Discussions (11)

Just checking...

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jonathan d reid says:

I participated last time using my instant zink camera, but am unsure whether this qualifies as a 'fauxlaroid'?
Cheers, Jonathan
11:42PM, 9 April 2024 PDT (permalink)

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jonathan d reid says:

Just to clarify, I intend to shoot/print, then scan the prints for submission to the group.
4 months ago (permalink)

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lawatt is a group administrator lawatt says:

jonathan d reid: as long as it is instant FILM -- i don't actually know what a zink is? from what i read on-line, it sounds more like a digital printer, without a film stage in between -- in which case no, it's not part of the game here.
Originally posted 4 months ago. (permalink)
lawatt (a group admin) edited this topic 4 months ago.

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jonathan d reid says:

Several manufacturers produce(d) instant cameras that automatically print out heat reactive paper photos in a similar way to a polaroid/instax camera, just without the chemicals.
Kodak, polaroid and leica are amongst the producers of these cameras.
I asked a similar question last year and was told that a scans from a instant prints were acceptable and I had fun taking part.
The reason I asked again this time is because I've never heard the term 'fauxlaroid' before, but guessed that it referred to doctored digital images, made to look like an instant print by adding a white frame around the image.
Although I enjoyed taking part last time, if you still decide that my images aren't acceptable, then I'll not submit anything to the group.
4 months ago (permalink)

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lawatt is a group administrator lawatt says:

jonathan d reid: yes, i understand that -- and this isn't about brand names, it's about using instant film and the particular magic that it creates. i did not create 'Roid Week (although friends of mine did), and i'm not the only admin, so other admins are welcome to weigh in here -- my response is just my sense of what fits best with the original intention of these bi-annual events, which is just to celebrate instant film.
4 months ago (permalink)

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jonathan d reid says:

No problem. I have a few ideas in mind for photos that I was intending to take and submit.
I'll wait to see if anyone else from the admin group has a different opinion over the next few days, but will go ahead with what I had planned anyway.
Worst case scenario, I can still enjoy the process in my own way, independently from the group.
4 months ago (permalink)

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lawatt is a group administrator lawatt says:

jonathan d reid: sounds good, thanks!
4 months ago (permalink)

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jonathan d reid says:

I gave in and bought myself an Instax Mini 70.
3 months ago (permalink)

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Lou O' Bedlam says:

jonathan d reid:

Welcome back, brother! Welcome back to the truth faith, turn your back on the heresy of Zink!
3 months ago (permalink)

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jonathan d reid says:

I actually went out yesterday with two Zink cameras and the Instax to produce a little personal project, including my submissions for 'Roidweek.
The Instax was a little different to use, but has many similarities to the Zink photographs.
They're not as different as you might think...
3 months ago (permalink)

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lawatt is a group administrator lawatt says:

jonathan d reid: i don't think the point is the degree of difference between the different brand names or technologies -- the point is, there has to be a boundary somewhere for Polaroid Week to have any meaning at all -- and if we include Zink-created prints, why not prints made by other means? so the boundary is at using INSTANT FILM -- not instant prints, and not non-instant film. those things are all fine and good, but just don't belong here.
3 months ago (permalink)

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jonathan d reid says:

I get the feeling that you think I'm arguing the point, whereas I just responded to Lou's comment by saying that there are similarities between the two types.
Namely, both are very contrasty, of low quality, have poor colour rendition and are generally best suited to simple compositions due to all of the above.
3 months ago (permalink)

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~ Meredith ~ is a group administrator ~ Meredith ~ says:

jonathan d reid:

Having spoken with the other admins, I think we have to draw the line at Zink images. As Laura mentioned, it’s not really about the similarity in technology here. It’s the use of Instant film that is the primary driver here.

I’m glad you got yourself an Instax Mini 70 though. They are fun to use and I hope you’ll add those images to the pool this week ☺️
3 months ago (permalink)

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