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STICKY CLOSED CLOSE !! - Time To Vote !! Carnival 2024 Challenge - 6 To 18 of February of 2024

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Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts is a group administrator Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts says:

Carnival 2024 Challenge - 6 To 18 of February of 2024

The word "Carnival" is of Christian origin. The Latin-derived name of the holiday is sometimes also spelled Carnaval, typically in areas where Dutch, French, Spanish, and Portuguese are spoken, or Carnevale in Italian-speaking contexts.
Alternative names are used for regional and local celebrations. The word is said to come from the Late Latin expression carne levare, which means "remove meat"; a folk etymology derives it from carne vale, "farewell to meat". In either case, this signifies the approaching fast of Easter season.

The characteristics of the celebration of Carnival take their origins from ancient European festivals, such as the Greek Dionysian (the Anthesteria) or the Roman Saturnalia. During these festivities, there was a temporary release from social obligations and hierarchies to make way for the overthrow of order, joking and even debauchery.

From an anthropological point of view, Carnival is a reversal ritual, in which social roles are reversed and norms about desired behavior are suspended. During antiquity, winter was thought of as the reign of the winter spirits. Carnival can thus be regarded as a rite of passage from darkness to light, from winter to summer: a fertility celebration, the first spring festival of the new year.

Carnival typically involves public celebrations, including events such as parades, public street parties and other entertainments, combining some elements of a circus.
Elaborate costumes and masks allow people to set aside their everyday individuality and experience a heightened sense of social unity.

This festival is known for being a time of great indulgence before Lent (which is a time stressing the opposite), with drinking, overeating, and various other activities of indulgence being performed and It is often a time to caricature established powers, politics or famous personalities.

In the United States the principal Carnival celebration is in New Orleans, where the Carnival season opens on Twelfth Night (January 6) and climaxes with the Mardi Gras festivities commencing 10 days before Shrove Tuesday.

In This Mini Challenge we want to celebrate the Carnival, the unique masks, costumes, traditions and joy of this unique Celebration ! Happy Carnival dear Friends ! : )

We are sure that you will not lack inspiration to create or capture unique Carnival masks, personages and colorful street festive carnival life, that will definitely surprise us in this challenge!

If you use some stock images, be sure that they have Public Domain Attribution for you can use them and provide a link. In the case of use of images of Artificial Intelligence Art Generators, reference must be made.

We accept Photography, Art Photography or other Visual Arts with or without manipulation but must have relation with the theme !

Be creative and have fun, Welcome dear friends !! : )


1) You must be a member of this group.

2) This contest will be open from 6 To 18 of February of 2024.

Contest winners will be featured on the about page of the Mystic Challenge Group and in a Gallery on Flickr that will be shared in Twitter.

3) You must vote to win . Please enter only if you plan to vote.
Any group member, whether participating in the contest or not, is welcome to vote.

4) The FOUR images voted best will be the winners !! Ties may be broken by the administrator(s) for that final objective.

5) Members may submit THREE (3) original images, however must be made/uploaded in 2023 or 2024 and respect the main theme.

6) Your image must not have won in any previous contests of
this group.

7) Please post in medium (500) size; title and number your work.

8) In the challenges of our groups we don't accept explicit total nudity and the general rules of the group are also taken into account .

9) In the case of using stock images, in addition to providing the link, they must show obvious manipulation, editing or transformation, otherwise they will be refused. In the case of use of images of Artificial Intelligence Art Generators, reference must be made.

10) Please support our artists by awarding entries with the award code provided or a comment.

--------------------copy and paste between lines --------------------

<b> Wonderful Art ! </b>
<b> Carnival 2024 Challenge - 6 To 18 of February of 2024</b>
</b><a href="https://www.flickr.com/groups/challenges_community_group/discuss/72157721920243725/">
src="https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53512028807_2d1da0a636_m.jpg" width="240" height="240" alt=" Carnival 2024 Challenge - 6 To 18 of February of 2024 " /></a>

--------------------copy and paste between lines --------------------

it will be like this :

Wonderful Art !
Carnival 2024 Challenge - 6 To 18 of February of 2024

Carnival 2024 Challenge - 6 To 18 of February of 2024


Paul Cowie)

Hopefully this will help>>>
Here are the instructions on how to post an image to the contest:

- Go to the image you want to post in the contest.
- Click on the white arrow icon, on the lower right side of the image.
(A menu will open. It will say SHARE, EMBED, EMAIL, ETC., on top.)
- Click on EMBED (that will highlight a Code)
- Click on the tiny black triangle in the area which shows a size.
- Choose Medium 500 x - - -
- Rest your pointer on the highlighted Code,
- Then Right Click on that Code and choose Copy.

Next, go to the Group's contest thread.

- Click on the first available space.
- Then Right Click and choose Paste.
- Your image should show up in that space.
- Number and Title your image.
- Lastly, click on the blue Post Now button.

And you're done!

Originally posted at 9:22AM, 6 February 2024 PDT (permalink)
Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts edited this topic 4 months ago.

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jus tt for fun is a group administrator jus tt for fun says:

#1 Carnivale

6 months ago (permalink)

view photostream

Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts is a group administrator Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts says:

#2 - Red Roses For A Valentine Carnival

Red Roses For A Valentine Carnival
6 months ago (permalink)

view photostream

PaulO Classic. © says:

#3 Valentine's Carnival - Rome 324 AD
February XIV - 324 AD - ROMA
6 months ago (permalink)

view photostream

jaci XIV says:

# 4 Carnowl
6 months ago (permalink)

view photostream

isteeves says:

# 5 Venice Carnival Mask V1

Venice Carnival Mask
Originally posted 6 months ago. (permalink)
isteeves edited this topic 6 months ago.

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isteeves says:

# 6 Venetian Carnival Woman V2

Venetian Carnival Woman V2
6 months ago (permalink)

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cootiepie11 is a group administrator cootiepie11 says:

#7 Carnival - A Forbidden Rendezvous
Carnival - A Forbidden Rendezvous
Originally posted 6 months ago. (permalink)
cootiepie11 (a group admin) edited this topic 6 months ago.

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isteeves says:

# 8 Venetian Man Dressed for the Carneval, V1 by Irene Steeves

Venetian Man Dressed for the Carneval, V1, Italy
Originally posted 6 months ago. (permalink)
Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts edited this topic 3 months ago.

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cootiepie11 is a group administrator cootiepie11 says:

#9 Carnival - The Seduction of ...
Carnival - The Seduction of ...
6 months ago (permalink)

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fotomie2009 #NoWar says:

#10 Funny Clown
funny clown
5 months ago (permalink)

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cootiepie11 is a group administrator cootiepie11 says:

#11 Set Me Free...
Set Me Free
5 months ago (permalink)

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jus tt for fun is a group administrator jus tt for fun says:

#12 Cyborg Carnivale

Cyborg Carnivale
5 months ago (permalink)

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seguicollar is a group administrator seguicollar says:

#13 Enmascaradas

5 months ago (permalink)

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seguicollar is a group administrator seguicollar says:

#14 Venecianas

5 months ago (permalink)

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soniaadammurray - On & Off says:

#15 Carnival
May I have an invitation please and thank you?
5 months ago (permalink)

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soniaadammurray - On & Off says:

#16 Get the Samba Rhythm
Get That Samba Rythm
Can I have an invitation please and thank you?
5 months ago (permalink)

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soniaadammurray - On & Off says:

#17 Cinco Dias Para Festeja
Carnival Cinco Dias Para Festejajpg
Can I have an invitation please and thank you?
Originally posted 5 months ago. (permalink)
Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts edited this topic 5 months ago.

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Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts is a group administrator Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts says:

This Challenge is now close !

Now Is Time To Vote !!

Please choose your best five (5) Winners , but of course not from your own images.

Time To Vote ends Sunday 3 of March ! Good Luck Dear Friends ! : )

Originally posted 5 months ago. (permalink)
Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts edited this topic 5 months ago.

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soniaadammurray - On & Off says:

5 months ago (permalink)

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fotomie2009 #NoWar says:

5 months ago (permalink)

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PaulO Classic. © says:

5 months ago (permalink)

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seguicollar is a group administrator seguicollar says:

5 months ago (permalink)

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jus tt for fun is a group administrator jus tt for fun says:

5 months ago (permalink)

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ihave3kids says:

5 months ago (permalink)

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jaci XIV says:

5 months ago (permalink)

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cootiepie11 is a group administrator cootiepie11 says:

5 months ago (permalink)

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Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts is a group administrator Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts says:

4 months ago (permalink)

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Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts is a group administrator Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts says:

This challenge is now Close !!

Results will be announce today, March 24 at night ! : )
Originally posted 4 months ago. (permalink)
Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts edited this topic 4 months ago.

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