Discussions (279)

Photo internship - Eye Weekly

offbeat distance [deleted] says:

Email your portfolio/flickr page to breinhardt@eyeweekly.com. The position lasts three months and is unpaid. I'll be interviewing April 8-10 so act fast. The spring/summer internship is always the most fun!

Bradley Reinhardt
Art Director
Eye Weekly
12:11PM, 1 April 2009 PDT (permalink)

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9ineteen says:

1-2 weeks is enough for a non paid internship. 3 months is absurd. Working for free devalues your work and the photography trade in general. The experience will not land you work elsewhere. Sure you might make a portfolio piece or two, but newspaper editors and art directors at magazines will hire you if you have good work to show. I can promise you no one cares if your picture was published in EYE WEEKLY.

Please, if you want to make a career in this business, do not do this. As if you have nothing better to do than to work for free. EYE WEEKLY is a business that sells advertising, and your pictures and work would be exploited to fill their pages to turn a profit.
ages ago (permalink)

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Lú_ says:

1 to 2 weeks? What can you learn on the job in 1 to 2 weeks? That's not enough time to experience much of a workplace or to see a project through, and it's not enough time for anyone supervising an intern to be able to do effectively. Unpaid or low-paid internships are the norm in magazine publishing, as in most areas. Yes, more cash would be nice, but hey, you're still learning stuff -- without paying tuition for it. I work in book publishing, and I can assure you that people in publishing take internships seriously -- including on the résumés of former interns.
ages ago (permalink)

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9ineteen says:

That may be so in publishing, but I actually earn a living with my camera, and I can ASSURE you people care more when they see a creative portfolio than a bunch of pictures published in a weekly magazine.

If this is really about learning, than Eye Weekly should pay their intern everytime they publish a photograph.

You want free education? Call up your favorite photgrapher, and ask if you can tag along on jobs. You can learn that way. Any reputable photographer would not turn around and take their interns pictures and sell them without paying.
ages ago (permalink)

glistening mine [deleted] says:

i would consider this if it was paid, even at a low wage, but an unpaid- three month period? The only people who can take advantage of such an opportunity are people who are independently wealthy. Since an internship is usually for students or recent grads I have to agree that it is absurd to expect them to work for nothing for a magazine that generates great revenue from advertising.
ages ago (permalink)

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