Retired Archaeologist lives in Leicestershire uk


  • JoinedAugust 2016
  • OccupationArchaeologist (retired) (main email)
  • HometownNarborough
  • Current cityLeicestershire
  • Countryuk
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Photos of Martin Shore ( off for a while)


Write a testimonial

Wonderful skills in PS, very talented, lovely guy, happy to call you a friend. ❤️

April 7, 2021

Very nice gallery with nice compositions and creativity!...

July 2, 2018

Amazing artist with an incredible artistic eye to capture the most beautiful scene sand transform them into something magical and out of this world! I am truly captivated by his photo art and am a big fan! Keep working your magic!

February 5, 2019

A wonderful collection of beautiful photos and romantic composition that convey to dreamland... Than you so much for sharing your Art, Martin!

June 25, 2019