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STICKY Finally Time To Vote !! Ends 24 July !! - Crows And Ravens Challenge - June 2024

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Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts is a group administrator Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts says:

Crows And Ravens Challenge - June 2024

These black birds may belong to the same family and look similar in some ways, but several distinctive traits help set them apart. Crows, rooks and ravens are all part of the crow family, known as the corvids. The family also includes jackdaws, jays, magpies and choughs. These birds are intelligent, adaptable and able to exploit a wide range of food sources.

These two species, Common Ravens and American Crows they look quite similar.
Ravens are larger than crows (the size of a Red-tailed Hawk) , have wedge-shaped tails and make a deep croaking sound, while crows have fan-shaped tails and produce a cawing sound.
Ravens prefer to live in pairs or small family groups and often soar in flight, whereas crows are more social, forming large groups known as murders and tend to flap their wings more frequently.

Both birds are highly intelligent, with crows known for recognizing human faces and ravens displaying problem-solving skills.

Birds have different meanings in every culture. And thus, there's no overarching significance of seeing a crow. Both crows and ravens have appeared in a number of different mythologies throughout the ages. In some cases, these black-feathered birds are considered an omen of bad tidings, but in others, they may represent a message from the Divine.

For many ravens symbolize death or bad fortune to come, but to others they symbolize rebirth and starting anew, serving as a positive sign. In Norse, Celtic, and Druid mythology, crows and ravens are widely viewed as beacons of intelligence.

In Celtic mythology, the warrior goddess known as the Morrighan often appears in the form of a crow or raven or is seen accompanied by a group of them.

In some tales of the Welsh myth cycle, the Mabinogion, the raven is a harbinger of death. Witches and sorcerers were believed to have the ability to transform themselves into ravens and fly away, thus enabling them to evade capture.

The Native Americans often saw the raven as a symbol of transformation.
In the legends of various tribes, Raven is typically associated with everything from the creation of the world to the gift of sunlight to mankind. Some tribes however knew the raven as a stealer of souls.
Crows are also used as clan animals in some Native American cultures.
Some of the tribes with Crow clans include the Chippewa, the Hopi, the Tlingit, and the Pueblo tribes of the American Southwest.

For those who follow the Norse pantheon, Odin is often represented by the raven—usually a pair of them. Early artwork depicts him as being accompanied by two black birds, who are described in the Eddas as Huginn and Munnin. Their names translate to “thought” and “memory,” and their job is to serve as Odin’s spies, bringing him news each night from the land of men.

Crows sometimes appear as a method of divination. For the ancient Greeks, the crow was a symbol of Apollo in his role as god of prophecy. Augury—divination using birds—was popular among both the Greeks and the Romans, and augurs interpreted messages based on not only the color of a bird but the direction from which it flew. A crow flying in from the east or south was considered favorable.

In parts of the Appalachian mountains, a low-flying group of crows means that illness is coming—but if a crow flies over a house and calls three times, that means an impending death in the family. If the crows call in the morning before the other birds get a chance to sing, it’s going to rain. Despite their role as messengers of doom and gloom, it’s bad luck to kill a crow. If you accidentally do so, you’re supposed to bury it—and be sure to wear black when you do!

Even within the Christian religion, ravens hold a special significance. While they are referred to as “unclean” within the Bible, Genesis tells us that after the flood waters receded, the raven was the first bird Noah sent out from the ark to find land. Also, in the Hebrew Talmud, ravens are credited with teaching mankind how to deal with death; when Cain slew Abel, a raven showed Adam and Eve how to bury the body, because they had never done so before.

Legend of the Crows of Saint Vincent

D. Afonso Henriques, the first King of Portugal, was warned that there were several Christians among the prisoners taken in a battle against the Moors. Called into the presence of the king, one of them, already very old, told him his story and confided to him that they had buried the body of St. Vincent in a secret location. He asked the king to take the martyr's body to a safe place.

D. Afonso Henriques decided to travel with the Christian on the way to St. Vincent, but he died during the trip. Without knowing the exact location where the saint was, D. Afonso Henriques approached the ruins of the old temple. He then saw a flock of crows flying over a certain place. His men excavated there and found the tomb of St. Vincent, hidden in the rock.

They brought St. Vincent's body by boat to Lisbon and throughout the journey they were accompanied by two ravens, whose image still appears today on Lisbon's coat of arms as a testament to this extraordinary story.

Like the Legend of Saint Vincent of the City of Lisbon, there are many others where crows and ravens are the main protagonists and we are sure that you will surprise us with other stories about crows and mystical characters in your always creative works !!

If you use some stock images, be sure that they have Public Domain Attribution for you can use them and provide a link. In the case of use of images of Artificial Intelligence Art Generators, reference must be made.

We accept Photography, Art Photography or other Visual Arts with or without manipulation but must have relation with the theme !

Be creative and have fun, Welcome dear friends !! : )


1) You must be a member of this group.

2) This is a fifteen day contest will be open from June 20 To July 6 of 2024.

Contest winners will be featured on the about page of the Mystic Challenge Group and in a Gallery on Flickr that will be shared in Twitter.

3) You must vote to win . Please enter only if you plan to vote.
Any group member, whether participating in the contest or not, is welcome to vote.

4) The FOUR images voted best will be the winners !! Ties may be broken by the administrator(s) for that final objective. Results will be announce after the voting time.

5) Members may submit THREE (3) original images, however must be made/uploaded in 2024 and respect the main theme.

6) Your image must not have won in any previous contests of
this group.

7) Please post in medium (500) size; title and number your work.

8) In the challenges of our groups we don't accept explicit total nudity and the general rules of the group are also taken into account .

9) In the case of using stock images, in addition to providing the link, they must show obvious manipulation, editing or transformation, otherwise they will be refused. In the case of use of images of Artificial Intelligence Art Generators, reference must be made.

10) Please support our artists by awarding entries with the award code provided or a comment.

--------------------copy and paste between lines --------------------

<b> Wonderful Art ! </b>
<b> Crows And Ravens Challenge - June 2024</b>
</b><a href="https://www.flickr.com/groups/challenges_community_group/discuss/72157721921218587/">
src="https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53802838220_928d8db901_m.jpg" width="240" height="240" alt=" Crows And Ravens Challenge - June 2024 " /></a>

--------------------copy and paste between lines --------------------

it will be like this :

Wonderful Art !
Crows And Ravens Challenge - June 2024

Crows And Ravens Challenge - June 2024


Paul Cowie)

Hopefully this will help>>>
Here are the instructions on how to post an image to the contest:

- Go to the image you want to post in the contest.
- Click on the white arrow icon, on the lower right side of the image.
(A menu will open. It will say SHARE, EMBED, EMAIL, ETC., on top.)
- Click on EMBED (that will highlight a Code)
- Click on the tiny black triangle in the area which shows a size.
- Choose Medium 500 x - - -
- Rest your pointer on the highlighted Code,
- Then Right Click on that Code and choose Copy.

Next, go to the Group's contest thread.

- Click on the first available space.
- Then Right Click and choose Paste.
- Your image should show up in that space.
- Number and Title your image.
- Lastly, click on the blue Post Now button.

And you're done!

Originally posted at 6:14PM, 19 June 2024 PDT (permalink)
Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts edited this topic 4 days ago.

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cootiepie11 is a group administrator cootiepie11 says:

#1 Once in a Blue Moon
Once in a Blue Moon
5 weeks ago (permalink)

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seguicollar is a group administrator seguicollar says:

#2 El cuervo y los hongos

El cuervo y los hongos
5 weeks ago (permalink)

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PaulO Classic. © says:

#3 Poe's Inspiration
Poe's Inspiration
5 weeks ago (permalink)

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Swissrock-II says:

#4 Best Friend
Best Friends
5 weeks ago (permalink)

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Diney Pau says:

eye contact
eye contact
Originally posted 5 weeks ago. (permalink)
Diney Pau edited this topic 5 weeks ago.

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Diney Pau says:

Guardians of the Tower
Guardians of the Tower
5 weeks ago (permalink)

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Diney Pau says:

cave art
cave art
5 weeks ago (permalink)

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isteeves says:

# 8 The Golden Crow

The Golden Crow
Originally posted 5 weeks ago. (permalink)
jus tt for fun (a group admin) edited this topic 4 weeks ago.

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isteeves says:

# 9 A Spectral Raven

A Spectral Raven
Originally posted 5 weeks ago. (permalink)
jus tt for fun (a group admin) edited this topic 4 weeks ago.

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Dreamscope Photography says:

#10 Don't ask!
Originally posted 5 weeks ago. (permalink)
cootiepie11 (a group admin) edited this topic 4 weeks ago.

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cootiepie11 is a group administrator cootiepie11 says:

#11 Does It Seem Like He's Watching Us Every Time We Play?
Does It Seem Like He's Watching Us Every Time We Play?
Originally posted 5 weeks ago. (permalink)
cootiepie11 (a group admin) edited this topic 4 weeks ago.

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Piet Krom 2 says:

#12 Dark wet sad night.

Dark sad night.
Originally posted 5 weeks ago. (permalink)
cootiepie11 (a group admin) edited this topic 4 weeks ago.

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jaci XIV says:

# 13 The crow
The crow
Originally posted 4 weeks ago. (permalink)
cootiepie11 (a group admin) edited this topic 4 weeks ago.

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Deb's Artography says:

#14 The Wizard’s Library

The Wizard’s Library
Originally posted 4 weeks ago. (permalink)
cootiepie11 (a group admin) edited this topic 4 weeks ago.

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seguicollar is a group administrator seguicollar says:

#15 El cuervo ilustrado
El curvo ilustrado
Originally posted 4 weeks ago. (permalink)
cootiepie11 (a group admin) edited this topic 4 weeks ago.

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Dreamscope Photography says:

#16 Crow

Originally posted 4 weeks ago. (permalink)
Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts edited this topic 4 weeks ago.

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andaradagio says:

#17 Corvo_Raven_ The sacred circle of the Native Americans

Originally posted 4 weeks ago. (permalink)
cootiepie11 (a group admin) edited this topic 4 weeks ago.

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isteeves says:

# 18 Raven King

Raven King
Originally posted 4 weeks ago. (permalink)
cootiepie11 (a group admin) edited this topic 4 weeks ago.

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andaradagio says:

#19 crow bar

4 weeks ago (permalink)

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andaradagio says:

#20 RAVEN I travel among the shadows to learn the wisdom of the dead...

4 weeks ago (permalink)

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jus tt for fun is a group administrator jus tt for fun says:

#21 Oh No Live Wires

Oh No Live Wires
4 weeks ago (permalink)

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cootiepie11 is a group administrator cootiepie11 says:

#22 Winged Victory
Winged Victory (the Surreal Version)
4 weeks ago (permalink)

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Deb's Artography says:

#23 Deadwood Desolation
Deadwood Desolation
4 weeks ago (permalink)

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Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts is a group administrator Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts says:

# 24 - The Mirror's Curse And The Crows

The Mirror's Curse And The Crows
4 weeks ago (permalink)

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jus tt for fun is a group administrator jus tt for fun says:

#25 Under Attack

Under Attack
4 weeks ago (permalink)

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Deb's Artography says:

#26 Crows are Smart
Crows are Smart
4 weeks ago (permalink)

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LotusMoon Photography says:

#27 guardians

4 weeks ago (permalink)

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jus tt for fun is a group administrator jus tt for fun says:

#28 Matching Tats

Matching Tats
4 weeks ago (permalink)

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LotusMoon Photography says:

#29 The Morrigan

The Morrigan
4 weeks ago (permalink)

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The World As We Know It says:

#30 Bad omen

Bad omen
3 weeks ago (permalink)

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The World As We Know It says:

#31 Crow

3 weeks ago (permalink)

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tom.sk says:

#32 Valar morghulis
Valar morghulis
3 weeks ago (permalink)

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seguicollar is a group administrator seguicollar says:

#33 Bodegón de los cuervos
Bodegón de los cuervos
2 weeks ago (permalink)

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.^.Blanksy says:

# 34

I turned my eye toward the future

I turned my eye toward the future
10 days ago (permalink)

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.^.Blanksy says:

# 35

Of old the blind bard Herve sang so sweet

Of old the blind bard Herve sang so sweet
10 days ago (permalink)

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Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts is a group administrator Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts says:

This Challenge is now close !!

Now Is Time To Vote !!!

Please choose your best 6 (Six) Winners but of course not from your own images !!

Voting Time Ends Wednesday, 24 of July of 2024 !

Good Luck Dear Friends !! : )
Originally posted 4 days ago. (permalink)
Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts edited this topic 4 days ago.

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The World As We Know It says:

4 days ago (permalink)

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fotomie2009 #NoWar says:

4 days ago (permalink)

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cootiepie11 is a group administrator cootiepie11 says:

4 days ago (permalink)

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Deb's Artography says:

4 days ago (permalink)

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LotusMoon Photography says:

4 days ago (permalink)

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jus tt for fun is a group administrator jus tt for fun says:

4 days ago (permalink)

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isteeves says:

good luck to all
4 days ago (permalink)

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Dreamscope Photography says:

Good luck to all.
4 days ago (permalink)

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Diney Pau says:

4 days ago (permalink)

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seguicollar is a group administrator seguicollar says:

4 days ago (permalink)

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Piet Krom 2 says:

4 days ago (permalink)

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andaradagio says:

4 days ago (permalink)

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tom.sk says:

3 days ago (permalink)

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PaulO Classic. © says:

3 days ago (permalink)

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jaci XIV says:

2 days ago (permalink)

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