Discussions (2)

An 'Old ANALOGUE' Snapper !

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pentaxpete says:

Hallo All -- I found this Group by an Invitation to add a photo . I have been in Photography since 1951 when i joined the School Photographic Society and have been in 'Clubs' ever since . I was greatly helped at age 15-21 by 'Old Members ' of the South Essex Camera Club so i like to help 'Beginners' . When the SECC folded I joined Barking PS in Essex ( England) and was made President then left in 1993 and joined my present Club , Brentwood Photographic Club where I was also made 'President' some years ago. I got into 'Professional Photography' in 1959 in, the British Civil Service, then did School Photography, then Scientific Photography for the Geolgy Dept. of University College, London, then left in 1970 after gaining my ABIPP and ARPS 'Letters' to start as a Self-Employed Freelance. I am now Retired, doing only 'Club' and 'Flickr' type photos ! I have a Darkroom /Computer Room , 3 enlargers and do all my own B&W and most C41 processing but NO E6 processing. I USED to 'Exhibit' in International and British Photography Salons but it just got SO Expensive. I have a YOUTUBE Channel where I review Cameras, various Analogue Techniques etc here ;
1:39AM, 3 August 2021 PDT (permalink)

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martin-pêcheur is a group administrator martin-pêcheur says:

Hi Peter,
Welcome to the group! Am I correct that your « Letters » refer to the qualifications offered by the Royal Photographic Society? I would be interested to know whether you would recommend enrolling in such qualification.
36 months ago (permalink)

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pentaxpete says:

ABIPP is 'Associate of the British Institute of Professional Photographers'
ARPS is ' Associate of the Royal Photographic Society'
you have to pay 'Subscriptions' to retain use of the Letters so In have 'Lapsed' !!
If you are only 'Amateur' you cannot enroll in the Professional Photographers one. YES -- have a go to get your 'Letters' by submission of work.
36 months ago (permalink)

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martin-pêcheur is a group administrator martin-pêcheur says:

Peter Elgar Thanks!
36 months ago (permalink)

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OldChE says:


Pete - I just clicked on your Youtube link, and it turned out I was already subscribed! I started in photography on my 9th birthday (in 1966) with an Ansco Cadet II box camera. Now I have lots of film and digital cameras, mostly Pentax.
34 months ago (permalink)

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