Discussions (64)

Vocabulary and Perception

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morph33 is a group administrator morph33 says:

I'm musing over the word association game we are p[aying.
Obviously, we cannot use a word if it does not lie within our personal vocabulary - and the words we choose to associate with any given (previous) word trigger are likely to indicate what actualy sits predominantly in our consciousness at any given moment in time and more generally - if we take a large enough sample - our 'state of mind. (see also Sapir Whorf hypothesis).

Maybe we should have a new game - now we have sufficient material - wherin we write a pome or short story using OUR OWN words that we have put in the association stream...
12:01PM, 24 August 2007 PDT (permalink)

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smile4camera is a group administrator smile4camera says:

Count me in!

Excellent idea. Huh guys?
ages ago (permalink)

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smile4camera is a group administrator smile4camera says:

I am preparing my story.

Come on players 'get er done'.
ages ago (permalink)

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morph33 is a group administrator morph33 says:

U first.
U got a poorly right hand - but shold be better next week...
ages ago (permalink)

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morph33 is a group administrator morph33 says:

This thread has some interesting sidelines wrt language patterning in general.
I am interested in Grammatic Genetic Algorithms - see thread in Renaissance Man group- and the language pattens people & groups of people habitually use comprise powerful markers of their conceptual conditioning and attitudes.
I am presently collecting words and word groups commonly used by:
1) mass media advertisers (radio TV)
2) radio disc jockeys
3) songwriters
noting that nouns+adjectives comprise 'content' (or object) and verbs + adverbs comprise 'process' (or action/relationship between noun groups).
ages ago (permalink)

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smile4camera is a group administrator smile4camera says:

Go Morph.

I have suffered a set back, temporarily, my brother passed away, we did'nt expect it. I'm having a hard time dealing with it right now.
ages ago (permalink)

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