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Other duotones

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jonathan charles photo says:

I am checking if other duotones apart from sepia such a cyanotype are OK in this group?

One of the photos I submitted is based on a B&W print toned with selenium and iron to give a watery look. The original had unfortunately faded badly and discoloured in patches so i reproduced the same effect in PS.

Duotones have traditionally been classed together with monochrome because they do not include clour information about the subject and were usually taken on B&W film. The sepia toners were most popular because they were the most stable, and were best for hand-coloring but many other duotones were used, either with metal replacement or dyes.

It the modern era most are taken in colour and then desaturated and tinted in post-processing so we can creat any duotone we like and choose them to match the subject. I hope this group ail be happy to include this wider range varieties now possible.
10:22AM, 7 July 2014 PDT (permalink)

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