Discussions (15)

which film do you use?

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daniel jabra is a group administrator daniel jabra says:

so, when you'r shooting analogue, which films do you prefer to use?

for chrome film i use the provia and the velvia, only these two because here in brazil we don't have kodak's chore films...

for negative films i use the provalue 200, fuji pro H and the fujicolor reala...

for black and white i lke the kodak tri-x pan, neopan SS, kodak t-max, and the neopan across...

what about you guys?

Originally posted at 8:52AM, 9 December 2008 PDT (permalink)
daniel jabra edited this topic ages ago.

royal stamp [deleted] says:


Ilford : FP4+, HP5+, Delta 3200
Fuji : Neopan Across 100 (great great film specially in 120 format)

I devellop them in Ilford LC29, ID11 or DD-X
ages ago (permalink)

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daniel jabra is a group administrator daniel jabra says:

i have a lot of friends that uses the ilford films, but i've never tryed one... maybe i'll buy some this week.

ages ago (permalink)

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Industry Is Virtue says:

I love AGFA, but its a little pricey, so it only comes around a few times a year for me, otherwise its Fuji Press 800, or just any other random fuji I can get a deal on. If I'm really ambitious, and don't mind to splurge, I also love the Kodak 160-NC both 35mm and medium format
ages ago (permalink)

known flight [deleted] says:

I use Tri-X, Ilford XP2, & Fuji Neopan 400CN for b&w as well as Efke 820C & Ilford SFX for b&w infrared. For colour Fuji Pro 160 & Kodak Portra 160NC. For colour slide I use Fuji Provia 100. All in 35mm format.

I develop Tri-X, Efke 820C and SFX in D76.
ages ago (permalink)

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defunct_process says:

I actually shoot any film I can get my hands on. I buy old expired film in various online auction sites. Some of my best medium format shots were taken with Kodak Vericolor 160, from a box of film expired in 1992 that is still half-full in my freezer...Yes, I bought the whole inventory, 40 or 50 rolls.

I shoot chromogenic B&W because I am too lazy to be bothered with the development... and a $1.50/roll (which is what the shop charges me) who needs D-76?
ages ago (permalink)

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Red Vee XIII says:

HP5 for lensed photos, Delta 100 for pinholery. I've just got a few rolls of FP4 and Pan-F to try to widen my scope a little. All developed in HC-110 but that's because I've never bothered trying anything else. I'll have to change that.
The only time I shoot colour is when using my Horizon so I use what's on offer.
ages ago (permalink)

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ihsanashi says:

Slides = Velvia, Provia, Agfa Ct, EBX

Negatives = superia, reala, agfa vista, kodak gold

will try b&w films soon!
ages ago (permalink)

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Sander Meisner says:

These three films give me all I need.

Fujicolor Superia Reala
Fujifilm PRO 160c
Fujifilm PRO 800z
Originally posted ages ago. (permalink)
Sander Meisner edited this topic ages ago.

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Italian Film Photography says:

Hi All,
I use for B&W HP5, APX 400 and Retro 400s either 135&120 and Agfapan APX 100 in 6,5x9 sheet
For colour: Portra 160, 400 and 800 in 120 format, old Minolta or Superia in 135.

Nice to meet You all
ages ago (permalink)

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Alexis ISAAC says:

B&W : I use Shanghai GP3 for 120 film or ERA PSS for 4x5 to test camera and when I want some "dirty" look pictures.
Skateboarder in the "Palais de Tokyo"
Or Fuji Neopan 400CN
Sad toys

All processed in rodinal.

For color negative (120 and 4x5) I use Kodak portra 160NC processed in Tetrnal C-41 kit
En attendant...
For color slides(120 and 4x5) Provia or velvia 100 processed in Tetnal E-6 kit or cross processed in Tetenal C-41 kit.
SCAN_1_7 ok
ages ago (permalink)

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ChristianT says:

Bergger100, 400, Trix, Rollei R3 400
ages ago (permalink)

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Wouter Dasselaar says:

I used to work in a photostore and I got so lucky that everybody went/goes digital, I bought pretty much all the film that got outdated, which were about all the films. Great way to try out all the nice medium format films. I really like the different characteristics of each film but I tend to go to the more neutral films (Fuji Pro 400H/Kodak Portra NC's for neg and Ektachrome 100G). I recently started to use Fujifilm Astia and Provia 400F, man thosetwo are great, great films. Even though they are pretty regular, I recommend them to anyone.
ages ago (permalink)

giant show [deleted] says:

Didn't Astia get discontinued?
ages ago (permalink)

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Hi all,
I use at the time Ektar, portra 400NC, Elitechrome 100VC or fuji 400H for colour film. For B&W i try-out some films now (HP5, FP4, delta 3200, Tmax 100, Trix 400, acros 100).
ages ago (permalink)

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Photo Utopia says:

Colour is Fuji 400H or Kodak Ektar

B&W is Acros or HP5 with some Delta 3200.
ages ago (permalink)

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s myers says:

for me, it really depends on what camera i'm shooting with. my vuws will generally get agfa ct precisa or velvia 50. my holgas like kodak tri-x 400 while diana loves kodak e100vs.
ages ago (permalink)

heady spy [deleted] says:

i really like for color the fuji press 400ASA (the old one) and the ilford fp4 with 125ASA they are awesome! :)
ages ago (permalink)

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cadavre_exquis says:

fomapan 400, provia 400-X & provia 100F are my favs (along with agfa ct precisa, wich isn't made anymore) but I photograph anything I can get.
love high speed films but they are hard to come by these days...
ages ago (permalink)

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Robarubata says:

Negative colors: Kodak Portra 160NC, Superia 100/400, Fujipro 160C

Negative b&w: Ilford Panf + 50, Delta 100 and T-max 100/3200
ages ago (permalink)

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nebus says:

Colour -
Fast - Fuji 800z
General - Kodak 160NC
Slow - Agfa RSXII 50

General - Kodak Tri-X 400
Slow - Agfa APX-25

Polaroid -
Fuji FP-100c
ages ago (permalink)

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Wallorando says:

Anything I can find and is affordable (new film: mostly consumer grade color negative from Fuji, Kodak. BW: Fomapan, Ilford, and I recently started with Polypan F). I shoot also any kind of expired 35mm format I can grab.
ages ago (permalink)

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Tara Holland says:

Used to LOVE Fuji Sensia 400 and 100. Sadly, they stopped making it. Provia is the professional version of Sensia, I think, and they do still make that :-)

I also use...

Rollei Digibase 200 speed slide film
Kodak Tri--x 400 speed film
Ilford Delta 3200, which I am in love with
Anything Agfa I can get my hands on
Kodak Ektachrome. Haven't used it in a while, but I'm about to get some.
Various fuji films (including the cheap drug store negative films they make
Lomography film (often times, it's Agfa)
I shot a couple rolls of Portra, which was very nice, so I will be trying it again.
ages ago (permalink)

noisy join [deleted] says:

I use all sorts of films to get certain results
Velvia 100 it has this picture post card kind of color effect. in the sun .

or Delta400 Black and white to get grain in old fasioned type street photos

or 200 to 400 iso color fims expired a few years ago to get even softer images with a bit grain and softer toned down colors

or fujiPress 800 to make street portrets with nice grain in the out of focus back grounds
like so

ages ago (permalink)

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Robert Ogilvie says:

Kodak Ektar 100 is wonderful. So is Kodak Pro Image 100.
ages ago (permalink)

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