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STICKY CLOSED [FAQ] Why was my photo removed from the group pool?

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Xerxes2K says:

Since there have been a few questions about the removal of photos from the pool, we wanted to point out some of the common reasons why photos might be removed from the pool:

- Your photo does not follow the theme This is a themed challenge. If the theme is "breakfast" and you put a picture of a boat, even if it is taken at the right time, and has proper tagging doesn't make it a valid picture for the pool.

- Your photo was taken before the theme had been announced.
     e.g. the recent theme was announced on Friday, 13 July 2012, but your photo was taken in April 2012.

- Your photo is not tagged properly. Please always add TheCurrentTheme (e.g. BlackAndWhite) and FlickrFriday as tags to your photo.
     We try to give you some leeway here, but if the theme is not recognizable or we notice repeated non-tagging, we will enforce the rule.

- Your photo is not "safe".

- You submitted multiple photos for a given theme.
     While technically you can submit two photos per week (as you may take and submit a photo on Friday evening of week 1, but in week 2 you may want to participate in the morning hours). Still, only one photo per theme is allowed.

This thread is for reference only and we keep it closed. Check out the Rules thread if you have any questions.Thanks.
Originally posted at 3:08AM, 23 April 2013 PDT (permalink)
ColleenM edited this topic 104 months ago.

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ColleenM says:

A few reminders about problems that people frequently run into

1) Why can't I see my photo in the pool?
We have a moderated pool for Flickr Friday.
That means that your photo is not immediately visible in the pool after you submit it. It is in the review queue, waiting for a moderator to review it to make sure it meets all the criteria for this week's challenge.

2) I submitted my photo several hours ago, and it's still not visible.
The moderators are all volunteers. We try to review the queue of pending submissions at least once a day. You may need to be patient until one of the volunteers has time check every photo that has been submitted.

Right now about 250 photos per day are being submitted. It takes a lot of time to visit each photopage and check the tags and EXIF data.

3) I got an error page that said the photo was already in the group but it isn't.
That error page appears when you have already submitted the photo but it is still in the review queue. You'll need to wait until a moderator has time to review the queue.

4) I got an error page that said the photo was already in the group, but I didn't submit it.
If you add the tag "FlickrFriday" to your photo before uploading it, Flickr will automatically submit the photo to the group for review.

5) I keep submitting photos and they keep getting rejected.
Because of the huge number of submissions each day, if you submit two photos, they are both automatically rejected. Moderators don't decide which photo is better. They reject both of them and let you decide which one will be your actual submission.

6) I only submitted one photo but it keeps getting rejected
Take a minute to read the rules again.
Be sure it is for the current theme, not last week.
Be sure the photo was taken after the theme was announced
Be sure it has the correct tags.
Be sure you didn't accidentally submit two photos.

7) I submitted a photo that was accepted, but I've changed my mind
Be sure you remove the first photo from the pool before you submit the second. If you already have a photo in the pool, they will both be rejected when you submit the second one.
Originally posted 119 months ago. (permalink)
ColleenM edited this topic 119 months ago.

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ColleenM says:

I'm Confused About When The Challenge 'Week' Starts

Flickr is a global site, with staff and members spread around the planet. Different staff members are in charge of posting the challenge each week on "Friday", but 9 am Friday in Australia is 1 pm Thursday in San Francisco.

The start time for the new theme is announced in five places:

1) A new discussion thread is posted here in this group.
This is the "official" start date/time for the challenge.

2) A photo with the new theme is added to this group's pool

If you want to be absolutely certain that your submission is reviewed before the new theme starts, have it in the queue on Thursday before 13:00 UTC. That's early Friday morning at the International Date Line, where the day starts.

However, if you want a chance to be featured on the blog, then your picture should be uploaded before Wednesday, since the weekly selection is published on Thursdays.
Originally posted 119 months ago. (permalink)
petrapetruta edited this topic 77 months ago.

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ColleenM says:

You submitted a photo or screenshot of someone else's art
The images you submit for the challenge must be your own creative work. You cannot plagiarize someone else's work by taking a picture of the mural, statue, book cover or anything else that someone else created.
This does not mean that a photo cannot contain objects created by other people. But you must use those objects as part of your own composition. You cannot just take a photo (or screenshot) of their work.
105 months ago (permalink)

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