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H PF says:

Wow, das sind die besten SL-Fotos, die ich je gesehen habe. ... sehr phantasievoll!

October 18, 2021

I am drowned in your photos ... they hypnotize ... mesmerize ... addictive ... it's great ...

January 3, 2021
Sari says:

I am so lucky to have found this amazing artist, to watch her emotion and vision come to life before our eyes..Your dedication shines through your images like a light on a dark night. Thank you for challenging us beginners to learn, feel and express..Truly in awe!

December 24, 2020

There is not much more that I can say that others have not said before me - absolutely incredible artist. You deserve every accolade.

January 11, 2020

Ok, there should be a form of power in a single movement to give like all your photos. Well, it is impossible to leave any of them out of the selection. It would be unfair. You have given me the possibility of immersing myself in a kind of dream, those where you do not want to wake up, if I should put words to you, I s… Read more

Ok, there should be a form of power in a single movement to give like all your photos. Well, it is impossible to leave any of them out of the selection. It would be unfair. You have given me the possibility of immersing myself in a kind of dream, those where you do not want to wake up, if I should put words to you, I should turn to "" "THE PRINCE" "" "or" "ALICE IN THE COUNTRY OF WONDERS" ""; , the first thing that comes to my mind, from time to time alone, just from time to time, someone who crosses the line appears. It's like you give us to mere mortals, the opportunity to enter your mind and navigate together to your fantasies and dreams, in a vertiginous way and almost as simple visitors of unknown worlds, by our own limitation.That is why you belong to a different space, where only the big ones, and I say big, as there were and there are In different areas of art, you are in photography what a Mozart or a Bach is to music, I only have the gratitude to give us the permission to visit your wonderful soul.

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November 20, 2018
Ɗαnα says:

Pido perdón de antemano por escribir el comentario en español en lugar de en ingles, pero no me siento capaz de encontrar palabras en otro idioma para expresar lo que me conmueve, me fascina, me hipnotiza, y me asombra el trabajo de Leana. Creo que realmente tienes un don para conseguir atravesar almas con tus fotograf… Read more

Pido perdón de antemano por escribir el comentario en español en lugar de en ingles, pero no me siento capaz de encontrar palabras en otro idioma para expresar lo que me conmueve, me fascina, me hipnotiza, y me asombra el trabajo de Leana. Creo que realmente tienes un don para conseguir atravesar almas con tus fotografías! Cada una de ellas tiene vida propia, y transmite un universo de sensaciones. Por favor, no pares nunca!!

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September 28, 2018

I think Leana don't really need my words , enough that you look at her work. to understand the size of the skill.Her ability to blend colors perfectly , The interesting stories she tells in every picture And the emotional depth she manages to express Great talent!

September 24, 2017