Discussions (279)

i'm very sorry

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www.dnurv.ca says:

to discover that the group has not reset its filters to allow images from members with restricted streams like myself...

which means anyone with a moderate or restricted stream cannot post even the tamest image to your group...

for Yahoo to make all group settings "safe" by default is just another way of having mature adults artists and image lovers buy in to right wing conservative pressures that have emerged in the past decade...

i find that this is contrary to the spirit of sharing and good will that was part and parcel of the site before it changed ownership...

if it is not convenient for the admins of your group to curate the group submissions in good faith or let the members of the group make their own determination as to which images are suitable for the pool then the group is simply pandering to community standards which don't apply to the Toronto that i live in...

my apologies for being so long winded and indignant...i'm sure your group consists of members with wide range of tastes and age groups including minors...which i respect...however i joined your group in order to submit to the Vice contest...and last time i checked Vice catered to anything but PG...all ages... and/or fundamentalist sensibilities...

and i have submitted to Vice directly...

sorry for the rant...

pls advise should this situation change...


dana richardson

typo edit x many
Originally posted at 10:10AM, 30 July 2008 PDT (permalink)
www.dnurv.ca edited this topic ages ago.

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photosapience is a group administrator photosapience says:

Hi Dana,

Thanks for submitting to the Vice contest via the direct method. That seems like the best option in this instance.

The blogTO group is an all-ages, highly trafficked pool, and the easiest and most efficient way for us to ensure that content is suitable for our entire readership is to keep it registered as a "safe for everyone" rather then designating it an "18+ group". Our hope is that we have your understanding and support in this decision, given our circumstances.

Editor, blogTO.com
ages ago (permalink)

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www.dnurv.ca says:

thx for getting back so promptly...i understand the demographic of your group entirely...

i do not maintain an image cue for the various 18+ groups that i have founded and administer...it's a big job..

i also obviously don't have the filters "on"...but that doesn't mean i don't delete images that are posted according to my taste...which is pretty pretty liberal as you might expect...

i am not suggesting you open the doors to all manner of pervs.. like myself...hehe...and let them run rampant all over your group...

however...occasionally i do upload the odd image that doesn't have anything to do titties or buttZ and it's unfortunate that i am unable to share them with groups like yours and others that i am no longer a member of for these reasons...

why...primarily because Yahoo doesn't trust artists like myself and thousands of others to use discretion and good judgment while using their web space...

as we both know Toronto is a place of great diversity...many tastes and cultures...but first and foremost it's a place where we all get along and enjoy our differences in a spirit of tolerance, understanding and openness...unlike most places anywhere else in the world where barriers keep people either apart or at one another's throats...

regardless...i appreciate the civil reply and the opportunity to air these views in your thread...

good luck with your contest...but i still don't get the link...and i've been picking up copies of Vice since it was on newsprint...

be well

ages ago (permalink)

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