder your peculiar taste for erotism? Cowardice? :)))

December 4, 2017
ei.v.ai says:

Fantástica galería, para verla con calma, gracias por compartirla.

January 27, 2018

very great photos

February 7, 2018

Just love... Many thank's for your stream and escape...! Hugs from Paris my friend ;-)

March 8, 2018

Josef's art doesn't pass unnoticed, just mesmerizing in all it's aspects ! Thank you for such an amazing diversity !

April 2, 2018

A must for anyone on flickr to follow such pure talent in the sense he brings landscapes and nature to life juts by the capture of his lens truly an awe inspiring artist. Do not be surprised finding yourself leaving a comment

May 29, 2018

I admire your photos, Josef. Each is a small gem. You have a huge sense of nature, color and composition!

October 25, 2018
Sophia says:

I simply love your photographs, they're a feast for the eyes...every day you come up with another fantastic photo on your stream. Your experience truly shows...the craftsmanship of your work is amazing.

November 19, 2018

Une galerie somptueuse, un vrai regard d'auteur. Bravo

February 9, 2019

Wonderful, your gallery is amazing!

March 2, 2019

Es impresionante el dominio que tienes de la luz y de la composición. Contemplar tus fotos es como gozar de la magia que contienen y que tú sabes captar con exquisita destreza. Gracias, maestro

August 28, 2019

Josef captures beauty in nature masterfully! The wild,untouched,majestic landscapes with lots of space are his specialities. There is always a certain mood in his photos..capturing suggestive sea,sky and landscapes,sometimes accentuated by a touch of a special tone of colour. Colours are sometimes added with specifik … Read more

Josef captures beauty in nature masterfully! The wild,untouched,majestic landscapes with lots of space are his specialities. There is always a certain mood in his photos..capturing suggestive sea,sky and landscapes,sometimes accentuated by a touch of a special tone of colour. Colours are sometimes added with specifik grades and mixtures so appealling for the eye. The few portraits he presents in his stream are gorgeous framed in light. The big catanimals are fantastic...capturing them in action. He is very talented and I enjoy so much his photos in big like slideshow...don´t miss that. Thank you so much for inspiring me! All the best in your way! Always looking forward to see your next photo! Sincerly Helena

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November 14, 2019

hallo, gefällt mir in den Compositionen von Farbe und Licht, bratispixl ! Hello, I like the compositions of color and light, bratispixl! Hello, you do works of art, just document, but thank you for getting to know us!

December 13, 2019

C'est toujours un plaisir de visiter votre galerie, votre talent ne fait aucun doute !!! Félicitations pour l'ensemble de votre travail !!!

December 19, 2019

Incredible work, Josef!

February 3, 2020
highfalutin history (deleted)

Magnifiques photos !! Merci pour ce grand voyage dans des pays qui font rêver :))

April 2, 2020
Ibeth M says:

Josef conveys a wild and free spirit deeply connected to nature. His photographs transport me to places where I'd like to go but which isn't always possible. Great sensitivity. Stir emotions. Thanks Josef for sharing your photos with us.

April 15, 2020

Visiting Josef's gallery and his photographs is a unique experience. Possessing his own style, getting to know Canada through his camera brings to us emotion and beauty each image. Outstanding

April 25, 2020

Animali e landscapes..ma in genere la NATURA AI MASSIMI LIVELLI ! Le proposte di Josef sono curate nei minimi particolari per trasmettere SEMPRE le emozioni che il Creato da donare Fatevi in giro nel suo stream..non ve ne pentirete !

May 10, 2012

His sense of visual drama is impressive, his images are stunning.

November 23, 2011
divergent rate (deleted)

I just discovered his stream. he is a magician. there's nothing more to say about his incredible work.

November 15, 2010
bite-sized shirt (deleted)

Always such beautiful work and lovely comments. Thanks for being such a wonderful contact and friend :-)

November 20, 2009