Discussions (51)

Street Photography Workshop

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nate_lawson says:

Hey everyone1

Would anyone be interested in having a Street Photography workshop held by the one-and-only Eric Kim? I'm trying to find some interest so he has a reason to come down the Phoenix!!

If interested, just leave a comment to this thread. Let's get this going so we can all get together and have some fun!
3:11PM, 6 September 2011 PDT (permalink)

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Gcahal says:

I am game
ages ago (permalink)

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Dennis Larson says:

I would be interested.
ages ago (permalink)

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nate_lawson says:

Very good!!

Here's what's included:

2 full days of instruction and shooting (overcoming the fear of shooting street photography and composition techniques)
Breakfast and lunch both days
Cost also includes the location rental

This is a very good deal! But I need 10-12 people to express interest in doing this before we move forward. So if you know anybody else that may be interested let them know!
ages ago (permalink)

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candy_2 says:

I would also be interested
ages ago (permalink)

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PhotoAdvClub says:

I would be interested in coordinating it with our camera club email me to discuss this Nick
ages ago (permalink)

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