My husband encouraged me to join Flickr. I thought I was joining to store photos 😃

I've discovered so much more! Some amazing inspirational photographers! Groups to encourage experimentation, ... & so much more! Love it!

I thank God for his amazing gifts of creation, sight, creativity ...

I am a follower of Jesus Christ (as my parents prayed when they gave me the name Christine :)



----///--\\\----put this

---|||----|||---on your

---|||----|||---profile if

---|||----|||---you know


-----\\\///-----who is living with, survived

------///\-----or has passed away from


----///--\\\---Thank you

David is being treated for Prostate Cancer (2019)

Dad 1929-1986 Bowel Cancer

Mum 1934- Lung Cancer

David's Dad 1899-1981, Brother 1939-2018 and Brother-in-law 1936-2017 Prostate Cancer

Aunt 1932-1991 Breast Cancer

Cousin's son 2007-2008

and many friends ...

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some of my favourites :)

  • JoinedDecember 2014
  • OccupationRetired Early Childhood Teacher (still doing casual work!)
  • HometownSydney
  • Current cityBlue Mountains
  • CountryAustralia
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Photos of Christine Lynch


Write a testimonial
linda says:

I always look forward to seeing what Christine has captured, she takes such beautiful and stunning photos of the world around her. keep up the great job that you do, and I look forward to seeing more. God bless you, Christine.

October 19, 2021

Hallo, es macht Freude in Deinen Bildern zu stöbern ! Hello, it is fun to browse through your pictures!

January 11, 2020